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Taking charge of words ☺

Look at the list of activities below. Choose one activity every day (in any order) and place your work in the Spelling Folder.

your # ACTIVITY What to do Example
1 Silly Sentences Write silly sentences using each word in a sentence. My dog wears yellow
pants at school.
2 Letter Writing Write a short letter to a friend or family member using the words in your list.
You can e-mail it, too!
3 Words Within Write each word and then two other words that are “hidden” inside it. SLIDE: lie led lid etc
4 Fancy Letters Write each word from your spelling list in a fancy manner! Use dots, curly shapes etc.

5 Upper and Lower Write each word in upper-case (capital) letters and then in lower-case letters. BOOT boot

6 Across and Down Write each word across and then down starting with the first letter. hot
7 Spelling Flashcards Make a set of flashcards to practice your words. t-h-e-r-e there
When you look at your flashcard, spell it out loud and then read it.
8 Hidden Words Draw and color a picture. Write your spelling words inside your picture.

9 ABC Order Write your spelling words in alphabetical order.

10 Story, Story Write a short story using your spelling words.

11 Words Without Write the spelling words on a list and then replace all the vowels with lines. rain r_ _ n
Vowels Try to write the words again to see if you remember them.
12 Crossword Puzzle Write your spelling words in a crossword puzzle. Challenge someone to find the words.

13 Comic Strip Create a comic strip using the spelling words. Add speech bubbles and characters.

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