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As work spaces, offices, and schools being closed down during the pandemic, it was a major disaster of a
year. events that concluded prior to the pandemic were disheartening news an official of the Iranians
was killed by the us in an air strike[ CITATION BBC20 \l 1033 ] prompting a hint of a world war (3) by the
internet [ CITATION Cod20 \l 1033 ] but was later resolved to prevent any greater loss.

Another was the Beirut explosion In Lebanon which killed dozens of people, some were injured, some
lost their loved ones, the scenes were a beauty but the aftermath were a bloodbath [ CITATION Yar20 \l
1033 ] the explosion was caused by a fireworks warehouse near the city’s port[ CITATION Mel20 \l
1033 ]

Another was a local scene event caused was a natural disaster, the Ash Fall of the Taal Volcano. The
volcano did not erupt lava, thankfully it was only an ashfall that affected the locals, and given them the
need to evacuate [ CITATION Int20 \l 1033 ][ CITATION Pri20 \l 1033 ]

In addition to the prior events another reason of why all of the whole world came to a halt the COVID 19
Pandemic, which affected local businesses closing, of over 90,000 that pertains to Micro small &
medium enterprises (MSMEs) [ CITATION ram20 \l 1033 ]. Which affected the livelihood of a lot of
individuals, to fight this the Philippine government distributed Social Amelioration Program (SAP) to
help ease the financial crisis of Filipino families who were most affected [ CITATION Chr20 \l 1033 ]

Consequently, due to the pandemic the department of education or (DepEd) deployed 1.3 Million
computers and tablets to cope with the new normal of online schooling [ CITATION ABS20 \l 1033 ] not
only the schools have been moved to an online setting, a similar situation happened to most office
workers. A whopping 71% of workers in America are working at home according to [ CITATION KIM20
\l 1033 ]
References used

Family, faith fortify Filipinos against pandemic, perfidy | BusinessMirror

Massive explosions in Lebanon’s capital of Beirut leaves dozens dead (

Lebanon finds 1.5 tons of fireworks at Beirut blast site (

Heatwave and high winds threaten to reignite Australian wildfires (

'World War III' trends globally after Qassem Suleimani's assassination | The National

Qasem Soleimani: US kills top Iranian general in Baghdad air strike - BBC News

Taal Volcano Eruption 2020: Philippines - Calabarzon Region Situation Report No. 2 as of 21 January
2020 - Philippines | ReliefWeb

7K families remain in Taal evacuation centers | Philippine News Agency (

DTI: 90,000 businesses remain closed amid pandemic | Inquirer Business

phillippines giving ayuda - Google Search

Philippines: Social Assistance to Poor Households, Support for Small Enterprises Key to Broad-Based
Recovery (

DSWD distributes P76.2-B worth of SAP 2 aid | Philippine News Agency (

DepEd to have 1.3M tablets, computers in 2020 as education sector shifts to COVID-19 new normal |
ABS-CBN News (

How Coronavirus Has Changed the Way Americans Work | Pew Research Center

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