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Generally, military housing is provided for all service members, whether they’re living on or
off base. It varies by rank, location and family situation, but almost all new recruits typically
start their military careers living on base.

During Basic Training, men and women live in separate quarters known as barracks, which
consist of shared bunks and bathroom facilities. Because service members are there for
training, personal items are kept to a minimum and everything happens on a set schedule,
allowing service members to focus on learning and working as a team.
Bunk bed - two small beds that are joined
 together with one above the other
As service members move up in rank, they get better housing options to choose from, if
available. Single service members can live in complexes that resemble a modern college
dormitory, which could consist of a single or shared room and a shared living area, while
more senior service members, or those who are married, can select from a variety of
apartments and single-family homes.

Military bases can be quite large and living on one is a lot like living in a town. There are
post offices, shopping centres, medical and dental clinics, and other businesses. The base
amenities are open to all resident service members and may be open to guests on a case-
by-case basis.
Resemble (v.) - look like, be similar to
Dormitory (n.) –a large building at a college or university where students live (UK hall of residence)
Amenity (n.) – something that makes comfortable living or working somewhere
Resident (adj.) – living in a particular place
Case-by-case – depending on a situation
Married quarters or service family accommodation SFA is provided to entitled and eligible
Service personnel and their families. SFA is allocated within a reasonable distance from
duty station, usually within a 10-mile radius. The size of SFA is determined by rank or size of
family. Where SFA is not available, a private rental substitute service family
accommodation (SSFA) will be sourced, in line with the location and standards of SFA.

A billet is a living quarters to which a soldier is assigned to sleep. Historically, a billet was a
private dwelling that was required to accept the soldier.
Entitled – someone who has the right to do something
Eligible (adj.) – allowed by rules/laws to do or have something
Allocated – placed, positioned
Reasonable distance – not to far
Radius – poluprečnik
Substitute – something that replaces something else
Sourced – got, obtained, provided
Dwelling - home
Complete the text with the words that are given in a form of

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