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Information about the practice of:

Dr. Ralph Wilson; Licensed Naturopathic Physician

Clinical Associate: Washington Institute of Natural Medicine
Washington DC. 202-237-7681. For more details:

AcuGraph: Digital Meridian Imaging

AcuGraph assessment is a method for documenting an
important system of human electro-physiology. This
information reflects the person's available energies that affect
autonomic self-regulation. This can be used to monitor the
practice of autonomic nervous system regulation therapies.

The AcuGraph technology is well suited to research. Dr. Wilson

has experience using it in documenting the effects of removable
“energy medicine” patches placed on the skin. More information
on a research project that studied energy patches is available
from Miridia Technology, Inc. -- the developers of AcuGraph.

1. MEASURE each meridian with AcuGraph’s computerized measurement

probe, as the computer guides you, point-by-point with clear photographic
illustrations and verbal prompts.

2. WATCH in amazement as AcuGraph instantly provides complete

graphical analysis and interpretation of the patient’s meridian energetics
in 9 different graph styles, including; yin/yang, 5-elements, horary, and
complete symptomatic associations, in a format patients readily embrace.
The Personal Integrated Energetics (P.I.E.) score boils the results down
to a single number patients readily understand.

3. TREAT the most effective acupuncture points for the patient, based on
AcuGraph’s intelligent analysis and 9 available guided treatment
protocols. Supplement your treatment with AcuHerb herbal therapy or
custom recommendations of your own, all automatically determined and
recommended by the software.

4. COMPARE the incredible results experienced by your patients and

tracked by subsequent AcuGraph examinations. Only AcuGraph gives
you Evidence-Based Acupuncture™ documentation and tracking for
superior documentation and patient compliance.
Dr. Wilson adds: AcuGraph assessment is a method for documenting an important system
of human electro-physiology. He states that this information reflects the person's available
energies that affect autonomic self-regulation. This information may enhance the practice of
autonomic nervous system regulation therapies. See References and the following pages
to begin learning why I am so enthusiastic about this. Remember that Meridians are not the
same as physical organs. Note: This does not diagnose or treat any medical disease.

Acupuncture Point Stimulation:

Depending on the intended use of this AcuGraph assessment, stimulation of a number of
the indicated acupuncture points may be beneficial. See the printed pictures of location for
the acupoints. Stimulation may be done by any of the following methods:
1. A portable pen-sized laser such as the 635 nm Adjustable Laser from ($49.95; phone: 888-647-4342). Beam each point for 10-20 seconds
(not over 25 seconds), two to three times a day, for two weeks. Then reassess.
2. Acupressure can be applied with fingertip or a small blunt object such as the eraser end
of a pencil for the same amount of time.
3. If small ear pellets are taped to the ear, these may be tapped for 10-20 seconds (not over 25 seconds), two to three times a day for
up to one week. If they have not fallen off by themselves, remove them at this time. Note: If they become uncomfortable, remove
4. If auricular magnet pellets are applied, these do not need to be tapped. They may remain in place for up to two weeks.
Note: If the skin ever becomes painful, stop; remove any pellets that feel painful. Call if you have questions or concerns.

If this AcuGraph Digital Meridian Imaging was performed as a demonstration:

Because acupuncture meridians are pathways for passage of photon light packets, or other
electrochemical transmission mechanism (see References), they do not carry physical nutrients
and cannot by themselves heal the body. Stimulation of acumeridian points must be done in
conjunction with adequate dietary intake and other supportive physical treatments. This may
include nutritional supplements and herbal products. In addition, removal of disruptive
substances such as pesticides, heavy metals, microbial toxins, and more, can often free the
body’s innate healing mechanisms to be more effective. Integrative Physical Health treatments
can also include structural manipulation, massage and bodywork, and FlexAware® movement,
as well as breathing exercises, appropriate rest and hygiene. Recent discoveries of
“Neuroplasticity” -- highlighting the fact that changes in the brain can be caused by conscious
changes in thoughts -- point to the importance of counseling and mental health interventions.
Therefore, the information on this printout cannot be used alone as treatment for any
health condition and should be discussed with an informed healthcare practitioner.

REFERENCES: Acumeridian Sciences -- Acupuncture, Auriculotherapy, etc.

"A Guide for the Application of Ryodoraku Therapy Electrical Acupuncture, a New Autonomic Nerve Regulating Therapy"
by Dr. Yoshio Nakatani. He was the inventor of the Ryodoraku method, which is the basis for AcuGraph technology.
"The Web That Has No Weaver : Understanding Chinese Medicine" by Dr. Ted Kaptchuk.
Biologically Closed Electric Circuits: Clinical, Experimental and Theoretical Evidence for an Additional Circulatory System"
by Dr. Bjorn Nordenstrom. His IABC:
"The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life", and "Cross Currents: The Promise of Electromedicine"
by Dr. Robert O. Becker.
“Fascia and the Mechanism of Acupuncture”, Finando & Finando. [Use a search engine for this 2010 paper.]
"Virtual Medicine: A New Dimension in Energy Healing" by Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby
“Acupressure’s Potent Points: A Guide to Self-Care for Common Ailments” by Michael Reed Gach.
"Acupuncture With Your Fingers", by Dr. Ralph Alan Dale.
"Curing Chronic Diseases", by Dr. Jerry Tennant.
"The Jing-Mai System in Vertebrate Development and Evolution" by Rainer Machne
“Window of Health: Ocular Diagnosis and Periocular Acupuncture, 3rd edition” by Dr. Hoy Ping Yee Chan, with introduction
by Dr. Ralph Wilson. On-demand printing: Search and print at
The eye as microcircuits: “Iridology: A Handbook,” by Kianna Smith. | “What the Eye Reveals,” by Denny Johnson.
DVD: The Living Matrix: NES and “The New Science of Information as Medicine.”
“AcuGraph: Digital Meridian Imaging”, by Adrian Larsen, D.C. (
“NES ProVision bodyfield assessment” (
“Hyperhealth”, Science-Based Encyclopedia of Nutrition & Natural Health (
“Integrated Body-Mind Information System” (IBIS), by Dr. Mitchell Stargrove (
“Iris Analysis Report Software,” by Dr. Bill Caradonna, and Judy McConnell (
Why I am so enthusiastic about AcuGraph digital meridian imaging as a
Functional Medicine assessment [v. 10/25/2010]

"It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease

than to know what sort of disease a person has."
-- Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)

I am a supporter of The Academy of Functional Medicine, Dentistry and Psychology (their Internet site is They state that “If you don’t test, you are guessing.”
My masters degree in Acupuncture gave me many insights into the electrical and electromagnetic factors of
human function. The flow of ions in the body induces electromagnetic fields; the concept of fields and of the
effects of minute changes to induce larger changes in physiology is receiving much attention worldwide.
Following are some pictures to introduce links that you can use to learn more [if links below are inactive on
your computer, enter this into a browser window:, the links are on that site]:

Björn Nordenström, M.D.,

Karolinska Institute in
Sweden, discovered
electrochemical effects in
tissues. This was in the
1970s and 1980s.

He founded the IABC, the

International Association
of Biologically Closed
Electric Circuits in
Medicine and Biology.

Why I am so impressed with Dr. Nordenström's work: I met Dr. Nordenström in 1987 when he was touring
the United States telling doctors about his work. I write about him on my website [click here] and include a link
to the YouTube video above; Dr. John Bastyr attended the same presentation. During his presentation Dr.
Nordenström described for us how he had discovered that there is a difference in the electrical charge of the
blood in the arteries compared to the charge measured in the veins. This means that there is a flow of charge
between arteries and veins. In physics, when there is a flow of ions along a wire there is also an electromagnetic
field generated around the wire. Thus, Dr. Nordenström has established that the human body has an immense
network of blood vessel "cables" that are surrounded by electromagnetic fields. It is these fields that I propose
hold in place the Hyaluronic Acid molecules that create functional "tubules" (protected zones) inside of which
flow ions (or maybe it is photons that flow). This flow is what is known as "Chi" or "Qi". It only happens when
a person is alive because when they die the blood stops flowing, the electromagnetic field disappears and the
functional tubules disappear as the hyaluronic dissipates. No anatomy dissection will ever find an acumeridian
tubule in a dead person because they are a function of Life processes. (There have been studies where
radioactive dye was injected into an acupuncture point and the dye was noted to move up the leg along the
meridian line described in acupuncture literature and not along any known blood or lymph vessel.)
One health care implication of Dr. Nordenström’s work: Dr. Nordenström discovered that the charge in
normal tissue is different from that in cancer tissue. He was able to make tumors disappear when he hooked up
an electrical current and reversed the charge that his instrumentation had detected in that tumor. He called this
“electrochemical therapy” (EChT). Eventually he went to China and they began applying it to treating cancer
patients. In 2001, Dr. Björn E.W. Nordenström received the International Scientific and Technological
Cooperation Award from the People's Republic of China for his work with cancer -- “Inaugurated in 1994 by
the State Council, the International Scientific and Technological Cooperation Award is granted to foreigners or
foreign organizations that have made important contributions to China's scientific and technological
advancement. Dr. Nordenström is the first Swedish scientist to receive this award.” [Please note that the EChT
approach was experimental, and now deserves evaluation within the modern context of integrative medicine.]
The Fascia Theory of acupuncture meridian formation:
Many findings on the Internet include research citations
regarding Hyaluronic Acid (“hyaluronan”, or H.A.) and its
relationship to fascia. A recent paper is “Fascia and the
Mechanism of Acupuncture”, Finando & Finando [use a
search engine to find this 2010 paper]. I write about the
Hyaluronic Acid Hypothesis on my website; I propose that
the main factor in the fascia is the H.A. which maintains a
protected zone that carries either A) ions (shown in picture
to right) or, B) photon light particles. The H.A. is held in
place by the tiny electromagnetic field generated around the
blood vessels forming the acupuncture meridian system as
diagramed in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

"Strolling Under the Skin" -- A DVD with a deep

view of how Life energies flow within the human
body. This is the work of French hand surgeon
Jean-Paul Guimberteau, M.D., who discovered that
a new way is needed to describe what happens as
the body converts energy to movement. The music
(e.g., Blue Danube) and words are inspiring. It
shows functional relationships of important aspects
of the body: the clear light-carrying fascia and the
mineral-rich/mobile blood system. [more info]
Fields: The heart has an electromagnetic field around it that can be
detected without touching the body. It is possible to monitor the
heartbeat without electrodes on the body. The Institute of HeartMath, an
educational organization, allows me to use this picture as part of my
thesis project for a Ph.D. in Energy Medicine [see more info link above].
So, in brief, I am convinced that the activities of the organs of the body
are affected by fields that carry information. The organs have been
associated with emotions or feelings, and these have been described by
doctors for thousands of years -- in both Traditional Chinese Medicine
and in Ayurvedic Medicine. Much more could be said about the
meridians and the organ systems. Especially important to my practice are
the diagrams that I have seen from a number of sources that show acupuncture meridians traveling through the
head, including the jaw and teeth [see next page]. Biological Dentistry is a discipline that includes recognition
that the metals in the mouth have electrical effects.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine there have been correlations of emotions with function of organs and tissues in
the body. This is all quite complex and a lifetime can be spent studying the many reports and academic writings
about the meridians either in the TCM or in the Ayurveda system, and we are now beginning to learn how to
incorporate this energy flow pathway information into western medicine.
Emotions: In the following pages of this AcuGraph report you will read some of the emotions that have been
traditionally associated with the various organ meridians in the body. There are a number of methods for
detecting and making changes in the effects of meridian energies on emotions and the feeling of wellbeing.
Physical Conditions: People who come to the clinic usually have some physical concern for which they seek
treatment. The TCM approach to health concerns is a complex one that is only part of the overall approach that
is taken by Integrative Medicine practitioners who use Functional Medicine.
Integrative Medicine Treatment Programs: Choosing the next steps for you to take -- on what I call your
Journey of Health -- will be your decision. I and the other practitioners that you consult are advisors. Often we
will include laboratory testing or other assessments that give clues to the functioning of your body. Additional
methods exist to learn clues about the impact of memories of past shocks and traumas that can reduce your
overall ability to maintain health and wellness. These can include counseling and sometimes also methods that
use the acupuncture meridian system with its relationships to emotions and the organ meridians.
Study the Resources and other sources to help you make your choices about your next steps. As a final note, I
respect your religious or philosophical commitment -- "Whether you see yourself as being created by God, or as
the marvelous, intricate result of millions of years of evolution, the natural laws are still the same.”
--- Ralph Wilson, N.D., M.S. Acupuncture
Washington DC
Below: Chart that I adapted to include emotions -- TCM meridians associated with organs and teeth. [Link]

Example Patient - 8/6/2005 11:00 AM - Source Points


158 160

110 106 105
 102 99 101
89 93
87 92 94 89
 80 83
 70 71 74

High: Low: Split: Normal:

Example Patient - 8/6/2005 11:00 AM - Source Points

High: Low: Split: Normal:

Example Patient 8/6/2005 11:00 AM Page Number: 1 Source Points

Ralph Wilson, N.D. E: Dr. Ralph Wilson, N.D.
Example Patient - 8/6/2005 11:00 AM - Source Points

Upper/Lower Balance: L/R Imbalance

18% Upper 0%


109% +

Chi Energy Level: 109% Energy Stability: 63%

(normal) (Slightly Low)

Yin/Yang Balance: 34% Yang

Meridian Analysis Information

The Lung Channel controls respiration, the throat, nose, skin and body hair. It dominates chi throughout the
whole body.
Your Lung Meridian energy is deficient.
Energetic disturbances in the lung meridian may involve one or more of the following emotional factors: ability
to take in life, depression, grief, sadness, yearning, anguish, not feeling worthy of living life fully, desperation,
cloudy thinking.
Deficient chi in the lung meridian may indicate a potential for chilly or numb sensation of extremities, sniffles,
sneezing, headache, respiration disorder, dizziness, dry throat, skin or hair problems, tinnitus, depression,
back or shoulder pain, pale face, faintness, weight loss, cold aversion.
Imbalance in this meridian may be associated with subluxation at the C7, T1, T2 and/or T3 level(s).
The Pericardium (circulation/sex) Channel governs circulation and hormones, and protects and regulates the
Your Pericardium Meridian energy is deficient.
Energetic disturbances in the pericardium meridian may involve one or more of the following emotional
factors: the ability to feel and express positive emotions.
Deficient chi in the pericardium meridian may indicate a potential for palpitation, shortness of breath,
headache, chest pressure, speech disturbance, indigestion, diarrhea, restless sleep, hormonal imbalances.
Imbalance in this meridian may be associated with subluxation at the T2, T4, T8 and/or T12 level(s).

Example Patient 8/6/2005 11:00 AM Page Number: 2 Source Points

Ralph Wilson, N.D. E: Dr. Ralph Wilson, N.D.
The Heart Channel governs the heart, circulation, facial complexion and mental/emotional function.
Your Heart Meridian energy is deficient.
Energetic disturbances in the heart meridian may involve one or more of the following emotional factors:
center of love and security, heart attacks: squeezing all the joy out of the heart in favor of money or power,
long-standing emotional problems, lack of joy, excess joy, abnormal laughing, excessively talkative.
Deficient chi in the heart meridian may indicate a potential for palpitation, pain or cold in chest and limbs, cold
sweat, nausea, yellow eyes, warm palms, diarrhea, insomnia, poor respiration, speech disturbance, poor
Imbalance in this meridian may be associated with subluxation at the T1, T2, T3, T4 and/or T5 level(s).

The Small Intestine Channel influences digestion, water metabolism, and bowel functions.
Your Small Intestine Meridian energy is excessive.
Energetic disturbances in the small intestine meridian may involve one or more of the following emotional
factors: assimilation and ease in life, fear, worry, not feeling good enough, feeling lost, vulnerable, deserted,
absent mindedness, unrequited love.
Excessive chi in the small intestine meridian may indicate a potential for headache, weak extremities,
disorders of the lower abdomen, shoulder pain, joint pain, flatulence, constipation, chest pressure, mouth
sores, fever, sweating, stiff or swollen neck, digestive disturbance.
Imbalance in this meridian may be associated with subluxation at the T10, T11, 12 and/or Sacrum level(s).
The Triple Energizer (triple heater, san jiao) Channel governs respiration, digestion and elimination.
Your Triple Heater (triple warmer) Meridian energy is excessive.
Energetic disturbances in the triple heater meridian may involve one or more of the following emotional
factors: the ability to feel and express positive emotions.
Excessive chi in the triple heater meridian may indicate a potential for urination disorders, tinnitus, hearing
difficulties, rigid lower abdomen, sweating, sore throat, endocrine dysfunction, shoulder pain, ear pain.
Imbalance in this meridian may be associated with subluxation at the T2, T3, L1, and/or Sacrum level(s).
The Large Intestine Channel controls elimination of solid waste, and functions with the Lung Channel to
regulate lung function and skin.
Your Large Intestine Meridian energy is excessive.
Energetic disturbances in the large intestine meridian may involve one or more of the following emotional
factors: holding on to the past, fear of letting go, crying, compulsion to neatness, defensiveness.
Excessive chi in the large intestine meridian may indicate a potential for stiff shoulder, toothache,
hemorrhoids, skin conditions, fever, fullness, dry throat, asthma, facial swelling, sinus headache, dizziness,
Imbalance in this meridian may be associated with subluxation at the L2, L3, L4 and/or L5 level(s).

Example Patient 8/6/2005 11:00 AM Page Number: 3 Source Points

Ralph Wilson, N.D. E: Dr. Ralph Wilson, N.D.
The Kidney Channel dominates reproduction and water metabolism. It controls bone, hair, hearing and
Your Kidney Meridian energy is deficient.
Energetic disturbances in the kidney meridian may involve one or more of the following emotional factors:
criticism, disappointment, fear, dread, bad memory, impending doom, failure, shame, reacting as a child,
stones: unresolved anger.
Deficient chi in the kidney meridian may indicate a potential for general debilitating pain, cold lower extremities,
occipital pressure, impotence, decreased libido, numb hands or feet, lack of taste, abnormal defecation,
tinnitus, deafness, forgetfulness, bone disorders, hair disorders, lumbar pain.
Imbalance in this meridian may be associated with subluxation at the T8, T9, T10, T11, T12 and/or L5

Element Information
Your most dominant element is Fire. The Fire Element contains the Heart, Pericardium, Small Intestine and
Triple Heater meridians. These regulate circulation, digestion, elimination, emotions, and hormone function in
the body. The fire element has the following associations:
• Sense Organ: Tongue
• Tissue: Vessels
• Taste: Bitter
• Color: Red
• Sound: Laughing
• Odor: Scorched
• Emotion: Joy
• Season: Summer
• Environment: Heat

Your least dominant element is Water.

• Sense Organ: Ears
• Tissue: Bone
• Taste: Salty
• Color: Blue/Black
• Sound: Groaning
• Odor: Putrid
• Emotion: Fear
• Season: Winter
• Environment: Cold

Example Patient 8/6/2005 11:00 AM Page Number: 4 Source Points

Ralph Wilson, N.D. E: Dr. Ralph Wilson, N.D.
Dietary Recommendations
Foods recommended to improve your energetic balance:


Alfalfa Sprout, Seaweed

Oils and Enhancements

Miso, Salt, Soy Sauce

Seasonings and Spices

Chive Seed, Nettle, Parsley

Fish and Seafood

Abalone, Clam (freshwater), Cuttlefish, Lobster & Crayfish, Oyster, Scallop, Shark, Squid

Duck, Pigeon, Pork, Pork (kidney)

Egg (pigeon)

Ratio Information
Yin vs. Yang
Your Yin/Yang energy balance is very unequal with a strong Yang dominance of 34%. Metabolic and
energetic difficulties are likely.

Upper vs. Lower

Your Upper/Lower energy balance is relatively equal with a slight Ĺ tendency of 18%.

Right vs. Left

Your Left/Right energy balance is equal.

Energy Level
Your overall level of chi energy is within the normal range (109%).

Energy Stability
Your energy stability is slightly low (63%), indicating possible imbalance in your autonomic nervous system.

Example Patient 8/6/2005 11:00 AM Page Number: 5 Source Points

Ralph Wilson, N.D. E: Dr. Ralph Wilson, N.D.
Auricular Treatment
Point Zero LU 9
Frequency: Frequency:
10 Hz. 5 Hz.
Point Information: Point Information:
Produces This point is the
homeostatic auricular analogue to
the tonification point on
equilibrium and
the main meridian. It is
restores energetic
indicated in the case of
balance. meridian deficiency.

O = Non-Visible Surface O = Non-Visible Surface

• = Visible Surface • = Visible Surface

PC 9 HT 9
Frequency: Frequency:
5 Hz. 80 Hz.
Point Information: Point Information:
This point is the This point is the
auricular analogue to auricular analogue to
the tonification point on the tonification point on
the main meridian. It is the main meridian. It is
indicated in the case of indicated in the case of
meridian deficiency. meridian deficiency.

O = Non-Visible Surface O = Non-Visible Surface

• = Visible Surface • = Visible Surface

Example Patient 8/6/2005 11:00 AM Page Number: 6 Source Points

Ralph Wilson, N.D. E: Dr. Ralph Wilson, N.D.
KI 7
10 Hz.
Point Information:
This point is the
auricular analogue to
the tonification point on
the main meridian. It is
indicated in the case of
meridian deficiency.

O = Non-Visible Surface
• = Visible Surface

Example Patient 8/6/2005 11:00 AM Page Number: 7 Source Points

Ralph Wilson, N.D. E: Dr. Ralph Wilson, N.D.

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