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35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life

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35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life

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35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life

Table of Contents
Introduction............................................................................................................................................ 5
Why are Good Habits Important? ..............................................................................................11

Habit 1 Embrace Challenges and Obstacles ...........................................................................11

Habit 2 Learn To Say No .................................................................................................................11

Habit 3 Create Daily Task List ......................................................................................................12

Habit 4 Accept Criticisms and Feedbacks ..............................................................................12

Habit 5 Learn From Mistakes .......................................................................................................13

Habit 6 Be Willing To Take Risks ...............................................................................................13

Habit 7 Trust Your Instincts .........................................................................................................14

Habit 8 Set Goals and Manifest ...................................................................................................14

Habit 9 Learn To Meditate .............................................................................................................15

Habit 10 Learn New Skills and Read .........................................................................................15

Habit 11 Mastering Learning Skill ..............................................................................................16

Habit 12 Network with Successful People ..............................................................................16

Habit 13 Accountability ...................................................................................................................17

Habit 14 Get Up Early .......................................................................................................................17

Habit 15 Practice Patience..............................................................................................................18
Habit 16 Define Purpose .................................................................................................................18

Habit 17 Be Self-Reliant ...................................................................................................................19

Habit 18 Practice Self-Control......................................................................................................19

Habit 19 Adopt Grit ............................................................................................................................20

Habit 20 Be Decisive .........................................................................................................................21
Habit 21 Become Laser-Focus ......................................................................................................21

Habit 22 Take Actions with No Excuses ..................................................................................22

Habit 23 Give Genuine Praises ....................................................................................................22
Habit 24 Stay Open-Minded ..........................................................................................................23

Habit 25 Exercise Regularly ..........................................................................................................23

Habit 26 Be Inquisitive ....................................................................................................................24

Habit 27 Cherish Time .....................................................................................................................24

Habit 28 Seek a Mentor ...................................................................................................................25

Habit 29 Learn To Let Go ...............................................................................................................25

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35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life

Habit 30 Let Go of Ego .....................................................................................................................26

Habit 31 Be Frugal ..............................................................................................................................26

Habit 32 Delay Gratification .........................................................................................................27

Habit 33 Manage Anxiety and Emotions .................................................................................27

Habit 34 Believe In Sharing ..........................................................................................................28

Habit 35 Treat Others with Respect ..........................................................................................28

Valuable Resources ...........................................................................................................................29

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35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life


I have written this book to inspire you to achieve success in your life. Each of us are
different with our very own life inspiration and life story. Despite the differences, we
all have one thing in common, and that’s the desire to be successful. All of us want to
be successful in life, be it in business, career, health, relationship or building wealth.

All of us, like you and me, are driven by success, recognition, respect, money, power
or fame. There’s no magic formulae for achieving success and it is nothing less than a
self-discovering journey that all of us would have to take to get to the other end of the
rainbow where true success and happiness is waiting for us.

To get to the other side of the rainbow, it is important to cast aside all the negative
limiting beliefs that will cripple your success. Self-believe is the key to success. To
live a life of high achievements is to fully believe in yourself and your ability.

You have probably been told to believe in yourself many times. But you would not
realize the power of self-belief until you practice it. Your personal breakthrough
begins with your beliefs. With a strong sense of self-belief, winning habits will get
you to where you want to be. Time is precious. Make the best of your time and do not
let your life pass you by without experiencing what life can bring you.

I hope sharing of my life experiences and the content of this book will help will you
take the very first step or bring your level of success to the next level to live the
ultimate lifestyle of your dreams.

To your Success,

Josh Lim
Success Inspiring Friend,

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35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life

Typical average life…

I came from a family of average and humble background like most people. Growing
up was a typical “get an education, work hard and save money” mentality. I was
never encouraged or nurtured to explore outside of the norm, to venture or to seek
the path of fulfilling my dreams and purpose in life.

Nevertheless, I am very grateful for what family has done for me. Putting me through
university education was not easy due to the financial constraint my family had. I
had to work part-time jobs during school term and vacations to be less reliant on my
family. I made through my studies and started life having a full time job like most of
the people around me.

The unexpected happened…

The major turning point of my life came

when my mom was diagnosed with stage 3
lung cancer. When the diagnosis was
confirmed by the oncologist, I could not
believe the devastating news. I noticed mom
was coughing constantly over a period of
time, but it never struck me that it was
something more than a persistent cough.

Mom did not respond well to any of the prescribed treatments, and her condition
deteriorated within a short period of time. I witnessed everyday how the scary
terminal illness reduced my strong and hardworking mom to a bed-ridden woman
who seemed to have aged 20 years over 12 months.

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35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life

It was the first time in my life when I understood what is the true meaning of
helplessness. Only people who have undergone a similar experience would
understand the feeling I was referring to.

I was totally helpless but to watch my mom yelled and suffered in pain even after
having given her oral morphine. Watching her in constant excruciating agony each
day was the most painful and torturing feeling I had in my entire life.

Mom passing sent me into a state of depression. Life went on but it was never to be
the same again. I couldn’t believe such life-changing event would happen to me
although I had witnessed friends who have lost dear ones in their families.

This event was the start of my questioning on my true purpose in life…

Back to the rat race…

Fast forward…
Life before my success journey was a
full-time job in an Oil & Gas US MNC in a
project management position. The job
taught me a lot about the importance of
building successful relationships and teams.

I was blessed to have been given the chance to work with a bunch of committed and
hardworking colleagues to bring projects to success, one after another.

Despite the continuous success the team achieved, I was not entirely happy where I
was with I was doing. I was mentally and physically drained from the long hours
required of my job responsibility. As time went by, I began to lose the energy and
momentum in my work. I started seeking alternatives. With some self-reflection, I
realized 3 elements were missing in my life.

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35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life

The first missing element is passion. I lost the passion for what I was doing.
Without my heart in what I was doing, the work became a vicious cycle of emotional
struggle to keep up with the demand of the work day in day out.

The next missing element is potential. Throughout the years of working in an

engineering environment, I have always felt there is something in me that I have I
am not putting to good use. This has nothing to do with crunching financial figures
and driving project milestones.

The final element is purpose. I did not know what was true purpose of what I was
doing and obviously did not have a clear vision of where I will be heading towards. I
was dragging myself along to make sure the deadlines were met but the achieved
milestones provided little motivation. I became nothing more than a robot
functioning daily to meet what the job was required of me.

These missing elements progressively led me to thoughts of departing from what I

was doing. I made up a plan. At the end of the 3 years, I will make enough side
income to sustain and leave the job and corporate world for good.

But not all things work according to plan, I was part of a series of lay-off exercises the
corporation had to undertake for restructuring and down-turn of the oil and gas
market. The team rushed to bid a quick farewell when I have to leave the office
within hours of the lay-off announcement which was part of standard work
termination policy.

I saw emotions in their eyes during each handshake but I was somehow the least
emotional amongst them. Instead of feeling angry like most people would, I felt a
sense of relief. It felt like I was released from my cage. What I was planning for was
accelerated in a flash, and I was suddenly being placed in a situation where I had to
take immediate action on my plans.

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35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life

With a leap of faith, I ventured into a business which I have totally no experience in. I
had to learn everything from ground zero. The uncertainty and the risks involved was
frightening. I was not sure if I am on the path to any success. After months into the
new experience, I met people whom I have grown to respect a great deal for. They all
have made achievements well above what the most have accomplished. They were
not overnight success but was an accumulation of small successes over several years.
One success built over another with unshakable commitment and sheer

One extremely valuable lesson I have made working with these successful people is
their good winning habits. Their winning habits provides them the winning edge in
every situation, big or small, be it in their business or personal lives. Their winning
habits success stories left a deep impression in me. Today, I am a strong believer in
the life-changing benefits of good winning habits and it has created a positive huge
impact in my life.

This is the very reason I wrote this book to share what winning habits has worked for
the successful and why you should adopt and practice as many of them as you
possibly can to lead an extraordinary life. Not a good life but an extraordinary life.

These winning habits are not magic bullets but effective, ordinary and simple ways
that can totally transform your life. Observe how successful people behave and what
winning habits they possess. You may already be using some of them or even noticed
successful people around you with some of these habits.

Identify your current struggles and find your combination of winning habits to
overcome or improve the situation. Always take control of your mind and actions, do
not let circumstances take control of your life.

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35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life

You will never know what you can truly achieve until you try. It is about giving your
fullest to discover your passion, potential and purpose in life. Imagine what is at the
other end of the rainbow and motivate yourself with these treasures to change your
mindset, keep an open mind and grow your hunger to learn what is required to
achieve your goals. With focus and perseverance, anything and everything is

Like the saying goes, “Success is a journey, not a destination”. Your success is
a learning journey. Today, I am well on my success journey to accomplish what I
have set out to achieve and I know you can do the same for yourself if you just take
the first step to set your Success Sail. Set your Success Sail by crushing your limiting
beliefs, form your winning habits, give your very best in everything you do.

With the right state of mind and good winning habits, your success is
unstoppable, it is just a question of when. The how will work itself out with your
winning habits.

I would leave you with these inspiring words from the late legendary Steve Jobs.
This is one of my favorite video and I hope it would inspire you to work towards the
ultimate lifestyle of your dreams.

Be patient, persistent and positive no matter what comes in your way!

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35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life

Why are Good Habits Important?

The most successful people maintain and master good winning habits. They realize
what they do on a daily basis and where they direct their energy deeply matters when
it comes to reaching their goals.

Your behavior is determined by your winning habits. Everything that you are or that
you will accomplish will be determined by the quality of the habits you form. By
creating good winning habits and goal oriented you can become successful and
live an abundant life.

Habit 1 Embrace Challenges and Obstacles

Challenges are the driving factor to being a victor. Anyone who is not ready to embrace
challenges and obstacles can rightly be said to be unprepared to succeed.

Successful people have learnt to embrace challenges and obstacles, and see them as
opportunities to reach greater heights and this has been helping them in achieving
great and enormous feats that are beyond human comprehension.

Rather than joining the multitudes that complain when faced with challenges and
obstacles, put your mind together and take necessary actions.

Habit 2 Learn to Say No

Every discussion or negotiation usually involves each person or party concerned
having a certain interest to protect with the possibility of a party trying to outsmart the
other. Therefore, protecting your interest and learning to say no during negotiations
are important skills that everybody should possess.

Protecting your interest will ensure that you and your interests are on the safe side of
negotiations or discussions, and saying no when necessary will ensure that you are not
forced into any situations to your disadvantage or non-valuable tasks that takes away
your precious time.

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35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life

Habit 3 Create Daily Task List

Why is it necessary to create a daily task list?
Creating a daily task list helps you get
prepared for each day.

It is not just going to help you have a clear

idea of what you are going to do for the day.

It also serves as a form of motivation as you see the tasks that you have achieved for
the day from the list and those still left. Make a list very early in the morning or the
previous day and tick each schedule as you accomplish it.

Habit 4 Accept Criticisms and Feedbacks

It is a well known fact that most people do not accept criticisms and feedback in a good
manner; they take it personal and hold grudges against the persons criticizing them.

Although, there are some negative people that never see anything good in others,
everybody must endeavor to accept criticisms and feedbacks; and also see them as a
reason to re-evaluate and improve performances. To accept criticisms and
feedbacks, do not take them personal, respect others’ views, learn from each criticism
or feedback and be open minded.

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35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life

Habit 5 Learn from Mistakes

Albert Einstein once said that anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried
anything new. This says a lot about how imperfect we all are, making us highly
susceptible to making mistakes. However, every mistake comes with a lesson, and you
must always learn from your mistakes.

How then can you learn from your mistakes? By acknowledge your mistakes, neither
dwell on the mistakes nor complain about them, find the root causes of the mistakes,
and identify what you can do to avoid repeating the same mistakes.

Habit 6 Be Willing to Take Risks

Life is all about risk; if you are not willing to take a risk, you can neither succeed nor
move forward. To do business, learn, love, work or do any other thing, there is always
a risk involved.

Therefore, if you are not willing to take risk, you will be stagnant and that will likely
lead to greater dangers. We, as humans, must be ever willing to take calculated risks.
If you fail, you will learn from it, and you will be better off if you succeed.

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35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life

Habit 7 Trust Your Instincts

Trusting your instincts at times could be very difficult because though, you feel your
instinct, which is from your subconscious mind, is right, you cannot explain why
you feel it is right. However, your instinct could be your last resort that will help you
make important decisions when other options have failed.

Before trusting your instincts, evaluate if what the instincts are saying are right.
Whether you go wrong or right as a result of trusting your instincts, you should never
resist from trusting it because it is one of your greatest assets.

Habit 8 Set Goals and Manifest

Goals are what we look forward to doing at a certain time in life, and the realization of
the goals begins with manifesting them. Your goal in life could be anything as long as
it is important to you; it could be travelling around the world, helping the less
privileged or starting a business.

When you manifest your goals, you have a clear picture of what you want to achieve
and this will advertently propel you to put everything in place to achieve the goals.

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35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life

Habit 9 Learn to Meditate

After a stress-filled day or rough
night, our minds are not just clouded;
we will also probably find it hard to be

In a time like this, meditation could be

the way out. Therefore, you must
learn to meditate.

Meditation should take place in a calm place with no form of distractions, so that your
body and mind can be at rest and find solace in your meditation. Meditation cleanses
our minds off all kinds of stress and makes us concentrate on bigger and better things.

Habit 10 Learn New Skills and Read

Whenever we stop learning that is the
moment we start dying. Learning is a
continuous process and as such, everybody
must endeavor to learn new skills from time
to time. Learning can be done while
reading, after all we can learn new skills
through reading too.

Each time we read and learn new skills, our minds are renewed and our knowledge is
increased beyond measure. Learning and reading habits should be cultivated by all
and sundry

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35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life

Habit 11 Mastering Learning Skill

There is a lot of difference between listening and hearing – listening is only for the
wise while hearing is for all. Listening is a skill great leaders and philosophers have
learnt to have, and it has always worked wonders for them.

Mastering listening skill takes dedication and patience because it is easier to speak
than to listen. However, it is a skill that can be mastered. Listening will equip you with
lots of information and whenever you speak, you will speak things only great minds
can think of.

Habit 12 Network with Successful People

Though, success is not contagious, it has a
way of staying within the cycle of people that
are successful; hence networking with the
successful people sets you on the path of
succeeding. On the other hand, networking
with unsuccessful and negative people can
set you back a thousand times.

Through meetings, conversation and other networking means, you can easily network
with successful people, but you need to have a positive mind with the belief that you
will also succeed for you to grow the network, success and wealth.

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35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life

Habit 13 Accountability

Whether you are a politician, leader at your place of work or someone in a position
where you represent others or oversee things, you must be accountable for all your
actions or decisions.

Accountability is all about answerability. It is a sign of being responsible enough to

justify your decision by giving your subordinates, partners, leaders, followers and
other people around reasons for doing certain things. All outstanding leaders that have
excelled in their line of duty have shown accountability.

Habit 14 Get Up Early

An early bird catches the worm. The benefits
of getting up early should never be
overlooked because it gives you a head up as
regards what you will be able to achieve
throughout the day.

Early to bed, early to rise. The first step to

getting up early is sleeping early.

With this, you will sleep well, feel renewed and rejuvenated whenever you wake
up. Make a plan as to when you want to be waking up each day, set an alarm and
adhere strictly to it whenever it wakes you up.

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35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life

Habit 15 Practice Patience

Why do you need to practice patience? When you get impatient over a delay or
difficulty, you are bound to lose control, get angry and do things you are likely going
to regret later. Hence, being patient is the key to being in full control of your emotion
when things are tensed.

When you are in a situation that causes impatience, take your mind off the whole
situation, do not show quick response or emotion but rather think about what will
happen for each action you might take. These are the ways to practice patience.

Habit 16 Define Purpose

For every action taken, business done or life
lived; there is a purpose for it. Purpose is the
reason why something is done, created,
made or used.

And giving it a clear definition increases the

chance of being fulfilled. Your purpose about
anything is what makes you feel fulfilled and

Envisage what you want to achieve, create or

do, giving you a clear picture of how you are
going to achieve or do it. You are the only one
who can define your true purpose in
anything you want to do.

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35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life

Habit 17 Be Self-Reliant
To become self-reliant is to be responsible and capable of taking your decisions on
your own. A lot of people have failed in fulfilling their duties due to overreliance on
others to help them make decisions.

Becoming self-reliant begins with the readiness to take responsibility for everything
that concerns you. To do this successfully, you must get enough information about
what you want to do and where you are heading to with the information you have at
hand. These will help you in taking the right decision and enjoying your self-reliance.

Habit 18 Practice Self-Control

Self-control is a form of self-discipline that has to with your ability to control your
urges and reactions. Self-control helps you overcome destructive and addictive habits
and it gives you control over your actions as well as reactions to situations.

Determine the urges, habits or actions you want to put into check, outline how you aim
to control them and channel your energy and actions into practicing self-control by
making sure that you find other activities that can prevent you from doing the ones
you plan to have control over.

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35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life

Habit 19 Adopt Grit

Grit entails possessing courage, guts and fearlessness in the face of any challenge. It
is all about taking the bull by the horns. Most people lack courage making them to run
away when they ought to stand up to the situation.

Knowing what lack of grit will cause can spur you to become fearless and courageous.
It will help you realize what you stand to lose if you fear both the known and the
unknown. The effort put in place to become courageous and fearless is the prime way
to adopt grit. Adopt the never give up attitude.

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35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life

Habit 20 Be Decisive
Being decisive is your ability to decide what to do in a difficult or controversial
situation. It demands having an unchanging stance after making any decision.

You must make it a point to make decisions and be ever ready to combat the fears
associated with making wrong decisions. Be sure of the fact that everybody makes
bad decisions sometimes; hence wrong decisions should never stop you from taking

Make all necessary calculations and estimations about what you want to do and be
always ready to defend it.

Habit 21 Become Laser-Focus

The ability to concentrate one’s attentions on
something is exactly what it takes to become
laser-focused. What do you want to become
laser-focused on?

Why do you want to focus? If you can

honestly answer these questions, you have
begun the journey of becoming laser-focused

Do not focus on many things at a time because this will likely affect your ability to
concentrate on any one. You may have to lose some other things while focusing on the
most important one, this is the sacrifice most people pay, but it will be worth it in the
long run.

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35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life

Habit 22 Take Actions with No Excuses

Excuses are just explanation or rationalization given to avoid negative reactions or
judgments. Excuses can be given because of the fear of failure, changes, uncertainty or
mistakes. People that give excuses instead of taking actions are largely those who can
be termed as failures. Excuses rub its characteristic trait of failure on their lives.

Endeavor to take actions without excuses as it is a sign of taking responsibility knowing

well that you are in total control of all your actions and nothing can stop you.

Habit 23 Give Genuine Praises

Praises can either be genuine or fake. Genuine praises come from the depth of the
heart as a result of the good things done.

Giving genuine praises encourages the person to whom it is given and it also
undoubtedly boosts the confidence of the giver. When you give genuine praise, be
specific about what the person has done that warrants the praises. You do not only
gain respect for giving praises, it also opens door for others to praise you.

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35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life

Habit 24 Stay Open-Minded

This world is such a mystery as well as a big place that no one can understand
everything. Therefore, staying open-minded opens our eyes and minds to seeing and
experiencing things from another perspective in terms of religion, tradition, culture,
race, languages, orientation and other aspects of lives.

Be open-minded to changes because it is the only constant thing in life. With open-
mindedness, look at the bright side of everything and after getting knowledge about
new things; try them once in a while. It hurts no one to try new things.

Habit 25 Exercise Regularly

Physical and mental exercises come with
immeasurable benefits, ranging from
improved health to renewed energy, clear
and sound mind and emotions and improved

Take a look at the exercise that suits your

needs and set achievable objectives of how
you intend to perform the exercises. Make a
schedule of how you want the exercise to be
done on a regularly basis.

Then, evaluate the improvement you have

made in terms of your health, mood,
confidence and energy. This will motivate
you to continue doing the exercise

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35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life

Habit 26 Be Inquisitive
To be inquisitive means to be eager to get new knowledge. It can also be referred to as
the readiness to learn and acquire new set of skills.

Learn every new thing with an eager mind and strive to understand what you are being
taught. Always be ready to get details by asking questions, but never overdo it by asking
irrelevant questions. Making friends with people that are knowledgeable than you and
are ready to share their knowledge with you is a good sign of your readiness to be

Habit 27 Cherish Time

Every moment is a blessing and we must
learn to cherish it.

Everybody should bear it in mind that time is

an invaluable commodity and once it is
spent, it can never be recovered; the only
thing that will be left for us is the memory of
that moment spent.

Therefore, when you spend your time with your family, friends, workmate and
acquaintances, learn to cherish the time by speaking, smiling and deeply appreciating
every passing moment bearing it in mind that everything will come to an end one day.

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35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life

Habit 28 Seek a Mentor

A mentor is a trusted and knowledgeable person who teaches and guides a mentee for
him or her to develop in terms of career, relationship, physical or spiritual life.

When seeking a mentor, determine the qualities your mentor must have and look for
someone who has the qualities. Do not limit your search for a mentor to only people
known before; someone who is relatively a stranger to you may possess all you need in
a mentor. Let the mentor realize what you need from him or her and submit yourself
to learning from the person.

Habit 29 Learn to Let Go

Letting go is easier said than done; it is very hard to do but it must be learned. It helps
you heal the wound left behind by a broken relationship, work, family, career and so

Letting go is to stop holding on to meaningless issue to allow new positive things to

come flow into your life. It is an act required for anybody to move to greater things in
life and helps in getting over emotional torture.

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35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life

Everything happen for a reason. Change happens for a reason. It is never easy but
changes are worthwhile if you let it reveal its true meaning and purpose.

Learn to acknowledge that things will never remain the same, take note of what you
are losing by holding to the past and focus on the future with a positive mind.

Habit 30 Let Go of Ego

Ego is a sense and feeling of self-importance; and it can neither be said to be good nor
bad. However, it should always be kept in check so as not to have negative effects on
our lives.

Let go of your ego the moment it starts getting in the way you reason and giving you
false identification of yourself. Make an effort to search your true self beyond the ego,
be mindful of the fact that your ego must not always be justified and learn to overlook
things when necessary. Letting go of your ego allows you to get in touch with your true

Habit 31 Be Frugal
What seems to be excess today may not be sufficient tomorrow; learn to be frugal.
Being frugal is learning to avoid unnecessary waste of resources and living within your
means. Your resources could be money, talent, lands etc.

To be frugal, learn to remove all unnecessary waste of resources and cut all spending
to a reasonable level. Do not spend your resources because you feel like, spend them
because there is need for you to. Make a list of whatever you want to buy and stick to
only the things on the list; do not buy on impulse.

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35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life

Habit 32 Delay Gratification

Delay gratification is the ability to put off a little pleasure that could be enjoyed now
for something greater in the future. For example, spending lavishly today could be
delayed to investing for the future.

Delay gratification is a trait that every successful person must cultivate in

relationships, finances, habits, health and work. Having a clear picture of what you
stand to achieve by delaying the little pleasure today will motivate you and make you
see that you are making sacrifices today for a greater and better future.

Habit 33 Manage Anxiety and Emotions

Working, relating with people, going to and
fro and living life as a whole come with
changes in emotion and anxiety.

Anxiety is the fear of what may happen while

emotion is the feeling or thought that
happens within the inner part of our being.

If not properly managed, anxiety and emotions can affect us but we must learn to
manage them by identifying our fears and thoughts. Face your fears and try to live
above them. Movies, exercise, talking with people and using mantra can be effective in
distracting you when anxious and emotionally tensed.

Copyright © 2015, 35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life

35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life

Habit 34 Believe in Sharing

It is popularly said that there is love in sharing; hence it is important to believe that
sharing is a must. Nobody lacks from sharing because givers are always blessed back
by nature in multiple folds.

The best way to believe in sharing is to believe that everything you have is not just for
you alone but meant to be shared with others. You can share your knowledge, money,
material things and other things with others so as to make up for what they lack.

Habit 35 Treat Others with Respect

Respect is reciprocal; you only earn what you give. Treat others with respect and you
are bound to be respected.

Do not utter a word to others without carefully thinking over it to examine the effect it
will have on their feelings. And whenever you are saying anything to anybody, be
honest, nice and positive about them.

It is important to avoid saying sensitive things that could hurt others because hurtful
words will tamper with their self esteem and it is an indication of lack of respect for

Copyright © 2015, 35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life

35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life

Valuable Resources
Resource for Manifestation

Discover how you can get your heart desires effectively using Manifestation Miracle.

Resource for Thoughts Transformation

Learn to reach into your subconscious mind with the proven Thought Elevators.

Resource for Success and Abundance Creation

Change your life filled with success and abundance simply with Success Movies.

Resource for Wealth Creation

Build your wealth and ultimate lifestyle with the Total Money Magnetism.

Copyright © 2015, 35 Winning Habits for an Extraordinary Life

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