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Nowadays the institute of marriage became a debatable topic, as society

split into those who consider it to be outdated and those who claim it is
quite normal to get married even today. Hence, this essay will discuss both
points of view.

To begin with, the movement, which allows people to think that getting
hitched is an old-fashioned way to show their devotion, is feminism. This
concept dictates that women and men are equal, none of them has to
depend on a spouse. Moreover, they do not need the status of a married
couple to get their union accepted by the whole society. They emphasize
that faithfulness, care and sincere love do not require signing a marriage
license. Thus, while being in a concubinage they both do not feel obliged
and show their attitude by staying together.

It would be equally reasonable to think that falling for someone is

enough for people around to think partners are together, but not enough at
all for the governmental structures. Unfortunately, realities of today are
such that for the state people in love are strangers. Therefore, it is a
struggle for them to raise kids, to buy property together, to help each other
with health problems by sharing insurance or even to drift apart due to
common belongings. Consequently, the easiest way to make it safer for the
couple is to get married.

In conclusion, people might choose not to get married without being

judged, but our social organization is not developed well enough yet to
legally protect their union. Thereby, in my opinion, to avoid problems with
the government, but not because they morally obliged, people have to

Rusakova Anastasia БИЯ-185/1

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