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Minimum Population Sizes for Species Conservation

Author(s): Mark L. Shaffer

Reviewed work(s):
Source: BioScience, Vol. 31, No. 2 (Feb., 1981), pp. 131-134
Published by: University of California Press on behalf of the American Institute of Biological Sciences
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Accessed: 15/11/2012 17:08

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Minimum Population Sizes
for Species Conservation
Mark L. Shaffer

Many species cannot survive in man- lead to low population densities. If we * genetic stochasticity resulting from
dominatedhabitats. Reserves of essen- are successful in providing sufficient changes in gene frequencies due to
tially undisturbedhabitat are necessary room for their survival, then other, less founder effect, random fixation, or in-
if such species are to survive in the wild. space-demandingmembersof their com- breeding(Berry 1971, Soule 1980).
Aside from increased efforts to acceler- munitiesshould also survive.
ate habitatacquisition for such species, In this paper, I propose tentative cri-
the most pressing need facing con- teria for successful preservation at the Little is known about the role of any of
servationistsis developmentof a predic- these factors in any specific case of ex-
population level, discuss the various
tive understandingof the relationshipbe- methods available for determining the tinction. Because all of them increase in
tween a population'ssize and its chances populationsizes and their area require- importance with decreasing population
of extinction. ments to meet these criteria, and relate size, assessing the relativeimportanceof
Biologists have long known that the both to overall conservation strategy. each will always prove difficult.
smallerthe population,the more suscep- The extinction of the heath hen (Tym-
tible it is to extinction from various panuchus cupido cupido) provides an ex-
THE MINIMUMVIABLE ample of the situation (Simon and
causes. Duringthe currentera of height-
POPULATIONCONCEPT Geroudet 1970). Once fairly common
ened competition for use of the world's
remainingwildlands, this qualitativeun- Levins (1970)has estimatedthat, since from New England to Virginia,the spe-
derstandingis of limited utility to con- the beginning of the Cambrian,species cies steadilydeclined as Europeansettle-
servationand naturalresource planners. have been going extinct at the rate of mentprogressed.By 1876the species re-
The old adage that "the bigger the re- about one per year (thoughnot uniform- mainedonly on Martha'sVineyard, and
serve, the better" must be replacedwith ly). Extinctionthus appearsto be a rela- by 1900there were fewer than 100 survi-
moreprecise prescriptionsfor how much vors. In 1907a portion of the island was
tively common event. The factors lead-
land is enough to achieve conservation set aside as a refuge for the birds, and a
ing to extinction, though varied, can be
objectives. Efforts at makingsuch deter- lumped into two categories: systematic programof predator control was insti-
minationshave been clouded by incon- pressures and stochastic perturbations. tuted. The populationrespondedto these
sistencies in the focus on the unit to be A necessary first step in the preservation measures, and by 1916 had reached a
preserved(population, species, commu- of any species is to identify and, if pos- size of more than 800 birds. But in that
nity, ecosystem) and lack of an explicit sible, compensate for any systematic year a fire (natural catastrophe) de-
definitionof what constitutes successful pressures threateningthat species. This stroyed most of the remainingnests and
preservation (persistence for 10, 100, is not the type of problem of interest habitat, and during the following winter
1000years, etc.). here. Rather, the focus is on those sto- the birds suffered unusually heavy pre-
The intricateinterdependenciesof liv- chastic perturbations that may extin- dation (environmental stochasticity)
ing things dictate that conservation ef- guishpopulationsof a species even in an from a high concentration of goshawks
forts be focused on the communityand environmentthat, on average, is favor- (Accipiter gentilis). The combined ef-
ecosystem level. Unfortunately,the very able for their growth and persistence. fects of these events reduced the popu-
magnitudeof complexity of these sys- In general, there are four sources of lation to 100-150individuals.In 1920,af-
tems makes such efforts difficult.More- ter the populationhad increasedto about
uncertaintyto which a population may
over, certain species are more sensitive be subject: 200, disease (environmental stochasti-
than others to changing conditions and city) took its toll, and the populationwas
* demographic stochasticity, which again reduced below 100. Though the
begin to decline prior to any noticeable
arisesfrom chance events in the survival species endured awhile longer, by 1932
degradationof the communityto which
andreproductivesuccess of a finitenum- the last survivor was gone. In the final
they belong. Consequently, con-
servationefforts have been and, in many ber of individuals (May 1973, Rough- stages of the population's decline, the
cases, will continue to be at the single- garden 1975); birds appeared to become increasingly
* environmental stochasticity due to sterile, and the proportionof males in-
species level. Many species currentlyin
jeopardyare large-bodiedand/orspecial- temporalvariationof habitatparameters creased (demographic, environmental,
and the populations of competitors, or genetic stochasticity). Which of these
ized, two characteristics that usually
predators,parasites, and diseases (May events, or what combination, was the
1973,Roughgarden1975); critical determinant in the species dis-
* natural catastrophes, such as appearanceis unknown.
Shaffer is a nongame biologist with the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service, Office of Migratory Bird Man-
floods, fires, droughts, etc., which may The net effect of all these types of per-
agement, Washington, DC 20240. ?1981 American occur at randomintervals throughtime; turbations on a population's prospects
Institute of Biological Sciences. All rights reserved. and for survivaldepends to a great extent on

February 1981 131

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the population's relationship to other tant point is that such a definitionis an known. If these conditionsare met, such
populationsof that species-what might explicit set of performancecriteriafor a surveys can reveal both the smallest is-
be termed its biogeographic context. conservationunit underan explicit set of land or patch inhabitedby a species and
Any factor depressingthe size or growth conditions. also the percent of islands or patches
of a populationmay be mitigatedby im- of a certain class supportingthat spe-
migration of individuals from other DETERMININGMINIMUM cies, measured either in area or species
populations. POPULATION SIZES diversity.
Clearlythen, a minimumviable popu- Robbins' (1979) work on the habitat
lationis not one that can simplymaintain There are five possible approachesto size relationships of the migrant neo-
itself under average conditions, but one determiningminimumviable population tropical avifauna of the eastern decid-
that is of sufficientsize to endurethe ca- sizes and their area requirements:exper- uous forest employs this approach. Al-
lamitiesof various perturbationsand do iments, biogeographicpatterns,theoreti- though this is probably the most
so within its particular biogeographic cal models, simulation models, or ge- tractable and reliable approach to the
context. Furthermore, survival (and netic considerations. None of these is problem,it does have its limitations.The
hence, preservation) must be measured very sophisticated, and certainly none most critical is that there is apparently
relativeto some time frameand some set can be consideredfailsafe. Nevertheless, no clear relationship, either theoretical
of conditions. Hooper (1971)has already most can contribute to a better under- or empirical,between the percent of oc-
pointedout this fact, but it does not seem standingof population size and survival cupied patches of a certain size and the
to be widely recognized within the con- and to more realistic estimates of the potential longevity of the populations
servation field and certainly not in the land area required to preserve popu- they support. This is a key research
mindsof the generalpublic. The problem lations of a particularspecies. need.
of determining minimum viable popu- For example, a particular species
lation sizes and their area requirements might be a breeding resident of 95% of
is analagous to designing reservoirs to islands or patches 50-100 km2 in area.
hold flood waters. A reservoircapableof The most straightforwardapproachto Unfortunately, knowing this fact alone
holdingthe once-in-50-yearflood may be the problemof assessing minimumviable reveals nothingabout the frequencywith
grossly inadequatefor the once-in-1000- populationsizes is simply to create iso- which populations on such patches go
year flood. What time frame to use and lated populationsand monitortheir per- extinct or recolonize. Suppose popu-
the levels of variationand catastropheto sistence. This approachis intractablefor lations of this hypothetical species on
anticipate in determining minimum vi- two reasons: First, we cannot experi- patches of the given dimensions go ex-
able population sizes are very much mentallymeasurepersistence in terms of tinct, on average, every 20 years. Rely-
open questions, but it is critical to view decades and centuries;institutionalabili- ing on a single reserve of this size to
the problemin this way. ties or willingness to support research maintain the species without alternate
Because the dedicationof lands to the projects are usually limited to a decade reserves to provide sources for recoloni-
preservationof biotic diversity increas- or less. Second, in most cases irrevers- zation will prove ineffective in the long
ingly has to compete with investmentsof ible decisions on land use will be made in term. To make this approachworkable,
that land for the production of other the very near term (10 to 20 years). Un- there must be good informationon both
goods and services, reserves should be less conservationists can provide useful the frequency with which species occur
evaluatedon the basis of their utility for estimates of the location, number, and on islands or habitatpatches of different
meeting the conservation goals set for size of reserves in this time period, the sizes and species-specific extinction/col-
them over some reasonable time frame. opportunity to do so may be per- onization rates typical of these units.
On the other hand, the uncertainnature manently foreclosed. Development in- Some informationof this type is avail-
of the factors that threaten small popu- terests will not (in some cases, cannot) able for certain avian species (for an
lationsarguesagainst too precise a set of await the results of research that may overview see Wilcox 1980 or Terborgh
criteria.Given this dilemma,I tentative- take a century to complete. This should and Winter 1980), but much remains to
ly and arbitrarilypropose the following not be construed as an argumentagainst be done.
definitionof minimumviable population long-term population-monitoringstud- An additional complication with this
size: A minimum viable population for ies. Such studies are of great potential approach is that population character-
any given species in any given habitat is value in many areas of biology and ecol- istics (e.g., density, mortalityand fecun-
the smallest isolated population having ogy, but their utility for solving this par- dity rates) of many species show wide
a 99% chance of remaining extant for ticularproblem is limited. variationfrom one part of their range to
1000 years despite the foreseeable ef- anotherdepending on habitatquality or
fects of demographic, environmental, community structure. Two habitat
Biogeographic Patterns
and genetic stochasticity, and natural patchesof the same size may not support
catastrophes. Examinationof the distributionalpat- equally large or enduring populations.
I must stress the tentative nature of terns of species that occur in insular or Such habitat differences are critical to
this definition.The critical level for sur- patchy patterns can provide a first ap- wise conservation planning,and any re-
vival probabilitiesmight be set at 95%, proximationof minimum area require- search efforts employing this approach
or 100%,or any other level. Similarly, ments and, provided some estimate of must recognize and deal with this fact.
the time frame of 1000 years might be densities, minimum viable population Obviously, this approach cannot be
lengthenedto 10,000or shortenedto 100. sizes. This approach requires that spe- used for those species that have con-
Such criteria urgently need discussion cies communitiesoccupying such habitat tiguousdistributionsand do not occur ei-
among conservationists, planners, and patches are in equilibriumand the ap- ther on islands or patchily distributed
naturalresource managers. The impor- proximate length of their isolation is habitats.

132 BioScience Vol. 31 No. 2

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Despite these drawbacks, analysis of various scenarios of population growth adequate genetic informationprecluded
biogeographic patterns, when coupled and regulation and use these to deter- testing the effects of genetic stochasti-
with studies of species-specific turnover mine both the relationshipof population city. The results of this analysis showed
rates, is one of the majormeans of deter- size to extinction probabilitiesand the that populationsof less than 30-70 bears
miningminimumviable populationsizes sensitivity of the results to assumptions (depending on population character-
and their area requirements.The most inherent in the models and key popu- istics) occupying less than 2500-7400
valuableresearch directions to fully uti- lation characteristics. For example, in km2(dependingon habitatquality)have
lize this approachare to extend its appli- the classic model of logistic population less than a 95% chance of survivingfor
cation to nonavian species, refine analy- growth, do survival probabilitiesdepend even 100 years. Survival probabilities
ses to reflect differences in habitat primarilyon mortalityor fecundityrates, were most affected by changes in the
quality as well as quantity, and deter- or carryingcapacity?Is the meanor vari- mean mortalityrate, cub sex ratio, and
mine if there is any relationshipbetween ance of these parametersmore important age at first reproductionof females.
the percent occurrence of a species and in assessing survival? To what extent is This type of approach should be ex-
its characteristicextinction/colonization survivalaffected by introductionof time panded to other species when sufficient
rates. lags in the density-dependentprocess of data exist. Where possible, future field
mortalityand reproduction?Such mod- populationstudies should be designedto
els should also facilitate developmentof gather the types of informationneces-
Theoretical Models effective management strategies for re- sary to develop simulationmodels. Such
serves that are too small to assure per- simulations provide the most tractable
There are several theoretical models sistence if left alone. andrealisticalternativeto the analysisof
for predictingthe probabilitythat a small biogeographical patterns and species-
populationwill go extinct and the time Simulation Models specific turnoverrates.
this will take. There are also numerous
models of populationgrowth under sto- Because they are not subject to the
chastic conditions (demographic, envi- Genetic Considerations
variousconstraintsof analyticalmodels,
ronmental,or both). But these models ei- computersimulationsemployingnumeri- Several workers have based minimum
ther embody unrealistic assumptionsor cal methods may provide a tractableap- populationrecommendationson genetic
lead to currentlyunresolved mathemati- proach to determiningminimum viable and evolutionary arguments. Franklin
cal problems. populationsizes and their area require- (1980) has suggested that, simply to
For example, the models of Mac- ments. Aside from their greaterrealism, maintainshort-termfitness (i.e., prevent
Arthur and Wilson (1967) and Richter- such models also provide a flexible tool seriousin-breedingand its deleteriousef-
Dyn and Goel (1972) assume a constant for assessing the effects of changes in fects), the minimumeffective population
carrying capacity and birth and death variousparametervalues (e.g., mortality size (in the genetic sense) should be
rates that change only in response to andfecundityrates, etc.) and/orrelation- around 50. He further recommended
density. Thus, they deal only with the ships (density-dependentversus density- that, to maintainsufficientgenetic varia-
probabilityof extinction due to demo- independentmortalityrates, etc.). bilityfor adaptationto changingenviron-
graphic stochasticity. The branching The principle drawbacks of this ap- mental conditions, the minimum ef-
process theory employed by Keiding proach are a lack of generality(i.e., the fective populationsize shouldbe around
(1975), though capable of dealing with simulations have to be altered for dif- 500. Soule (1980) has pointed out that,
both demographic and environmental ferentspecies) and demandfor extensive above and beyond preservingshort-term
stochasticity,is restrictedto exponential data. At a minimum, such models (for fitness and genetic adaptability, long-
growth. Diffusion theory, as employed vertebrates) require knowledge of the term evolutionary potential (at the spe-
by various workers (for a review see meanand varianceof age and sex-specif- cies level) may well requirea numberof
Shaffer 1978), applies only to a totally ic mortality and fecundity rates, age substantiallylarger populations.
unpredictable environment. Moreover, structure, sex ratios, dispersal, and the These recommendations were based
there has been some doubt about the ap- relationshipof these various parameters on very general applicationsof basic ge-
propriatemethod of analysis to be ap- to density. Such informationshould be netic principles and, consequently, are
plied to diffusion theory equations. Tu- gathered over a sufficientlylong period somewhat oversimplified. A more de-
relli (1977), after a thorough review of to assure that it is representativeof the tailed approachwould involve gathering
analysis methods, emphasized that the full rangeof conditions the populationis informationon the degree of genetic var-
diffusiontheory models are most appro- subject to, including cyclic behavior. iabilityand the breedingstructureof the
priately viewed as approximations to (For some species this may requirevery species to be preserved. Given this infor-
morerealisticmodels that are analytical- long data bases.) mation, it should then be possible to de-
ly intractable. Based on the extensive data of Craig- terminewhat size populationwould pro-
The idiosyncraticnatureof many spe- headet al. (1974)for the grizzlybear(Ur- vide (at some probability level) a
cies and the great variabilityinherentin sus arctos L.) in Yellowstone National representativesample of the genetic di-
nature probably preclude direct appli- Park, I (Shaffer 1978) used the simula- versity typical of the species and what
cation of any single theoreticalmodel to tion approachto assess minimumviable size would be necessary to assure (at
many real-world situations. Never- population sizes and area requirements some probabilitylevel) that none of this
theless, this is an importantarea of re- for this species. The simulations could variability would be lost due to in-
searchand deserves increasedattention. evaluate the effects of either or both de- breeding and genetic drift over some
From a practical standpoint, the most mographicand environmentalstochasti- specified period of time. Lacking this
fruitfulapproachwould be the develop- city. Natural catastrophes appear to be sort of detailed work, the above recom-
ment of a small numberof models to fit unimportantfor the grizzly, and lack of mendations should be viewed as very

February 1981 133

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rough guidelines rather than specific Craighead,J. J., J. Varney, and F. 0. Craig- North Central and Northeastern Forests
prescriptions. for Nongame Birds. WorkshopProc. U.S.
head, Jr. 1974. A Population Analysis of the
Yellowstone Grizzly Bears. Montana Forest Dept. Agric. For. Serv., Gen. Tech. Rep.
SUMMARY and ConservationExperimentStation Bul- NC-51. USDA For. Serv., North Cent.
letin 40. University of Montana,Missoula. For. Exp. Stn., St. Paul, MN.
Nature reserves represent the invest- Franklin,I. R. 1980. Evolutionarychange in Roughgarden,J. 1975. A simple model for
ment of land for the production of a pub- small populations.Pages 135-150 in M. E. populationdynamics in stochastic environ-
lic good-the persistence of populations Soul6 and B. A. Wilcox, eds. Conservation ments.Am. Nat. 109: 713-736.
of various species and the communities Biology: An Evolutionary-Ecological Per- Shaffer, M. L. 1978. DeterminingMinimum
they form. The fact that population per- spective. Sinauer, Sunderland,MA. Viable PopulationSizes: A Case Study of
sistence depends, to a great extent, on Hooper, M. D. 1971. The size and surround- the GrizzlyBear (Ursus arctos L.). Unpub-
ings of nature reserves. Pages 555-561 in lished Ph.D. dissertation,Duke University,
population size immediately raises the is- E. D. Duffey and A. S. Watt, eds. TheSci-
sue of how persistent society wishes Durham,NC.
entific Management of Animal and Plant Simon, N., and P. Geroudet. 1970.Last Sur-
remnant wild populations to be. Communities for Conservation. Blackwell, vivors. WorldPublishingCo., New York.
This is not a question that can be an- Oxford. Soule, M. E. Thresholds for survival: main-
swered solely on biological grounds. In Keiding,N. 1975. Extinctionand exponential taining fitness and evolutionary potential.
an expanding human world, competition growth in random environments.Theoret. Pages 151-170 in M. E. Soule and B. A.
for use of a finite land base can only in- Pop. Biol. 8: 49-63. Wilcox, eds. Conservation Biology: An
tensify. Conservationists will increas- Levins, R. 1970. Extinction. Pages 77-107 in Evolutionary-Ecological Perspective. Si-
ingly be pressed on the need to preserve M. Gerstenhaber, ed. Some Mathematical nauer, Sunderland,MA.
many species and on the efficiency (in Questions in Biology, Vol. II. American Terborgh, J., and B. Winter. 1980. Some
terms of land) with which such preserva- MathematicalSociety, Providence,RI. causes of extinction. Pages 119-134 in
MacArthur,R. H., and E. 0. Wilson. 1967. M. E. Soul6 and B. A. Wilcox, eds. Con-
tion can be accomplished. In this atmos-
The Theory of Island Biogeography. servation Biology: An Evolutionary-Eco-
phere, scientists must develop some con- PrincetonUniversityPress, Princeton,NJ. logical Perspective. Sinauer, Sunderland,
sensus on the standards to be applied in May, R. M. 1973. Stability and Complexity in MA.
determining what constitutes a minimum Model Ecosystems. Princeton University Turelli, M. 1977. Random environmentsand
viable population for successful preser- Press, Princeton,NJ. stochastic calculus. Theoret. Pop. Biol. 12:
vation. I have offered one tentative defi- Richter-Dyn,N., and N. S. Goel. 1972. On 140-178.
nition in this paper, but it is not to be the extinctionof a colonizingspecies. Theo- Wilcox, B. A. 1980. Insularecology and con-
taken literally. It is intended as an ex- ret. Pop. Biol. 3: 406-433. servation,Pages 95-118 in M. E. Soule and
ample for consideration, not a standard Robbins,C. S. 1979.Effect of forest fragmen- B. A. Wilcox, eds. Conservation Biology:
for application. tationon birdpopulations.Pages 198-213in An Evolutionary-Ecological Perspective.
USDA, Forest Service. Management of Sinauer,Sunderland,MA.
Given some consensus on the stan-
dards to be applied, several of the meth-
ods outlined here may be used to begin The Society for
determining minimum viable population Industrial Microbiology
sizes and land area requirements for spe-
cies in jeopardy. The most promising ap- announces the publication of
proaches are the extension and refine-
ment of analyses of biogeographic DEVELOPMENTS IN
distribution patterns and species-specific
turnover rates and the use of available INDUSTRIAL MICROBIOLOGY
population data in computer simulations Volume 21
designed to test extinction probabilities.
Theoretical mathematical models may be Leland A. Underkofler & Margaret L. Wulf, Editors
useful in revealing which population The proceedings of the 36th general meeting of the Society for Indus-
characteristics or processes are likely to trial Microbiology held in August 1979 at Carnegie-Mellon University,
be most important in affecting survival Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Contents include a Charles Thom Award
probabilities. Genetic determinants of Lecture on Some Problems on the New Horizons of Applied Micro-
minimum viable population sizes are still biology; an Invitational ONR Lecture on Mud, Microbes, and Miner-
unclear; their resolution hinges primarily alization; plus symposia on Cloning DNA Molecules in Microbial
on a better knowledge of the breeding Cells, Genetics of Streptomyces, Aminoglycoside Antibiotics, Regu-
structure and genetic variability of par- lations and Industrial Applications of Biocides, Cosmetic Micro-
ticular species and, most importantly, biology, and Microbiology of Paint. Plus 31 contributed papers. 525 pp.
the role of genetic variability in popu-
lation growth and regulation. $33.50 domestic $34.00 foreign
including postage and handling.
(A standing order system is available.)
Berry,R. J. 1971.Conservationaspects of the Make checks payable to "AIBS" and mail to:
geneticalconstitutionof populations.Pages
177-206 in E. D. Duffey and A. S. Watt, Developments in Industrial Microbiology
eds. The Scientific Management of Animal American Institute of Biological Sciences
and Plant Communities for Conservation. 1401 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22209

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