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The purpose of doing

this project is to make
natural toothpaste out of
chesechol and to
compare the quality of
toothpaste made from
chesechol to the two
other commercial

 Chesechol seashells
 Castile soap
 Peppermint extract
 Coconut oil
 Baking soda
Chesechol (local name) is a marine organism
with a hard, protective outer layer. This kind of
shell is common to Palau beaches. The shell is
part of the body of a marine animal, in most cases
the exoskeleton, usually that of an animal without
a backbone, an invertebrate.
Chesechol are commonly found in beach drift,
natural detritus deposited along strandlines on
beaches by the waves and the tides. Shells are
very often washed up onto a beach empty and
clean, the animal having already died, and the
soft parts having rotted away or having been
eaten by either predators or scavengers.
Seashell is made of calcium carbonate
crystals and because of this structure and
contents that seashells have, it can remineralize
1. Using the mortar and pestle,
pulverize the collected
chesechol until fine granules
were achieved.
2. Add the ¼ cup powdered
eggshell to 2 tablespoons of
baking soda. Then mix it well.
3. Add the 2 table spoon of
coconut oil and castile soap to
the mixture of powdered
eggshell and baking soda.
4. Add drops of peppermint for
minty flavor and mix it well until
it becomes paste.
The study in making toothpaste out
of sea shells (chesechol) was
designed to produce quality natural
toothpaste to compare with the
standard existing commercialized
toothpaste, which was sold in the
market. We, the researchers, used the
sea shells to recycle and transformed
it into a useful product that will be used
in our developing community.
Data on the successful product
were tested and was finished
accurately. Results showed that the
said finished product, made from
chesechol, is comparable in terms of
appearance and quality.
This study aims to develop
alternative toothpaste that is safe
and more effective than its
commercial counterparts. Since this
is cheap and can be done at home,
parents, students and even
pregnant women can use this to
prevent tooth decay and therefore
tooth ache.
Base on the results, the
researcher can conclude that the
toothpaste made from chesechol is
an effective alternative to the
commercial toothpastes.

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