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Anita Christina

10 IPA

Have You Ever Been Chased By a Crazy Person In Your Life

One day, I was invited to play by my friend named James. This incident I
experienced was still in elementary school compilation. Now my friend has
moved, but we still remember this incident. At that time James came to my house
to invite me to play at his house. Me and him are like brothers because our
parents are close and we are friends from kindergarten. I am often invited to play
with him, sometimes in my house and sometimes in his house.
After asking permission to play, I was allowed to leave. Usually we go
straight to his house, but this time we decided to snack first. We bought snacks at
Ami's shop, near a wise photocopy. After arriving at the shop we immediately
chose some food and drinks. After that we paid and continued on to James's
house. We chose a route that we had never traveled because he said James knew
the direction.
When entering the alley, there is a crazy person who picks up rubbish while
talking to it. At first we were hesitant to pass it, but we decided to pass it. When
we passed him, the crazy person looked at us, we were confused, then I
immediately said "what are you doing, mad people see us". Then James answered
"his name is also crazy wkwkwk". When we reached the end of the alley and
wanted to turn left I saw the crazy person running.
When we saw a crazy person approaching towards us, we immediately ran
at full speed. When we ran everyone looked at us with a strange taste. When we
ran fast, the crazy person got even faster. Finally we went straight to James's
house, when we immediately closed the door and entered the house. The
madman shouted in front of James's house, and after a while we peeked out the
window of the house. That crazy person has disappeared and left. Finally we both
felt calm and relieved.

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