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ADVANCED UNIT 9 3A What do the people in the DVD say about these
things? Match 1–6 with a)–f).
1 Discuss the questions.
1 philanthropists
1 Do you ever give money to charity?
2 how Chen earns a living
2 Have you ever volunteered for a charity?
3 money
3 Do you have a favourite charity?
4 Chen’s personal tragedies
4 What can we to do help people who are less
5 Chen’s way of life
fortunate than ourselves?
6 Chen’s generosity
2A Work in pairs. Look at the photos and answer the a) It’s only useful if you give it to people who need it.
b) It oen shocks people.
1 Where is the woman in photo A from and what c) They aren’t all rich.
does she do?
d) a few coins at a time
2 What is happening in photo B?
e) simple
3 Who are the people in photo C? How do you think
f) what made her help others
they are connected to the woman?
B Watch the DVD again to check.
4 Complete the extracts with the words/phrases in
the box.

struggled with inspired outpouring

awards right away promptly modest

1 Poverty is something Miss Chen has

almost all her life.
2 But instead of getting angry, the tragedies
her to help the less fortunate.
3 With her earnings and simple way
of living …
B 4 She’s received multiple honours and
5 She gave the money away.
6 That inspired an of donations and
a new medical wing.
7 If you want to do it, you must do it .

5 Match the words/phrases in the box in Exercise 4

with the meanings 1–7.
1 had problems with
2 encouraged her (to do something)
3 very small/humble
4 very quickly
5 a large and unexpected amount of
6 at once (without waiting)
7 prizes

6A Choose one of the philanthropists below and find

out as much as you can about them.
• Bill Gates • Carlos Slim Helú
• The Walton family • Andrew Carnegie
B Watch the DVD to check.
B Work in groups. Ask and answer questions about
the philanthropist you chose in Exercise 6A.

© Pearson Education Limited 2016

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