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Article 11 Right to protest and freedom

of association
Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly. This is a right closely linked to
the right to freedom of expression.

It provides a means for public expression and is one of the foundations of a democratic

The right applies to protest marches and demonstrations, press conferences, public and
private meetings, counter-demonstrations, ‘sit-ins’, motionless protests etc.

The right only applies to peaceful gatherings and does not protect intentionally violent

There may be interference with the right to protest if the authorities prevent a
demonstration from going ahead; halt a demonstration; take steps in advance of a
demonstration in order to disrupt it; and store personal information on people because
of their involvement in a demonstration.

The right to peaceful assembly cannot be interfered with merely because there is
disagreement with the views of the protesters or because it is likely to be inconvenient
and cause a nuisance or there might be tension and heated exchange between
opposing groups.

There is a positive obligation on the State to take reasonable steps to facilitate the right
to freedom of assembly, and to protect participants in peaceful demonstrations from
disruption by others.

Freedom of association
Everyone has the right to freedom of association with others.  This includes the right to
form and to join trade unions and to join with others to pursue or advance common
causes and interests.  It also includes the right to formally join or create associations. 

Necessarily included in the right of association is the freedom not to associate with
others.  There is no right for any individual to join a particular association if other
members of the group decide not to include them or to expel them on the basis that
their membership was not compatible with the aims and interests of the association. 
However, in relation to trade unions, if a decision not to include a person has adverse
employment consequences, any such decision must not be unreasonable or arbitrary.

Freedom of association also protects the right to refuse to join an association. This does
not include professional regulatory bodies set up by the State to regulate professions,
as these are not considered to fall within the definition of an ‘association’.

Article 11 is a qualified right and as such the right to protest and the freedom of
association may be limited so long as the limitation:

 is prescribed by law;
 is necessary and proportionate; and
 pursues a legitimate aim, namely:
o the interests of national security or public safety;
o the prevention of disorder or crime;
o the protection of health or morals; or
o the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.
The requirement to give notice of plans to stage an assembly in advance will not
necessarily breach the right to protest as long as notification doesn’t become a hidden
obstacle to exercising freedom of assembly.

Article 11(2) also states that this right will not prevent lawful restrictions being placed on
the exercise of these rights by members of the armed forces, the police or the
administration of the State.  However, this has been narrowly interpreted to require
convincing and compelling reasons for any such restrictions to be valid.

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