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Robertson and Ritzer

Robertson to Globalization- recognized globalization “as a concept that refers both to the
compression of the world and the intensification of consciousness of the world as a whole”
(Robertson, 1992, p.8).

As a result of the globalization constructed a glocalization based on the link between the global and
the local.

Ritzer to globalization- “globalization is the worldwide diffusion of practices, expansion of relations

across continents, the organizations of social life on a global scale, and the growth of a shared global
consciousness” (Ritzer, 2007, p.4).

He described globalization by the processes of grobalization capitalism, americanization and

McDonaldization which are present in all spheres of social life.

Conclusion to these two theorists- Emphasize their contribution to the body of theoretical analyses of
the phenomenon of globalization. Today, these two conceptions of globalization are most fundamental,
most representative and prolific for the cultural interpretation in the global space.

Terms and meanings:

Glocalization is a combination of the words "globalization" and "localization."

The term is used to describe a product or service that is developed and
distributed globally but is also adjusted to accommodate the user or consumer in
a local market.

Americanization- This is not the infection of American culture on the far corners of the
earth.  This is a social and technological change that was embraced by most countries, and
now some of the repercussions are being felt, especially by America.  In the past century
America has lead the world in many different ways.  “There is an international prototype,
which coincides with the American model, to be found in painting, architecture, and even in
cyberspace.” (Verdu).

this is what Americanization means today.  Americanization is relatively different than

globalization.  These situations are merely other cultures emulating the views and ideas of
Americans.  There is nothing that is forced on them, people in these areas choose to follow
and watch American celebrities, more than international politicians and visionaries.

Globalization is essentially the world becoming more connected and influenced by the
separate nations that inhabit it. Americanization is more specifically the impact of one
nation (America) on the rest of the world.  (Thomas Friedman in his book It’s a flat world
Introduction Understandings:

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