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Stress is a state of restlessness which a person suffers from physical or mental conflicts.
Anyone can be exposed to this condition when the problem is impossible to be solved within
a specified period. Usually, the leading cause of stress is often associated with problems
related to life such as personel issues, surrounding issues and others. The quality of life and
people will influence the stress level. However, each and every one of us has our own
method or way in dealing with this stress issue. This study focused on analyzing the factors
of stress and alternatives implemented by students on how to deal with it. In this study, a
total of 70 samples were obtained, which consisted students from COE, CES and CCI
program at UNITEN Bangi. Data collection was made using a questionnaire instrument
consisting of 14 questions that contained items on respondents' profiles, stress factor and
activities of students on managing stress. Data collected were analyzed using the IBM SPSS
Statistics Version 20 for the collection of descriptive data in the form of frequency,
percentage and mean. The findings show that overall mean for stress factor among
UNITEN’s students in terms of academic is slightly higher than stress factor in terms of
personal which is 3.627 for academic and 3.319 for personal. It can be seen that stress level
of students in UNITEN is at average.
2. Introduction

Stress is viewed by professionals from different fields as a disease of modern society. This
affects the attitudes, relationships and productivity of people. By definition from Dictionary
of the Fourth Edition, stress is defined as restlessness, anxiety and tension due to mental or
physical stress. The word ‘stress’ was coined in 1936 by Hans Selye, who described it as
“The non-specific response of the body to any demand for change.” Therefore, it is not the
stressor that cause stress, but the individual’s perception and emotional reaction to it.
According to the study done by School of Medicine, Monash University Malaysia, stress is a
state of mind being under pressure which is caused by conflicting outer and inner self factors,
experienced by all categories of age and gender. The study also stated that stress is a situation
when people tend to focus on the negative feelings and emotions it produces.

University students are exposed to a very stressful situations. Students’ challenges may vary
from those faced by their non-student peers. There’s a very high pressure to get good grades.
There are other important sources of stress, which included tutorial, assignments and tight
schedule in each semester. Stress not only exist in the workplace, but students are subjected
to various forms of pressures, such as the involvement of educators with an expectation to
excel, an uncertain future and integration problems in the program. The students faced
financial, mental and family or friends issues that could affect their learning ability and
academic performance. In addition to academic requirements, relationships with faculty
members and time pressure may also be sources of stress. Relationships with family and
friends, eating and sleeping habits and loneliness may affect some students on an average.

3. Objective
i) Identify the cause of stress among UNITEN’s students.
ii) Analyze stress levels among UNITEN’s students.
iii) Identify the methods used by students to deal with the symptoms of stress.
4. Research Methodology

An online survey was used to collect data of this study as it was the most cost –effective way
of collecting quantitative data. The use of mobile and online applications facilitates
questionnaires to be distributed to target respondents more widely regardless of where they
are. The response is not only received in a short time, but it can also be directly uploaded into
the analytical system to enable the results to be processed more quickly.

Basically, the questionnaire was organized into three parts to achieve the objectives of the
study. Part 1 contains three items related to respondent’s background which is gender,
college and program. Part 2 contains seven question related to stress factors in term of
academic and six questions related to stress factors in term of personal whereas part 3
contains eight items questions related to stress management among student.

All questionnaire items in part 2 was measured on a five-point Likert Scale as shown in
Table 1 which the scale is ranged from 1 to 5, where one indicates “strongly disagree,” and
five indicates “strongly agree”.

Table 1: 5 Point Likert Scale

Scale Score
Strongly Disagree 1
Disagree 2
Neutral 3
Agree 4
Strongly Agree 5

The sample only involve students of foundation and undergraduate students of UNITEN
from three different college: COE, CES and CCI with a total number of 70 students.

5. Data Analysis

The data collected from the questionnaire were analyzed using the IBM SPSS Statistics Version
20 For Windows. Descriptive analysis is used to describe the distribution of respondents'
demographics in terms of gender, college, program and stress management among student. All
the results are reported in percent, frequency and mean. Mean score interpretation is used to
measure student’s stress level in term of academic and personal. The mean score is divided into
three levels as shown in table 2.

Table 2: Interpretation of mean score

Mean Score Stress Level

1 – 2.39 Low
2.40 – 3.79 Average
3.80 – 5.00 High

Source: Adapted from Nurul Farraheda Abdul Rahman et al (2018)

5.1. Background Of Respondents

Table 3 shows the distribution of background of respondents. Based on gender, respondents
consist of 36 respondents, or 51.4% are male and a total of 34 respondents or 48.6% are
females. Respondents from male is higher than female.

Besides that, number of respondents from COE are 34, CES are 19 and lastly from CCI with
17 respondents. This represented that the highest number of respondents are from College of

Based on program of the students, the highest number of respondents are from Degree
program by 72.9%, followed by Diploma program which is 18.6% and lastly is Foundation
program with percentage of 8.6%.

Table 3 : Distribution of background respondent

Demographic Category Frequency Percentage

Male 36 51.4
Female 34 48.6

College of Engineering 34 48.6

College College of Economics and 19 27.1

Social Science
College of Computing and 17 24.3

Program Foundation 6 8.6

Diploma 13 18.6
Degree 51 72.9

5.2. Factor That Cause Stress Among Students in University Tenaga Nasional

There are two factors that cause stress among students in UNITEN. First is regarding
academic and the second is regarding personal.

5.2.1. Academic

Table 4 represent the distribution of stress factor among UNITEN’s students in term of
academic. Based on seven questions the highest mean score is “UNITEN do not provide
any study week” (4.3). This cause high level of stress for students as they need to struggle
and fully prepared in weeks 10 to 14. This followed by statement “Doing assignment and
revision at the last minute” (3.986). This is due to poor time management and
procrastinate. The overall mean for stress factor among students in terms of academic is
3.67 and it concluded that the level of student stress in this context is average.
Table 4: Distribution of Stress Factor Among UNITEN'S Students (Academic)

Mea Level of
Statement SD D N A SA
n Stress

Total credit 20 8
0 5 37
hours more than (28.6% (11.4% 3.686 Average
(0%) (7.1%) (52.9%)
20 ) )

Methods of
presented by the 0 5 44 6
(21.4% 3.729 Average
lecturer is (0%) (7.1%) (62.9%) (8.6%)
difficult to
4 11 30
assignment and 4 21
(5.7% (15.7% (42.9% 3.986 High
revision at the (5.7%) (30.0%)
) ) )
last minute
UNITEN do not 2 9 44
4 11
provide any (2.9% (12.9% (62.9% 4.3 High
(5.7%) (15.7%)
study week ) ) )
learning 21
0 39 9 1
facilities (30.0% 2.6 Average
(0%) (55.7%) (12.9%) (1.4%)
(reference )
books, internet)
There are too
many chapters 18
0 4 44 4
that need to be (25.7% 3.686 Average
(0%) (5.7%) (62.9%) (5.7%)
reviewed for the )
quiz / test /Exam
Did not get help
from the lecturer 0 10 32 3
(35.7% 3.4 Average
in completing (0%) (14.3%) (45.7%) (4.3%)
the assignment
Overall Mean 3.627 Average

5.2.2. Personal
Table 5 represent the distribution of stress factor among UNITEN’s students in term of
personal. Majority of the respondents choose neutral with statement “Worried or concern
about future” (52.9%) and followed by disagree with statement “Burden in collecting
scorun throughout semester” (40.0%). Personel factor that contribute to high stress of
level is “Financial problems” (3.843%). Overall mean score indicate that level of stress
among UNITEN’s students is at level average (3.319%).

Table 5: Distribution of Stress Factor Among UNITEN'S Students (Personal)

Level of
Statement SD D N A SA Mean

Conflict with 4 22 17 20 7
3.057 Average
family (5.7%) (31.4%) (24.3%) (28.6%) (10.0%)

Conflict with
4 13 20 26 7
classmates or 3.271 Average
(5.7%) (18.6%) (28.6%) (37.1%) (10.0%)
Worried or
1 9 37 17 6
concern about 3.257 Average
(1.4%) (12.9%) (52.9%) (24.3%) (8.6%)

Financial 1 12 10 21 26
3.843 High
problems (1.4%) (17.1%) (14.3%) (30.0%) (37.1%)
Burden in
6 28 16 14 6
scorun 2.8 Average
(8.6%) (40.0%) (22.9%) (20.0%) (8.6%)
Do not have
1 4 17 42 6
enough time for 3.686 Average
(1.4%) (5.7%) (24.3%) (60.0%) (8.6%)
Overall Mean 3.319 Average

5.3. Method Used to Deal With Stress.

This study identified eight items related to activities that student do to manage their stress.
Data below showed that “Eating/cooking” (17.1%) and “Share problems with parents or
friends” (17.1%) are the method used by most of the respondents when they are stress. The
next method used by respondents is “Pray/Recite Al-quran/Zikr” (14.3%). The least method
used by students when stress is “Shopping” (5.7%).

Table 6: Distribution on activities to manage stress

Activities Frequency Percentage
Sleep 8 11.4
Eating/ Cooking 12 17.1
Shopping 4 5.7
Pray/Recite Al-quran/Zikr 10 14.3
Doing outdoor activities 8 11.4
Shouting/Crying/Singing out loud 9 12.9
Share my problems with
12 17.1
Others 7 10.0
Total 70 100

6. Recommendation

There are few suggestion that can be take into consideration on how to reduce the level of
stress among the students. On behalf of the university, they can use the latest learning
methods such as gamification, augmented, virtual reality, social learning or microlearning.
By using these new learning methods, students will get to experience new things and they
can have fun in class throughout the semester. The role of lecturers are significant in this
matter. They can identify any students that are struggling with this issue and meet with them
personally from time to time. Students also are advised to attend sessions to assist in
improving their life and coping with stress such as time management and other stress related
issues. Providing students with meaningful programs that assist in recognizing stress and
identifying effective stress management strategies and also building programs about how to
manage time will be important.

On behalf of students, they need to find the best solutions on how to manage their stress.
They can join any program regarding stress, religious program or any activities that give
them a good and positive impact.

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, this study showed that students are a group that is easily exposed to stress
while carrying out their responsibilities and roles in university. Even though level of stress
among students in University Tenaga Nasional are in average level, but all parties in the
university need to ensure that stress level of students are always in controlled so they can
have a healthy mind and body. This study also identified the main factors that cause stress
among students and their strategies that they usually do when dealing with this issue. As
students are the most valuable asset for university and our country, then the factors that can
lead them to stress should be taken seriously to ensure their excellence in various aspects
such as mental, emotional, spiritual and physical.

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