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In the Philippines after a series of lockdowns, the country is trying to revive the

economic growth through key business operations. However, the implications of the

crisis are to be considered as the “new normal” takes its toll in the accounting structure

(Dela Cruz, 2020). It is said that the country has not been immune to the havoc caused

by the pandemic, with substantial parts of the country placed under varying levels of

community quarantine for extended periods. Even as quarantine conditions ease in

most parts of the country, looking at a “new normal” in going about people’s lives, with

no guarantee when all of these can return to the way things were before COVID-19

(Villanueva, 2020). That is why many of the accounting firms have found ways on how

they will deal these alterations, the outbreak pushed firms to shift into the digital

platforms. In a recent study conducted, it was shown that companies who have access

to cloud technology have performed better than those who haven’t (Dela Cruz, 2020).

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to be informed about the adjustments and

challenges brought by this pandemic to the accounting professionals and how all of

these gave impact to their work setting.

During this phase of the study, the COVID-19 impact to the work situation of the

accounting professionals defined the effects of this pandemic and dealing the sudden

shifting to new normal work setting by the accountants.

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