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Assessment is a teacher activity during the learning span to obtain information in any form that can

be used as a basis for making decisions about the achievement of student competencies.

This is to determine the level of competency attainment during learning and after the learning
process takes place.

To provide feedback to students, to be able to find out their strengths and weaknesses in the
process of achieving competence.

To monitor learning progress and diagnose learning difficulties experienced by students so that
enrichment and remedial can be done.

• To provide feedback for educators in improving the methods, approaches, activities, and learning
resources used.

• To provide alternative assessment options for teachers.

• To provide information to parents and school committees about the effectiveness of education

• This taxonomy was first compiled by Benjamin S. Bloom, in his famous book Taxonomy of
Educational Objectives published in 1956

Taxonomy comes from the Greek "tassein" which means to classify, and "nomos" which means rule.
A classification or grouping based on certain characteristics

• The form of behavior as a goal that must be formulated can be classified into three classifications
or three domains / domains, namely the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains.

• The cognitive domain is a domain that is concerned with the function of processing information,
knowledge and mental skills.

Objectives: oriented to thinking skills that include simpler intellectual abilities, namely
remembering, to problem solving skills that require students to connect and combine several ideas,
ideas , the method or procedure studied to solve the problem.

The cognitive domain consists of six levels, namely:

1. Knowledge
Knowledge is the ability to recognize, memorize, recall facts, concepts, or terms without having
to understand what they mean.

• Suitable test forms: B-S, stuffing, limited description, completing, matchmaking, multiple choice.

• Operational verbs: mention, show, recognize, recall, define, etc.

2. Comprehension
Comprehension is the ability to grasp the meaning (understand the meaning) of a material,
concept, situation and known facts.
• Suitable test form: multiple choice, free description.
• Operational verbs: explain, distinguish, give examples, estimate, formulate, explain, describe,

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