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I am appointed as a junior management in the PIA, and my current task is to analyze the situation of

accident in which many fatal injuries have occurred. By keeping in view all the scenario I have to aim at
developing the winning attitude of team which has lost due to flying accident. I have to change their
mind set, their opinions positively so that their confidence and morale should be raised back again.

For this situation, I would be building some steps of winning attitude in my mind, and then try to
implement all those steps on my team so that all the demotivated employees could feel motivated

Make a start:

We have to start from somewhere in life. In this case its same too, it’s the thinking ability that we have
to change. It’s all in the mind of every person, that I can’t do it, I won’t be able tp achieve anything in
life. So it’s all about mindset and positive learning that has to be implemented in our thinking process so
that we can think positively.

Raise the bar:

First of all as a junior management, I would recommend them to raise the bar of their thinking ability.
Like in simple words, all the team members should first have a check on their thinking abilities that how
do they think. It’s quite natural that incident would be fresh in their minds, but to move forward in lives,
they have to take out the positive outcome. For that they have to work on themselves. They should raise
their life standards, which will help them to be an extraordinary person rather than an ordinary person
in life. By raising standards in life, all the thinking ability of a person is completely changed. Because this
helps an individual to get better, effective and extraordinary results in their daily work.

TRUNN YOUR SHOULDS" INTO "MUSTS" - Someone who reaches any magnificence in their life will turn
their "should" into ‘MUSTS.’ The distinction between "must" and "should" is the life you want and life
you want." If there's something that's a must, find a way. How do you do this? All the employees now
have to think differently, that how would they come out of this incident positively. If they would think
like a loser, or negatively they won’t be able to move forward in their lives.

Then comes the point of pain of discipline and pain of regret. In order to achieve something life,
discipline is essential. It’s the key point of success. If we don’t have discipline, our life is in complete.
Everyone in life suffers from pain of discipline and pain of regret. But to understand its difference is
important. It’s a very simple phenomenon. We can take the example by a very common point like we
woke up daily in morning, have breakfast , shower etc. it’s our choice to do it, although it’s very
common things but it’s out choice to do it or leave it. But later on we have to pay the price by not
following discipline in lives. The point is that we're going to have to pay the Disappointment price later.
We're going to have to bear the sting of REGRET. We're trying to trade the pain of DISCIPLINE for the
pain of Guilt. Let's hope we know that we haven't misled the universe. We have just fooled OURSELVES.
We are misled into believing that we had escaped paying the price. We don't. We are tricked into
believing that we had spared the suffering. We don't. There is no relief from the pain or the costs.
There's just freedom to pick the price we're going to pay. This doesn't make Simpler pay the price.
Come out comfort zone:

You've come out of your safe area about time. For way too long, you doubted. It is definitely worth the
reward and lessons you have learnt in life. You should do what all people do in compliance with the
expectations and with daily strain, but this isn't where you have to be.

Nobody wants to step outside the comfort zone, but that's when the magic really takes place. This is
where you can rise, learn, and thrive in a way that stretches your scope beyond your wildest
imagination. The best way to survive is by living inconveniently. It's going to be awkward that makes you
happier. It's awkward and reminds you that you don't want to be there. So all team in the organization
needs to come out of their comfort zone to see the real magic of life. By going beyond their expectations
and comfort zone would let them know their capabilities and strengths well enough. Moreover better
results in their goals would led them feel motivated as well.

Change your limiting beliefs:

Now this is very important point to learn, that what are our limiting beliefs? Because beliefs play a
crucial role in defining reality, much like our thoughts and thinking. Belief embrace nearly everything in
life. It’s our belief system that is the cornerstone upon which all your thoughts, choices and actions are
founded. All the team members should work on their belief system. They need to change their limiting
beliefs which hinders them to achieve their goals and feel motivated in life.

Then they will be more active, optimistic and resilient in their convictions. They will support themselves
to be the best and build a life they need to enjoy. The best indicator of achievement is a strong degree
of self-efficacy which means how much confident our capacity to achieve our goals. However, some are
only stopping us from the prosperity and enjoyment that we deserve, which are all known as limiting
beliefs of a person. They are derived from anxiety and questions about themselves.

We have been told by society that failure is evil, that it is something to be embarrassed of, that it is
evidence of something we have done wrong. Yet failure is an unavoidable aspect of success. Any time
we try after big goals, at some stage we will struggle. But failure is a good thing in another words. These
mistakes teaches us the lessons we need to be successful. Nobody begins to excel, long before they try
something. Trial and failure, the experience of errors, perseverance despite hardship are the outcomes.

Every member in PIA organization needs to change their limiting beliefs because beliefs are like traffic
signs that’s leads us in the right direction. It would be difficult to decide how to behave without driving
principles. The best way is always to work on the limiting beliefs. Personal convictions are chronic self-
fulfillment myths. If team members’ morals would be positive, and they will build a positive upward
spiral to accomplish their goals.

Being persistent:

Persistence is perhaps one of the most impressive characters a person can have. It's the willingness to
be committed to do or do something, regardless of any failures. We are dynamic species. Vision and
despair will coexist and yet produce something genuinely beautiful. Persistence is the willingness to
keep the emotions going regardless. You keep going until you reach the crucial goal, even though you
feel like leaving. People give up too easily because they have false hopes and outcomes. They consider
the path to be simple, and when they think the truth is the reverse they are stunned. They easily melt
their passion and lose spirit.

So being persistent in life is also an important fact. And don't underestimate the time it takes. Nothing
like quick success, we need to keep that in our mind. Expect a complicated and not an easy path, and
when we come across the facts, we are mentally prepared. We should be proportionate to the scale of
our dedication. All the team members should develop the trait of persistency in their minds and
personality. They should have a clear picture in their mind in order to make correct decisions further on
in their tasks.

Do what is not replaceable by others:

Team members need to be extraordinary than ordinary. But they have to be patient because being
outstanding isn’t something that happens in one day.   It's not an accident that will happen and they
would be extraordinary, it takes time. It doesn't come easily to live an exceptional life. General manager
should teach their team member that extraordinary begins with them, maybe an ordinary person doing
ordinary tasks on a typical day but in reality their outcomes make them extraordinary. You plan to do
something else, all about "ordinary." Everything they would do in a better way, add a little bit more into
their tasks or daily work. Not just one time. Day after day, though. This is what that would make them
committed as well as strong in their routine job as well as in their daily lives. But patience is the key
element here.

Developing the power of positivity:

Everyone in life has different attitudes according to their personality. But a positive attitude can go a
long way in life. General Manager should teach their team members to adopt the positive attitude in
them because that would only help them to go back on their tracks. They need to understand that most
critical thing, of all, is not relentless hope. No one can maintain a perfect personality all the time. Off
course it’s not real, and no one need to do that. Employees need to understand the power of positivity
in their lives. To come out from this incident will be a little difficult but positive attitude is what will help
them. All members need to work on their temperament, they should not get too emotional or too
furious in their tasks and decisions rather than it would be easier for them when it comes to thriving to
learn to think confidently in the face of adversity when times are really challenging. Manager should
train them that in our lives, we all live up and down. The human being is all part of rage, deceit, terror,
serenity and resentment. Strong people encounter these emotions without getting overwhelmed,
understanding that it all takes time. And if team members would feel powerful feelings, they won't be
able to make better decisions.

Prioritizing between what they want now VS what they want most:

It's impossible to plan time and accomplish organizational or life goals without specific expectations.
Team members may also be overwhelming when attempting to carry on so many tasks. The reality is
that their decisions always rely on what they want to assign priority to their desire to succeed and
achieve company goals. When their goals would be clear, they will decide quicker and easier, to lead
their lives. Priority will help team members to choose on what they need to focus first, rather than being
confused and thinking that everything is important. This needs to be added in their training to get the
better and effective results in their decisions afterwards. Employees should first need to start by
recognizing what work is urgent for them, like daily flight plan, what is the schedule of flights, which
flight is delay today or anything related to their daily tasks. Then they should create a list of their daily
tasks according to their work prioritization. It will help them to complete their daily tasks step by step
and according to company priority. When they will accomplish their goals on time, ultimately their
morale would boost up and they will feel motivated all day long.

Time management:

Time management is part of progress in nearly all fields. If employees of PIA don’t complete their tasks
in specific allocated time, it means they need to change their time management. Time management
means determining what is important and allocating ample time to focus on these important tasks every
day. Most people don't do it. Many individuals, instead, encourage the loudest to get their response.
The noisiest is always not the biggest thing, but since it's loud, it lets us feel it's the most important
thing. So they need to understand that time management is the key of all success. Because if their tasks
would not be completed on time, organization would face lack in their services. It will also impact
company’s reputation so they need to focus on time management to accomplish their goals. Moreover
employees should work on the sense of urgency, because time management comes with speed. They
need to understand and learn that they have to work on speed to cover their tasks on time.

Emotionally contagious:

Emotional contagious is a person when the feelings or actions of one person are imitated by another.
Such thoughts or actions also manifest subconsciously. Magnificent feelings like enthusiasm and
satisfaction are quickly transferred from person to person, and destructive ones, such as depression,
anxiety and rage are often left ignored by either side. There are lot of people work in PIA having
different mindsets, different emotions. Now as we know emotions are viral, they can easily be
transferred to another. Employees should know that they have to avoid the burden of emotions. In
simple words they won’t let their emotions come in their work space. Otherwise their work would be
effected. For example if a person is not feeling well emotionally or having any kind of stress, he would
make mistakes in flight scheduling, flight plans, air traffic controlling etc. which will disrupt the PIA
operations. Emotional contagion is a capacity to operate on. Employees should be mindful of the
feelings that you may exhibit to others. Similarly, they also need to strive to understand the negative or
constructive feelings of others and, if possible, they should create improvement.

Check list:

Team members should have a checklist of their tasks so that they have a complete view of their work
progress. General Manager should meet with all the employees of the relative department.

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