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step 1 intro:

>unknown patient

Good morning David, I am Anica and I am one of the registered nurses here in this facility.

How may I assist you today?

>known patient

Good morning David, I am Anica and I am one of the registered nurses here in this facility.

How are you doing today?

I'm seeing here in my record that you have come here about your arthritis? Am I right?

>if cue card indicates pt has an emotional reaction use this:

I can see you that seem upset/anxious/angry/frustrated. Could you tell me what is bothering you?

step 3: execution

fulfill task in role play card

ask permission to ask questions

Before proceeding further, I would like to ask you some questions to get a detailed picture of your
situation. Would that be okay?

May I ask questions about your family history?

Before I can discuss the treatment options, I’d like to summarize your symptoms to ensure I have
accurate information.

Thank you for answering my questions. I have all the information I need, and now I’d like to suggest
some lifestyle modifications to improve your health.

Step 4: Concluding the role play/summarizing the role play

depends on the cue card task

ex 1 summarize what has been discussed

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