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Оборона Севастополя и Оборона Ленинграда

Паршкова Елизавета Владимировна

Фомченкова Светлана Владимировна
Defense of Sevastopol
Nowadays, many people forget the exploits of soldiers of
the last century, especially the younger generation. And
so there is no love for the Motherland, pride in courage,
respect for the army. And also recently there is a tendency
to falsify the facts of the great Patriotic war, attempts to
rewrite it. The war, which affected almost everyone in our
country, left a big mark on our souls. We, as descendants
of the Winners, will have to remember the great Victory
and educate our children based on its lessons. Our future
depends on it. After all, as the famous Russian historian
Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky said: "Lying in the
interpretation of the past leads to failures in the present
and prepares a catastrophe in the future"
 Deepen and expand your knowledge of the great
Patriotic war.
 Study literature and expand your knowledge of the
great Patriotic war;
 Find and collect archival materials about the defense
of Sevastopol and the defense of Leningrad;
 Find a relationship;
 Draw conclusions
10th of July, 1941 – 9th o fAugust, 1944
The battle for Leningrad was the longest during the great Patriotic war. The
military and political leadership of Nazi Germany identified Leningrad as one of
the initial targets of its aggression. But the Soviet troops did not surrender the city
to the enemy during the 900-day defense of Leningrad, and they shackled large
enemy forces and the entire Finnish army, contributing to the red army's victories
in other parts of the front. And the defense of Leningrad became a symbol of the
courage and heroism of the Soviet people and their Armed forces.
The first battles for Leningrad unfolded in July 1941 at the Luzhsky defensive line.
To help the red Army in Leningrad, they began to create divisions of the people's
militia, which helped to detain the enemy on the distant approaches to the city. But
on August 25, German units broke through the Soviet defenses, cut the
Oktyabrskaya railway, and captured Petrokrepost 8th of September . The city was
surrounded by a blockade. The defenders and the remaining population of
Leningrad heroically repelled the onslaught of the enemy in conditions of
continuous bombing, hunger, cold, and disease. 9th of September , the Badayev
warehouses, where almost all of Leningrad's food supplies were concentrated, were
burned down by the bombing of German aircraft. But the enemy did not manage to
capture the city on the move – the Soviet troops, in cooperation with the fleet, put
up a stubborn resistance. Soon the offensive of the German-fascist troops was
Failing to capture Leningrad immediately, the Nazis subjected the city to severe
bombing and shelling, and tried to end the population and defenders with hunger
and cold. Attempts by Soviet troops to unblock Leningrad in December 1941 and
in the summer of 1942 were unsuccessful. When winter came, navigation on lake
Ladoga stopped and the supply of food was sharply reduced. The rations issued by
cards in besieged Leningrad were reduced to 125 grams of bread a day. There were
days when people didn't get bread at all. The water supply system froze, and water
had to be collected from the Neva river. There was no fuel or electricity. Bakeries
have almost stopped baking bread. Leningrad residents starved, and many died of
exhaustion, cold, and disease.
But hunger and cold did not break the Leningraders. Many businesses operated in
the city. They manufactured and repaired military equipment and weapons, and
gave ammunition to the front. During the siege, 2,000 tanks, 1,500,000 aircraft,
more than 7,000 field and naval guns, 12,000 mortars, 225,000 machine guns and
rifles, and about 10 million shells and mines were repaired and manufactured in
At the end of 1941, the famous "Road of life" was laid on the ice of lake Ladoga,
linking Leningrad with the Mainland. As the ice deepened, long columns of trucks
carrying food, fuel, weapons, and equipment moved along the icy road.
On January 12, 1943, having accumulated reserves, the Leningrad army began a
counter offensive. They were supported by long-range aircraft and parts of the
Baltic fleet forces. On January 18, the advanced units of the Leningrad and
Volkhov fronts met in the area of Sinyavin. The siege of Leningrad was broken.
The entire southern coast of lake Ladoga has been cleared of the enemy. A corridor
8-11 km wide was formed, in which a temporary railway was built. Under enemy
fire, trains carrying food to the starving city and reinforcements for the front went
to Leningrad along this road. Despite the fact that the red Army's further offensive
did not develop, the operation to break the blockade was a turning point in the
battle for Leningrad, and the enemy's Plan to starve the defenders and residents of
the city was thwarted.
The red banner Baltic fleet made a great contribution to the battle of Leningrad.
Artillery of the main calibers of ships and FORTS shelled the positions of the
German-fascist troops. Naval aviation covered the ground forces. The fleet
defended the sea borders of Leningrad.
On January 14, 1944, the Leningrad-Novgorod strategic offensive began, which
was conducted by the troops of the Leningrad, Volkhov and part of the forces of
the 2nd Baltic fronts. As a result of fierce offensive battles, the red Army and Navy
troops inflicted a major defeat on the German army group "North" and on January
27, 1944 completely lifted the blockade of Leningrad.
Among the many feats performed by the Soviet people during the great Patriotic
war, the defense of Leningrad stands out as a vivid example of fortitude, as a
manifestation of mass heroism. During the 900-day siege of Leningrad, more than
800,000 defenders and residents of the city were killed by bullets, shells, and
bombs, as well as by hunger, cold, and disease. More than 350,000 soldiers,
officers and generals of the Leningrad front were awarded orders and medals for
their courage and heroism.226 of them were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet
By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on December 22,
1942, the medal "for the defense of Leningrad" was established, which was
awarded to 1.5 million people. On may 8, 1965, by a decree of the Presidium of the
Supreme Soviet, Leningrad was awarded the title of Hero City.
Defense of Sevastopol
Sevastopol defensive operation
Defense of Sevastopol – a large-scale defensive operation of Soviet troops in the
vicinity of Sevastopol in the first period of the great Patriotic war.
Background and position of the parties
Crimea was a particularly important part, as it opened the way for the fascists to
the Caucasus, where there were large oil reserves. There were also aircraft based in
Crimea, and taking the Peninsula would simultaneously close the way for Soviet
aviation and open up new opportunities for German aviation.
By the end of September 1941, German troops managed to conquer Smolensk,
Kiev, and take Leningrad under siege. In the South-Western direction, Hitler also
made significant progress – he managed to subdue almost half of Ukraine and
break the defense of the Soviet troops. Encouraged by the success, the Germans
moved towards the Crimea, and the Soviet troops began to prepare the defense of
the Peninsula, and Sevastopol in particular.
Course of defense of Sevastopol
The defense of Sevastopol lasted almost a year and had several main stages:
The first attack of the Germans;
The second German offensive;
The third German offensive.
On October 25, 1941, German troops broke through the Soviet army's defense line
and moved towards the Crimea in order to occupy the Peninsula as soon as
possible. At the same time, the Soviet command began to retreat towards Kerch,
from where part of the army later crossed to the Kuban. The remaining part of the
Soviet troops began to stumble towards Sevastopol in order to protect the city. The
Germans pursued both parts of the Soviet army, and also sent another detachment
directly to Sevastopol, bypassing the Soviet army, to encircle the city and capture
By November 1941, there were about 20 thousand Soviet troops in Sevastopol, and
on November 5, the first clashes between the Germans and the Soviet army began
on the distant approaches to the city.
The first German offensive on Sevastopol
On November 11, several German divisions attacked the Soviet troops on the
approaches to the city, but met with serious resistance – fierce fighting continued
until the 21st. During the battles, the Germans managed to move several kilometers
deep in two directions at once, and the border of the front was established 12
kilometers from Sevastopol.
After that, both armies began to strengthen their composition, reinforcements
arrived to the Soviet troops, and the Germans focused their attention on other
territories of the Crimea. As a result, by November 16, the Peninsula, except for
Sevastopol, was captured by German troops. Hitler decided to "finish" Sevastopol
and all the free armies moved to the city.
The second German offensive on Sevastopol
A new attack was planned for November 27, but due to a number of problems, it
took place only on December 17, 1941. The Germans attacked the Soviet front and
again fierce fighting began, as a result of which the German army was again able
to gain an advantage and advance to the city.
On December 19, the Soviet command reports that there are no forces left for
defense and the city will not last even until the 20th, but contrary to forecasts, the
army was able to resist until November 21, when help arrived.
During two weeks of fighting, the Germans were able to move the front line by an
average of 10 kilometers, which meant that they almost came close to the city.
Third German offensive on Sevastopol
On may 18, the Soviet resistance in the East of Crimea was finally destroyed, and
the German army again concentrated on Sevastopol. It was necessary to capture the
city in the near future – for this purpose the artillery was pulled up to the border.

On June 2, the assault on Sevastopol began simultaneously from the ground and
air, with part of the German army distracting the enemy in the East, and part
participating directly in the assault.
By June 17, the North of Sevastopol was captured, as well as part of the South. By
June 29, the Germans entered the city, and the fighting continued there.
On July 1, 1942, Sevastopol was completely captured by the Germans, and the
remnants of the Soviet army left for Chersonesos, expecting to be evacuated from
there. The fighting in Chersonesos continued for several days, the army was not
evacuated, and the soldiers were soon captured or killed.
Results of the defense of Sevastopol
The defense of Sevastopol went down in history as an example of the courage of
Soviet soldiers, as well as one of the most difficult and lengthy operations of the
first period of the war. Despite the resistance, the city was taken, which meant that
the entire Crimea was taken over by Germany.
46 defenders of the city were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In
1942, the medal "for the defense of Sevastopol" was established, which was
awarded to more than 40 thousand people. In 1945, Sevastopol became a hero city.
The point is that we need to create a strategic sense of the Sevastopol defense. The
enemy suffered heavy losses under the black sea stronghold and spent huge
resources on the elimination of the Soviet bridgehead in Crimea. In fact, they spent
the first half of 1942 trampling on a dead-end strategic direction.
But if Sevastopol had been surrendered without a fight, the entire 11th German
army and, think about this figure, 80% of all the Wehrmacht heavy artillery that
was near Sevastopol in the spring of 1942, all this would have been transferred to
Therefore, bravely fighting at Sevastopol, the soldiers of the black sea rescued and
Leningrad, and the Baltic fleet.
o «Leningrad front»
o «Children of the blockade»
o «Green chains»
o «In a besieged city»
HEROIC DEFENSE. BOOK 1 (30.10.1941-02.01.1942)»
o «All forces to defeat the enemy!»

Internet resources

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