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CSL Assignment

Muhammad Qubais Hafeez


1. Reasons to be a volunteer are so that:

 You can build society

 Contribute to mankind
 To make a change
 To feel good about yourself
 Looking at the bigger picture
 Being kind and selfless
 Helping others

Also, there are different types of volunteers like, Formal, informal and project-based

2. Hazard is potential danger, could be an occurrence so precaution is needed.

Vulnerability is when you are prone to an attack, which means a community for
example will be susceptible to danger from something if they are vulnerable.

3. A disaster is a phenomenon when large scale damage is caused to something (could

be land, buildings, humans, animals) everything is susceptible to a disaster.

4. Rehabilitation can be referred to in different ways but in all of them its basically the
restoration of something. For example, drug rehabilitation is when one refrains from
drug abuse to gain his/her health back to normal.
While reconstruction is the rebuild of something from scratch for example an old
buildings reconstruction, where you would break it down and build it back up.

5. Duck, cover, hold. Duck formation under a solid object like a table and hold onto
something stable. As well as looking out if anyone else is I danger, going outside if
you’re inside a building and staying away from hanging objects.

6. First Aid is the immediate medical treatment you provide to someone who has a
medical emergency, example if someone is unconscious you can provide CPR to help
them breath again, or if someone has a bruise you treat it using basic techniques like
cleaning the wound and applying bandage until professional medical trained
personal arrive.

7. Objective is to contain the damage until medical personal reach the site to help
someone. Preserve, prevent, and promote recovery.

8. CPR stands for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation which is procedure which is done

when someone’s heart stops beating and stops pumping blood. The procedure is:
First check for breathing, if there is no sign then do hard and fast 30 chest
compressions then open their mouth and let air flow in through your mouth to
initiate breathing then repeat until medical personal arrive.

9. First degree burns affect the outer layer of the skin for this burn apply ointment and
heal using home remedy’s, 2nd degree outer layer plus dermis layer (under the outer
layer) are damaged you need to go to the doctor. While 3rd degree burns affect outer
and inner completely also damages nerve endings so does not hurt. But operation is

10. Its basically when an individual or an organization start or fund something which
yields for greater good for the environment or the society in any way. For example
Aquafina just introduced a machine in F7 Markaz which recycles plastic bottles and
upon recycling 1 bottle the user gets 200rs voucher, hence this encourages the
society to work for it.

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