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In this roleplay, a patient is angry because she feels neglected by the nurse.

she complained that

he was in pain. he felt the nurse did not respond to his complaint

P : (knock the door)

K : come in, are you nurse?

P : yes, mrs. (……) I am a nurse

K : can you get me some pain medication that other here's last night was just awful she
didn't do I

only saw her once at the beginning of the shift and I'm really really uncomfortable and I just
don't feel good at all, is there any way you can give me some relief ?

P : well first off I need to do a complete assessment on you before I…… ( ceritanya
dipotong kata2 nya ma pasien)

K : how long will that take ?

P : 20 minutes, because I'm very busy and you know you have everybody (Dipotong lagi)

K : huuhhh (mendesah) I'm I'm very uncomfortable is there any way, she didn't do anything
for me last night

P : allright, well you know um on a scale of one to ten, ten being the worst pain you ever
had one being no pain or zero being no pain where's your pain level ?

K : eight or nine maybe going more …it's just I haven't had anything to work give me any
relief I haven't had any sleep last night I can't fuzzy in the buzzer and she just wouldn't come in

P : let me go check your medication orders

K : can you please hurry

P : well you know you're not the only patient I have today so I will do it as fast as I can do

K : I hope so

P : all right I'll be back

K : if not I want to talk to your supervisor okay ?

P : well I don't think that's really necessary

K : it may be I hope not

P : okay well I will go check right now for your payments I'll be back

K : thank you

After checking medical records, and collaborating with doctors, nurses give pain
medications to patients. After a while the nurse returned to visit the patient…..

K : come in

P : now you were resting, I didn't know if I wanted to disturb you

K : I was going to sleep therefore it because I didn't sleep very well last night, after you
gave me the pain medicine I felt a little bit better… I almost not at all.

P : okay, I feel relieved to hear that..,, hmm you know that this afternoon you're going to
have that biopsy done so are you clear on everything?

K : well for the procedure will it hurt?

P : well you know they'll put you to sleep, we talked before you took your own nap they
will put you to sleep with anesthesia and it should not hurt during the procedure after the
procedure there could be some pain but when you get back to the room and also right after you
get out of surgery the nurses in the in the receiving room will make sure that you're medicated
and we'll get you back to the room and we'll make I'll make sure that you haven’t your pain

K : but what one will we know the results?

P : you know they take a couple days and so your doctor will receive them and then he will
be sharing those with you okay?

K : I'm just kind of worried I just don't know what's gonna happen

P : sure it's it's not a easy thing right now … if the unknown is always a bit scary isn't… its

K : I don't want to bother anybody just get out with just this time

P : it is pretty scary so we'll just we'll just hang in there and I'll be here today I can take care
for you and I'm on tomorrow as well and I'll be sure to express to the nightmares that shift
changed that you have you have some concerns about this

K : is the same nurse on tonight?

P : you know I'm not sure

K : but I didn't like her at all, you know she was rude she was rough
P : really?

K : Yeah I mean she didn't come back …when she did she just stuck her head in and left
and I just…. she didn't she just I don't know why she calls herself a nurse

P : so you felt like you weren't cared

K : yeah like I wasn't here for at all I mean she came in and she did a really quick kind of
up-and-down thing and was really rough and then she I asked for some medication and she didn't
she didn't bring it back and she stuck her head and said glad everything's okay and went back out
again like I yelled for her and I buzzed for her and she never came back at all and I couldn't
sleep and it was really noisy ..I know there was a bunch of noise down the hall and you know she
was just awful I mean it's terrible she's one of the worst nurses I've ever seen.

P : oh I am so sorry that happened to you last night and I'll be sure when I get report tonight
to who ever that nurse is coming on that your needs are met

K : thank you

P : okay so you know you are welcome because it's hard enough to be in the hospital let
alone have all that other stuff

K : okey

P : allright so I'll be back,,, you try to rest, all right?, anything else you need ?

K : hmmm no, thankyou

P : okey but I'm going to go grab that other pillow real quick for you and would be like

K : thankyou.

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