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Review of point

Peer pressure
It is stated that the peer pressure is a significant factor that causes the former addicts contributing
to drugs addiction again. It is true and we agree with this statement that the peer pressure will
increase the person’s likelihood of developing an addiction. This finding supported by studies
from University Technology Malaysia (UTM), there is a significant difference between the peer
pressure scores and conformity scores. It’s had identified that most of the Form 3 students had
experienced this conformity and they more influenced by the peer pressure. This research can
conclude that the data shows the high level of peer pressures which is 9.29 and low conformity
which is 1.63 among Form 3 students of secondary School in Johor Bahru. (1) Therefore, peer
pressure will encourage former addicts to alter their behaviors such as take drugs again.
Mahmood, et al. (1999) found 50% of old friends influenced former addicts to pick up the drug
taking habit after they were discharged from rehabilitation centres. The research also showed that
76% of the old friends assist rehabilitated individuals to get the needed supply of drugs. These
situations further induced the relapsed addiction amongst former addicts who has been getting
rehabilitation treatments. (2) This will make the former addicts pick up the habit again, their
family members will feel disappointed and gradually alienate him. Moreover, the former addicts
who pick up the habit again did not have the energy to handle their work, and then was resigned
by the company, which would make them lack of financial support.

Additional crisis
It pointed out that encounter additional crisis will increase to risk of drug relapse. It is wrong and
I disagree with this statement. I think that any problems, stress, or prediction failures
encountered by the former drug addicts are not the reason for the former drug addicts to take the
drugs again. These problems can be motivation to make the former addict become better. For
example, Yusri Sahrin is an ex-addict who successfully stopped using drugs and become a
businessman. (1) Even if the former drug addict has pessimistic thinking and anxiety that all
issues cannot be resolved, as long as they have gratitude and positive thinking, they can offset
excessive negative thoughts. Based on the survey, The Addict's Diary was founded by Kevin
Alter, he is an ex-heroin user. Currently, he has become a motivational speaker who started the
community to help others with their recovery. (2) Moreover, the above problems may lead the
former addicts do immature actions. Those who are recovering from addiction should seek help
if they are feeling constantly negative.
Personal experience
From the online news, Malay Mail reported at Johor Bahru on 14 September 2020, the news
show the Johor police will investigate students involved in drug abuse due to claims by the
National Anti-Drug Agency (AADK) that there are 177 Form Four and Five students in drug
abuse in the state. The findings were obtained from urine screening tests conducted by the
agency on 10,175 Form Four and Five students from 280 schools throughout Johor. Johor police
chief, Datuk Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay said police investigation is geared more towards
tracking down drug pushers to students. He will check again and get feedback from them
(AADK) because if these students are drug users, they want to know from where they are getting
their drug supply. In addition, Johor police decide to complete drug-related learning modules in
primary and secondary schools, institutions of higher learning and the community in order to
emphasise the issue of drug addiction to ensure the public knows about the hazards of drugs,
smoking and others.
Personal thoughts
From the above news, I feel sad to see so many students taking drugs. Even though they have
many environmental factors, such as family pressure, peer pressure, or curiosity that makes them
take drugs, but I think they should not do this kind of self-destructive actions. My parents have
been telling me not to do bad things since I was young, such as breaking the law, taking drugs,
fighting and so on. Therefore, I will maintain my self-control and self-positive attitude, I will not
be easily persuaded by drug addicts and participate in them. I will choose to talk to them about
the harmfulness of drugs and change their negative thoughts in order to let them have a chance to
change their future. At the end, I believe that as long as everyone can learns to think well and
maintain a good mental state, they will not to taking drugs because it is a suicidal behaviour.
Value learnt
Based on what I have learnt from my personal experience of the case on drug addiction issues, I
have two lessons that I have learnt to share with my class.
First, I have learnt about the importance of self-love. With the self-love, our life will be better.
We can’t give up on ourselves. If we deny ourselves, how can other people affirm us? From the
above news, many students have acted that they do not love themselves which may become an
obstacle to their future entry into society due to drug use is illegal and not accepted by society.
This may make them unemployed and eventually become a burden on the family. But
fortunately, the police found that the students were taking drugs in time, so that parents can
always be vigilant and pay attention to the children's conditions and help the children to stop
taking drugs. As long as students feel the love and encouragement from their parents, they will
realize that they must love themselves so that their parents will not worry and be disappointed for
them. From the news, I will be a self-loving person, I will not do things that hurt myself, even if
others do not love us, we can love ourselves, as long as we move on towards the goal we want, I
believe that eventually we will get what we want.

Second, I realised that I must have the courage to face everything. We should not escape because
of fear or timid. Whenever I encounter a situation that I dare not face, I will encourage myself to
have the courage to solve and face it. From the news above, I realise that those students may be
isolated or ridiculed later, but I don’t know whether they have the courage to face these bad
voices. I started to learn that being understood is one of the hardest things in this world. There is
not so much empathy in this world. Other people will only blame students for taking drugs, but
they don't want to understand the feelings of student in the past. Therefore, I think that student
must have the courage to listen all bad and good voice from the people in order to make
themselves stronger and have a better future. I believe that only by facing everything bravely,
then it will let us better take on and face the challenges we will encounter now or in the future.

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