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{for Stephen Cleobury and the choir of King’s College, Cambridge All bells in paradise *Words and music by JOHN RUTTER ‘ORGAN un poco liberamente (quasi parlando) 5 SOPRANOS (and ALTOS ad. tb.) mp 1. Deep in the cold of win - ten and Sw. (Man) 10 (@ tempo giusto) Soft - ly and clear - ly, there Sw legato sempre JS. | ovesc. mf came through the still- ness won - der-ful sound, * The title line ofthe text is taken from the 15th-century Corpus Chiisti Carol © Collegium Music Publications 2013. Not forsale in the USA. Exclusively icensed in the UK and most other counties to ‘Oxford University Press. Printed in Great Britain OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, MUSIC DEPARTMENT, GREAT CLARENDON STREET, OXFORD OX2 6D? “The Moral Rights ofthe Composer have been esered. Photocopying tis copyright material is ILLEGAL. All bells in pa-ra-dise I heard them d corr Sound-ing in ma-jes-ty the news All bells. in pa-ra-dise 36, (mf) — Wel-com- ing our Sa-viour, bom. on wd yg 5 10, t All bells in eo a St i God on high? “TENORS and BASSES 36 mp dolce — 2.Lost in awe and_ won ~ der, Doubt-ing, I asked what this F ow 2 [de Ped. 16 off Af re-vealed in (6) sta - ble, ~ yel-lous sight, BD) 72, soprano P ¢ dolce All bells in pa-ra-dise corr Sound -ing in ma-jes-ty the news in pa-ra-dise I heard them 87, —— Wel-com - ing our Sa-viour, born. on = dolee ¢ legat 31, mp PP egato = = hea -ven-ly King r ; r child in hu - mi-li-ty, The keys to his king-dom be - (Choir unaccompanied) 101 erese. mp = TT 9 7 F ri dong to the poor; Be -fore him shall kneel the kings with their trea-sures, gold 2 eres mp ae poco rit, a tempo 107 =—— 9 HE =» tr Pr OT in - cense_ and myrrh, in-cense and myrh. pid “Ah. ™p All ita} poco rit. ‘a tempo bells a *or humming Sound -ing in. ma-jes- ty the news ah. vl in pa-ra-dise ‘Wel-com -ing our Sa-viour, born on Ge. R__f ——_ »f 1 heard them ring: 2. —=——__ of Sw, = ly Sw. 7 uw God on high? the meno mosso molto rit. Lento an~ gel voi - ces sweet = meno mosso molto rit. md Small notes may be omitted.

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