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Sacred Text

In the moral theology, the Scripture or the Word of God holds a major place in this
category. The Scripture serves as our guide in our lives towards the right path most
especially in making such different decisions. Mr. Tiñana's action was against the
Scriptures. In the ten commandments, one of it is "Thou shall not steal." God told us not
to take or keep of one's goods in an unjust and wrongful way. He was too blinded from
his desires to the point he did a wrongful act. It is not a bad thing to desire something
that we really want as long as we will achieve it in right and proper way. In the Scripture,
it keeps on reminding us to love one another just as God loved us. Causing harm to
someone's goods is an opposite act to what the Scripture is trying to teach us. Part of
loving also means respecting each other. Respecting

Human Experience

Part of being human means having a human experience. Human experience

acknowledges one's self awareness and subjectivity, and their relationship not only with
themselves but also to the other people and communities. We all know that stealing is
always considered as against to the morals . It is and will always be wrong, no matter
what is the reason behind it. I believe Mr. Tiñana is consciously aware of his actions
and its possible consequences for it. He still choose to do that due to the influenced of
his personal desire.

Tradition of the community

Mr. Tiñana’s decision to stole the money might be affected by the tradition of the
community he lived with. He might live in a community that doesn’t care about the
welfare of the neighborhood and just lived their lives as nothing happens in their
surroundings. It might be also that Mr. Tiñana doesn’t care how people might see him
whether he is a respectable man or not, which he thinks that his reputation is not
important rather than the money he gains. Being not able to give respect to himself
might he adopt from the community he lived with. It is why choosing a place to live in is
important since it also influences the people living there. I always remind myself that the
process is more important than the outcome because it is when you learn from it. The
process is more blissful than the result. It is tempting to engage in this kind of life since
the advances that await the person, but the consequences might be the long life

Reflection on experience

Before Mr. Tiñana made such a wrongful choice, his decision might be affected by his
experience where he came from poverty and want to end it quickly by choosing a
wrongful act. Reflecting on his experience like he is already tired of being poor, might be
the influence in his decision since it can be the strong force that will push him to do
things that he can never think of. Just like other crimes such as murder, the murderer
chose to kill someone out of his revenge to the person he loathes that much. Being able
to also reflect on the experience, all of us can easily decide out of it without thinking
about the other things and can quickly make a selfish decision. This is why other factors
affecting every decision must be able to consider since a person doesn’t only living
his/her life but also affecting other people's lives. Mr. Tiñana experience would teach us
that being able to reflect on our experience and make a rightful decision out of it, we can
live a happy and peaceful life. We all must remember also that money may buy material
things but it doesn’t mean you are being contented of what you have.

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