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nd-of-tterm te
est 2
Listening Practical
P English
1  Listen to the interview
w. Circle six sports Sea
an 6 Complete the dialogu
ue. (10 marks
likes doing. ((6 marks)
Can I’ll have leave long way
climbing ccycling flying
g hiking ic
ce skating
orientteering runn
ning swimm
ming Daniel (1) _________ I speak to Nina,
2  Listen aga
ain. Complette the sentences. Reception
nist She isn’tt here at the moment.
4 marks) Do you w want to (2) __
_______ a
1 Sean is fro
om ________ ______. messagee?
2 He is the _
___________ ___ person to
t do this. Daniel It’s Danieel. Please te
ell her we cann
3 The weath her is ______
________ no
ow. meet at tthe restaurant in Oxford at
4 Sean has a break ____ ___________. 8.00

y Nina What’s thhe best (3) ________
_ to get
to the reestaurant, Daaniel?
3 Complete
C the
e words. (5 marks)
m Daniel By train is the easiesst.
Nina How (4) ________ does the journ ney
1 key _________
2 chewing __
Daniel About 300 minutes.
3 hair _____

4 nail _____
Waiter Are you ready to order?
5 graphic __
Nina (5) _________ chicken and rice,
4 Complete
C the
e sentences s with the co
orrect form o
of please.
he words. Thhere are two
o words you u do not Waiter Of coursse.
need. (10 maarks)
b cartoon fog mod
del rainy to
ools warm Grammar
G r
1 Bill is writin
ng a book wiith ______ foor children.
2 It’s a ____ ___ day todayy in Manchester. It’s so 7 Write senttences using
g the promp pts. Use the
comparative or superrlative. (10 marks)
3 My brotherr makes ___ ____ houses for fun. 1 New Yo ork / Barcelonna. (expensive)
4 There is a thick ______ _ and it’s diffficult to see. ______ ______________________ ___________ ____
5 Don’t forge et to ______
_ a bottle of water
w on the ______ ______________________ ___________ ____
trip. 2 Jack / runner in the race. (slow)
______ ______________________ ___________ ____
5 Complete
C the
e sentences
s. (5 marks) ______ ______________________ ___________ ____
1 There is a long q_____ __ at the ban
nk. There aree 3 Brazil / Spain. (wet))
ten peoplee in front of me.
m ______ ______________________ ___________ ____
2 The train j_
______ from m London to Paris
P takes ______ ______________________ ___________ ____
about two hours. 4 The theeme park / att the weekennd. (crowded))
3 There is a s______ of a famous wo oman in frontt ______ ______________________ ___________ ____
of my scho ool. It’s madee of wood. ______ ______________________ ___________ ____
4 This salad is very c___ ____. It’s noisy to eat! 5 Cyprus / country in Europe. (sun nny)
5 It’s good to
o drink a lot of
o w______ after you do ______ ______________________ ___________ ____
sports. ______ ______________________ ___________ ____

1 1
nd-of-tterm te
est 2
8 Complete
C the
e sentencess with the co
orrect prese
simple or pre
esent contin
nuous form of the verbs s. An African
n Adventuree
10 marks)
How to ge
et there
wattch fly not play do re
Victoria Fa
alls is a popu lar tourist atttraction in the
1 We _____ ______ our homework no ow.
western pa art of Zimbabbwe. There is s an airport at
2 Karl _____
______ acrosss Australia at the
Victoria Fa
alls and peopple visit from Europe and
other partss of Africa. (1 ) _________ ________. A
3 _________ _______ this book now?
__ you ____
great way tot get to Victtoria Falls is by train fromm the
4 They some etimes _____
______ scarry films.
city of Bula
awayo in Zim mbabwe. This s is an enjoya able
5 Maria ___________ ten
nnis now.
journey. It is also quite cheap – a ticket costs ab bout
9 Complete
C thee sentencess. Use can / can’t, must / £10. The joourney takess about nine hours but the ere
m permission, obligation or
for p o are usuallyy delays so itt can be long ger. There arre
prohibition. ((10 marks) also buses s from Namibbia to Victoria a Falls.
1 ______ I ggo to the partty tonight? (2) ______ ____________
2 You _____ g the exam. 
__ talk during
How to see the falls
3 You _____ __ wear a he elmet on the bike. 
4 You _____ __ borrow myy calculator.  You can se ee the falls bby air, boat or simply by
5 The sign ssays we ____ t grass. 
___ play on the standing on the Victoriaa Falls Bridge. You can also a
take a helic
copter ride. A boat ride along
a the
nsolidatiion Zambezi River
R is a wonnderful experience and a
great oppoortunity to seee wildlife andd the falls. Yo
10 Complete
C the
e text. (10 marks)
m can also sttand on the V Victoria Falls
s Bridge and take
fantastic ph
hotos close uup to the fallss.
S is an unusual teenag ger. She’s eighteen yearss
(3) ________________..
old and she’s got an exciting hobby. Sally S loves
doing extreme e sports in he
er (1) f_____ _____ When to go
_________. W When she issn’t at college e she usuallyy
The park iss open all yeear, but you will
w get a veryy
umps out of p planes or (2)) c_________ _ up
different ex
xperience deepending on the season in
m annd volcanoess. ‘I don’t mind
which you visit. In the rrainy season (December to
3) h________ ___ or cold weather
w and I always have e
March), thee water volum me is higher, and the falls are
a (4) b______ ____ to carryy things in annd some
more beau utiful. In the ddry season, (April
( to Octoober),
5) s________ __ to give me energy!’ Sally loves
the water volume
v is low
wer. (4) ____
___________ ___.
adventure and d she does a lot of sports s to keep fit.
The best time to go is i n March or April
A after the
S says, ‘It is (6) f_____ _____ – I am m often scare ed.
rainy seaso on.
W I (7) j__
________ ou ut of a plane I am terrifiedd.
I usually close e my eyes an nd just do it. It’s a good
2 Read the text
t again. SSentences A–E
A below are
eeling – the ((8) b_______
fe ___ feeling inn the world in n not included in the texxt. Match th
hem to gaps
s 1–4
act – when I’m (9) f_____ _____ throug gh the air. Thhe in the text. There is on
ne sentencee you do not
w looks tin ny from 50,000 feet!’ At the moment need. (8 marks)
S (10) s__ ________ accross the Atla antic in a boa at A The journey takes loonger, over fourteen
f hours,
o raise mone ey for a charity. but it is cheaper thaan the train.
B There is s a lot of rainn on the bridg
ge from the falls
ading so peop ple usually geet very wet!
C This is a fantastic pllace to stay byb the falls.
11 Read
R the textt. Which is the
t most en njoyable way
y D In October, the weaather is very hot and dry and a
o get to Victtoria Falls frrom within Africa?
A there isn’t much watter in the wa aterfall.
2 marks) E Flights are usually qquite expensive.
__ ___________

1 2
nd-of-tterm te
est 2
13 Write
W about yyour schooll. Describe what
w the
ules are at s
school. Use verbs for peermission,
obligation annd prohibitio
on and the prompts
p to
help you. Wrrite about 1000 words. (10 marks)
P 1
W school d do you go to?
W is it?
W it like?

P 2
W d can’t you do?
can and
W must an
nd mustn’t yo
ou do?

P 3
H do you feeel about the
e rules?
D any of the rules make things betterr / worse?

__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________

Listening ___
___ / 10 Vocabulary
V __
_____ / 20 Prac
ctical Englishh _____ / 10
Grammar ___ ___ / 30 Consolidation
C n _____ /10 Rea
ading _____ / 10
Writing _____
_ / 10 TOTTAL ___________ / 100

1 3

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