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FAQs for 9CC-CET

1. What is the Merchant Navy?

All non-military ships including bulk carriers, coasters, container ships, tankers,
passenger liners, etc., but excluding fishing and research vessels, listed on the
official registry of a country.
2. Why Join the Merchant Navy?
It is a very lucrative and interesting career choice. You get the thrill, adventure,
hard work, irregular work hours, travelling, excitement and a taste of any desk
job you can do all under the same roof.
3. What is 9CC-CET?
It is an entrance exam for students aspiring to start their career in the Merchant
Navy. Important dates and How to apply procedures can be found in the
Scholarship Details tab.
4. What is 9CC?
It stands for 9.0 Career Cafe, our vision is with so many career options to
choose from, a large chunk of the student population today struggles to choose
a career that is best suited for them. Through our dense catalogue of careers
and AI assistance, we not only aim to become your vehicles to explore the wide
array of careers but also to guide you towards the career that is personally, the
best fit for you.
5. What is a sponsorship?
A sponsorship is a financial aid for students who are eager to pursue their goals
but need money to do so.
6. When are the application forms available?
The forms have been made available since March 1, 2020.
7. I have appeared for class XII exam this year. The results are not yet
declared. Can I still fill up the form and appear in 9CC-CET?
Yes. The marksheet is not necessary immediately. You can present it after you
receive the results.
8. What is the difference between Phase I and Phase II?
There is no difference at all. You may apply to either one of them.
9. I am appearing for IMUCET, do I still have to fill out the 9CC form?
Yes. It is compulsory to fill out the 9CC form.

10. Which is better - joining the Merchant Navy after 12th or after
The options are several after 12th as well as after graduation. You may apply to
BTech Marine Engineering, BSc Nautical Science or DNS right after 12th. You
can go for GME and ETO as well but after graduation.
11. Do I have to take any other entrance exam to apply for 9CC-CET?
Only appearing in IMU-CET is mandatory to apply for 9CC-CET.
12. What is the syllabus for 9CC-CET?
The 9CC-CET is an aptitude test and consists of Cognitive, Predictive learning,
Adaptive, Logical and Analytical Reasoning Questions.
13. How many questions are there in the test?
9CC-CET will have 90 questions to attempt in 60 mins exam duration.
14. Is there any negative marking?
No, there are no negative markings.
15. What is the duration of 9CC-CET?
60 Minutes.
16. What is the application fee for the test?
The application fee is Rs. 1000 which also includes application fee waivers to
Top Colleges.
17. Is the form available offline?
No. The entire process is online.
18. What documents do I need for registration?
Your Photo, Xth and XIIth Board Marksheet(If appeared earlier than 2020).
19. Will there be more rounds after the test?
Yes, there will be an interview round with a panel of Shipping officers.
20. Are the seats reserved for specific categories?
No. The seats are alloted solely based on 9CC-CET Results.
21. Do I have to appear for the same test for all the courses?
Yes. One fits all.
22. What is the 9Credit model?
The 9Credit model is a Pay-after-job Scheme wherein you pay back the
program fees after securing a job of your preference. We take care of your job
placement and make sure you are employed with one of the best shipping
companies. There are no upfront fees and you pay via an ISA once you get a

job (see question on ISA below). So, Basically you don't pay anything until you
start to earn.
23. What is an Income Share Agreement?
An ISA is used for paying 9CC once you start to earn. We will get you placed in
the top shipping companies and when you start to earn you pay us back in
small percentage every month. Detailed terms and conditions will be
mentioned in the ISA. Since 9CC does not charge any fees upfront until you
start to earn, the ISA model incentivises us to make sure you have a superior
training and access to the highest paying opportunities for you. We win only
when you win. If you don't get a Job, YOU PAY NOTHING.
24. Is there any weightage for Board marks?
There is no weightage for Board Marks. You are eligible after 60% in PCM and
50% in English in Xth & XIIth.
25. What are Deck Cadets & Engine Cadets?
Deck Cadets & Engine Cadets are freshers who start a career in the Merchant
Navy at the Deck Side and Engine Side respectively.
26. What opportunities can I expect from the Merchant Navy?
You will operate mega ships and travel the world. Not to mention the attractive
perks of the job and a much healthier lifestyle. Your accommodation, food,
Travel bookings are completely free, and the charges are borne by the shipping
companies. Basically, whatever you earn while you're travelling is your saving,
Isn’t that so cool!

What is the best choice to join, after 12th or after graduation?

What is the best choice to join, after 12th or after graduation?

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