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Trump 'Wall of Lies'

By Mya Miller
Lion’s Roar Staff

President Donald Trump recently announced he will be running for president for 2024, so
accusations aimed towards President Trump are on the rise. But in Brooklyn, New Yorkers are
presenting facts instead of spreading rumors, or more specifically, all of President Trump’s lies.
The ‘Wall of Lies’ is a 50-by-10-foot outdoor mural with over 20,000 lies that have been
stated by President Trump during his time in office, 2016 to 2020.
Each lie is color coded by the subject that Trump lied about, which include: Russia,
Election, Ukraine Probe, Trade, Immigration, Jobs, Foriegn Policy, Crime, Health Care,
Environment, Taxes, Biographical Record, and Miscellaneous.
Although recently the wall was defaced by Trump supporters. The ‘Wall of Lies’ has
been graffitied saying, “VOTE TRUMP OR DIE” and “STAND BACK & STAND BY!”
referring to words Trump uttered during the very contentious 2020 election season.
According to Yahoo!Sports, “Though this is disappointing, retaliation to standing up for
truth is nothing new. The wall may have been vandalized, [but] the impressions it left can never
be erased with spray paint,” Radio Free Brooklyn Executive Director Tom Kenny wrote on their
GoFundMe page. “Spray paint won’t silence us.”
Tenney launched a GoFundMe drive to raise $7,500 to recreate the wall in a safer and
indoor setting. His goal was to make the wall bigger than ever and to make sure that the ‘Wall of
Lies’ is seen and known all across America.
Radio Free Brooklyn has raised over $4,000, and rebuilt the wall of lies in lower
Manhattan, New York, with the original still standing in Brooklyn, New York. It was decided
that two additional subjects will be color coded on the wall once it has been rebuilt, Economy
and Coronavirus.
On top of that a digital version was launched of the wall on their website. According to
Yahoo!Sports, ‘This version allows visitors to interact with the wall, including the ability to
“pan, scroll, and zoom in to read specific areas of the wall.”’
According to Bushwick Daily, “‘Seen from a distance , it looks like chaos - perhaps an
apt metaphor for this presidency,’ Bushwick artist Phil Buehler… ‘But when you step closer, you
can read the individual lies, which are in chronological order, color-coded by categories, like
coronavirus, Russia, immigration the environment, and jobs. Then when you step back, you can
recognize patterns in Trump’s lying.”’

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