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Ex 3.

1) Beethoven's best-known composition it is the Ode to Joy also known as the 9th Symphony
2) He wrote 62 works
3) He wrote 9 symphonies
4) Motivated him again to compose music when the news arrived the defeat of one of Napoleon's
armies at Vitoria
5) He could no longer hear
6) The third is Brahms
Ex 4.
1. Apparently, Beethoven spent much time working on his Ninth orchestral .
2. Other famous works of Beethoven’s are his sonata for piano.
3. Beethoven’s Moonlight wind is just a great piece of music to lose yourself in.
4. The examination paper will include a Bach chorale, a classical string quartet , and an early
romantic song.
5. Vocal music stands for classical music performed by a small group of musicians.
6. Teachers learn new instructional strategies in teaching choral music .
7. The harmony concertos works are used again to great effect.
8. Have you been playing accompaniment instruments for a long time?
9. This piece of music included orchestral symphony by Bach.
10. The concert of chamber music was held on Saturday.
Eseul :

My favorite musical instrument is the guitar, because I like the sounds it produces. The guitar is

a musical instrument with pinched strings. It has a long neck, delimited by keys. and a probe

plate with both sides flat. On the side, round "shoulders" are formed, which give the body the

shape of the number 8. The head is located at the far end of the guitar, being equipped with

musical keys that increase or decrease the tension applied to the elastic strings. to adjust the

instrument. The keyboard or griffin is a piece of wood on which metal strips are integrated and

represents the tip of the neck. It can take a variety of forms due to the fact that it no longer has to

fulfill the role of vibration amplifier, the amplification being done with the help of electrical

components. The guitar plays an important role in many musical genres belonging to folklore,

but especially to consumer music. These genres include blues, jazz, rock and pop music. I think

the guitar is a very interesting musical instrument.

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