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January 11, 2021

To the Honorable Members of the Board of Regents:

We, the concerned faculty members, administrative personnel and students of Cagayan State
University would like to appeal to you to end the turmoil in our university by taking decisive
action regarding the dispute about the CSU presidency.

The dispute has gone too far and raged far too long such that it has caused demoralization,
dissension and strained professional and personal relations in our ranks as well as among other

The slew of lawsuits being filed right and left by opposing parties have attracted the attention
of opportunists and we fear that the fall-out from this conflagration will only be to the
detriment of our beloved university.

The faculty and staff do not know who to follow and following either party appears to invite
legal action that would hamper the efficient discharge of teaching and administrative duties.
Students are confused as both parties claim to be the rightful and legal entities to administer
the affairs of the university. If the University has to mirror what is right and just to the minds of
our learners, then this becomes an issue of singular importance. We might be giving them now
a distorted impression of justice that impairs their moral formation for the rest of their lives.

The university has virtually come to a stand still as all stakeholders await the outcome of court
cases that might take years to be resolved.

We therefore implore the Honorable Board to finally intervene and make a decision. The
parties have repeatedly declared that they will abide by the decision of the Board whatever it
may be.

We pray however that your decision will not be tainted by partisan politics, kinship, affiliation
and personal favors that need to be returned.

We plead that you decide objectively, guided by the truth and with the interest of Cagayan
State University as a whole in mind.

Please remember that it is the reputation and the image of the university that is being marred
by this needless and endless dispute.
___________ Campus

Printed Name Signature

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