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Residency Questions/Topics: March 2019

# Anatomy
1. Azygous Vein- Relation
2. Pancreas – Relation with Spleen
3. Gluteus Maximus- Action
4. Muscle Having Dual Nerve Supply
5. Facial Nerve – 2 Question
6. Nerve Pass Through Jugular Foramen
7. Sites of Ectopic Testis
8. Cerebral Cortex area
9. Non Functioning Parietal Lobe Feature
10. Motor Functional Area of Cortex
11. Left Coronary Artery Supply
12. Sternal Angle – Relation
13. Oesophageal Constriction
14. Ovary Relation
15. Diaphragm – Major Opening
16. Peritoneal Cavity
17. Body Weight Transmission
18. Fibro cartilage: Site
19. Stomach Bed: Relation
20. Dermatome
21. Synovial Joint: Feature


1. Interatrial Septum – Development

2. Foregut Derivatives
3. 2nd Pharyngeal Arch Derivatives
4. 2nd Bronchial Arch Derivatives
5. Mullarian Duct
6. Neural Crest Derivatives

1. Accommodation for Distant Vision
2. Substance Absorb in Terminal Ileum
3. Factor Increase Renin Secretion
5. Platue Phase
6. Alveoli
Prepared By: Dr. Mezbahul Mokarrabin,
MS Resident (Urology)
Residency Questions/Topics: March 2019

7. RBC Repulsion : cause

8. Sensory Neural Hearing Loss: Cause
9. Physiological Changes during Inspiration
10. Muscle Spindle
11. Pain Pathway
12. Causes of Physiological Jaundice
13. Factors Affecting GFR
14. Breast Milk Composition
15. Feature of Hypovolemic Shock
16. Sign Of Brain Steam Death
17. Insulin – Function
18. Differential Cyanosis – Cause
19. Factors Irreversibly Proportional to Total Peripheral Resistance
20. Factors Controlling Velocity of Blood Flow
21. Synthetic Function of Liver
22. Hair Cell of Semi circular cannel Stimulated by
23. Tsh causes increase in
24. Extra Pyramidal Lesion
25. Cerebellum Lesion Feature


1. Rate Limiting Enzyme of TCA Cycle

2. Metabolic Pathway Occurring in Mitochondria
3. Non Protein Nitrogenous Substance present in Urine
4. Trace Element: Name
5. Skin involvement in mineral Deficiency
6. Zinc Deficiency: Feature
7. Niacin Deficiency: Feature
8. Site of Fatty Acid Synthesis
9. Na Transport across PCT by
10. Na K Transport
11. Metabolic Acidosis with increase Anion Gap
12. Normal Anion Gap: Cause
13. W6 Fatty Acid
14. B12 Deficiency Feature
15. Effect of Renal Tubular Acidosis Type 1
16. Source of Ammonia
17. Amino Acid Derivatives Hormone
18. Cause of Elevated Creatinine kinase

Prepared By: Dr. Mezbahul Mokarrabin,

MS Resident (Urology)
Residency Questions/Topics: March 2019

19. Major Source of Energy

20. Haemoglobin Urea Cause
21. HDL Synthesis
22. High Energy Phosphate
23. Adrenalin : Indication
24. Enzyme Deficiency Disease Name
25. Acidic PH of Stomach increase in


1. Hypertrophy
2. Hyperplasia
3. Reversible cell injury: Feature
4. Complication of Massive Blood Transfusion
5. Reactionary Haemorrhage : Cause
6. Coombs Test Positive
7. Fatty Liver Disease
8. Grading of Tumors
9. Neoplastic Intestinal Polyp
10. Familial Adenomatous Polyp
11. Venous Thrombosis
12. Secondary Wound Healing
13. Delayed Wound Healing
14. Formation of Inflammatory Exudate
15. Shock 2 Questions
16. Inflammation : Pain
17. FNAC
18. Granuloma: Criteria
19. Pulmonary Embolism: Sequence of events/ Events
20. APTT increase in
21. Deactivated Partial Thromboplastin Time
22. BRAF Associate Disease
23. Heart failure cell
24. Paraneoplastic Syndrome in Broncogenic Carcinoma


1. Exotoxin Producing Organism

2. Inclusion Body
3. Tuberculoid Laprosy Feature
4. Parasites Spreading Through Blood
Prepared By: Dr. Mezbahul Mokarrabin,
MS Resident (Urology)
Residency Questions/Topics: March 2019

5. Intestinal Parasites / Flagelates

6. Parasites/Larva causing Disease
7. Neonatal Meningitis: Organism
8. Endospore forming organism
9. Facultative Intacellurer Organism
10. Listeria Monocytogens
11. Anaemia causing Parasites
12. Parasites Found in Blood
13. Oncogenic Virus
14. Virus Causing Vesicular Eruption
15. Diseases Caused by Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
16. Chronic carrier by viral Disease
17. Organism Pass Through Placenta
18. Intermediate Host
19. Cell of Innate Immunity
20. Hyper acute Graft Rejection
21. Antigenic Determinants
22. MHC Properties
23. Cutaneous Mycosis
24. Nematode: Larva Found in intestine
25. VDRL: False Positive
26. Vaccine
27. Recombinant DNA Vaccine
28. Post Exposure Vaccine – Indication
29. Vaccination Done to prevent Carcinoma
30. Diarrhoea Causing Parasites in HIV Patient
31. Disease Transmitted by Channelopathy
32. Sterilization of Plastic Syringe
33. Sterilization of Suture Material


1. Turner Syndrome, Karyotype

2. AD Characteristics
3. AD Example
4. Hypersensitivity type3

Prepared By: Dr. Mezbahul Mokarrabin,

MS Resident (Urology)
Residency Questions/Topics: March 2019


1. PPI Name
2. Antiemetic
3. Drugs used in Glaucoma
4. Narrow Therapeutic Index
5. Anti Hypertensive Drug Used in Pregnancy
6. Drugs Causes Hypoglycaemia
7. Protein Synthesis Inhibitor: Drugs
8. Teratogenic Drugs
9. Effects of Thiazide Diuretics: Electrolytes Change
10. TB Drugs Causing Hepatotoxicity
11. Antibiotic Used in Lower UTI
12. More Sedative Antihistamine
13. Anxiolytic Without Sedation
14. Drugs Causing Brochoconstriction
15. Lifesaving Drugs used in Heart Failure
16. Drugs acting on same receptor
17. Epinephrin Use, Adverse Effect
18. Route : Bypass Drugs Absorption
19. Wallenbarg Syndrome: Feature
20. Muscarinic Action of Ach


1. Preoperative Tachycardia
2. Inhalational Anaesthetic Drugs
3. Central Venous Catheter: Site
4. Toxicity of Local Anaesthesia
5. Early Complication of Local Anaesthesia


1. Radio opaque Renal Stone

2. Painless Haematuria
3. GCS Criteria
4. Pyloric stenosis with vomiting
5. GOO Feature
6. Bilious Vomiting in Neonate: Cause
7. Metabolic effect after profuse vomiting
8. Causes of Pseudo intestinal Obstruction
Prepared By: Dr. Mezbahul Mokarrabin,
MS Resident (Urology)
Residency Questions/Topics: March 2019

9. Post Operative Pyrexia with in 1hours Cause

10. Cause of Lateral Swelling of neck
11. Transillumination Test Positive in
12. Common glands involve in stone formation
13. Gall Stone
14. Undifferentiated Thyroid Tumor


1. Acute Osteomylities
2. Metastatic Bone Tumor
3. Osteolytic Bone Lesion


1. Placenta Preavia
2. PCO: Feature
3. Primary Amenorrhoea: Causes
4. Pre eclamtic Toxaemia: Feature
5. 2nd Trimester Abortion – Cause


1. Clubbing Cause
2. Causes of MR
3. Causes of Type 2 Respiratory Failure
4. Complication of Pneumonia
5. Pneumonia Clinical Feature
6. Pneumonia Patient: Admission Criteria in ICU
7. Feature of Hypovolumic Shock
8. Cause of Insight Impaired
9. Disease Causing Arthritis
10. Disease Decreasing bone density
11. Feature of hypertensive retinopathy
12. Eye feature of RA
13. Causes of Raised ICP
14. Clinical Feature of CRF
15. Prerenal Cause of AKI
16. Causes of Planter extensor with absent knee jerk
17. Ejection Systolic Murmur: Cause
18. Disease associated with Chanellopathy

Prepared By: Dr. Mezbahul Mokarrabin,

MS Resident (Urology)
Residency Questions/Topics: March 2019

19. Feature of MTB


1. Breast Feeding Position

2. Physiological Jaundice Criteria
3. C/F of Nephrotic Syndrome
4. Vitamin D Deficiency
5. IMCI danger sign
6. Feature of mild dehydration, management
7. Cyanotic heart disease
8. RX of Kwasiorkor
9. Major Criteria of RF
10. Indication of Exchange Transfusion
11. Lactose Intolerance
12. Direct & Indirect Hyperbilirubinemia Cause: in Neonate
13. Acyanotic Congenital Heart disease : Causes
14. TOF Component
15. VSD Criteria
16. Pansystolic Murmur
17. Causes of Ejection Systolic Murmur
18. APGAR Score Component
19. Neonatal Mortality: Common Cause
20. Hypogammaglobulinaemia: Cause
21. Febrile Convolution
22. Coagulation Factor Synthesised in Liver
23. Features of Haemolysis
24. Catabolism of Haemoglobin
25. Karyotyping of Turner Syndrome
26. GBS
27. Which Parameters Increase in Blood After Storing 7days in 4*C
28. HLA- Criteria
29. Innate Immunity Component
30. Hyper acute Rejection
31. Flagellate Parasite
32. Larva Causing Disease
33. Kala Azar

Prepared By: Dr. Mezbahul Mokarrabin,

MS Resident (Urology)

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