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1 The Fourth Age begins in the reckoning of the Shire.

2 Birth of Dain III. Birth of Eldarion.

3 Bandits are thrown away from Tharbad and the King’s Way is reopened.

6 King Elessar issues an edict that Men are not to enter the Drúadan Forest and Shire,
and he makes it a Free Land under the protection of the Northern Sceptre.

10 Tharbad’s bridge is rebuilt. Rebuilding and repopulation of Annúminas begins.

8 Birth of Isilwen.

15 King Elessar rides north and dwells for a while in Annúminas by Lake Evendim. He
comes to the Brandywine Bridge, and there greets his friends. He gives the Star of the
Dúnedain to Master Samwise, and Elanor is made a maid of honour to Queen Arwen.

16 Birth of Nimloth.

20 Legolas brought south Elves out of Greenwood, and they dwelt in Ithilien, and it
became once again the "fairest country in all the westlands") Gimli founds the realm of
Aglarond and attracts many dwarves from the Iron Hills and Erebor.

31 The Westmarch becomes a part of the Shire by the gift of the King. Many hobbits
remove to it. Rebuilding of Fornost and Amon Sul begins.

50 Celeborn removes to Rivendell.

61 On 22 September Samwise rides out from Bag End and he comes to the Tower Hills,
where he is last seen by Elanor. He gives her the Red Book afterwards kept by the Fairbairns.
Samwise passes the Towers, goes to the Grey Havens and passed over the Sea, last of the Ring-

64 The Thain’s book, a copy of the Red Book of Westmarch, is taken to Minas Tirith.

100 Cirdan sails west together with the remaining Noldor and most Sindar, the sons of
Elrond and Celeborn included. Arnor takes control of the Grey Heavens and starts repopulating

120 1 March: King Elessar dies. It is said that the beds of Meriadoc and Peregrin are set
beside the bed of the great king. Eldarion becomes King of Gondor and Arnor. Legolas builds a
grey ship in Ithilien, and with Gimli sails down Anduin and so over the Sea. End in Middle-earth
of the Fellowship of the Ring. Celebeth becomes ruler of Taurithilien.

121 Death of Arwen Undómiel in Lórien. Birth of Durin VII in the Iron Hills.

122 Death of Nimloth.

130 Thranduil proclaims himself “Lord of all Eldar in Middle-Earth”. Some desert him and
travel to Taurithilien.

137 Thorin III dies. Dain III becomes high king in Erebor.

146 Birth of Eldacar.

171 A copy of the Red Book of Westmarch is completed in Gondor by Findegil, the King's

210 Trouble in Rhudaur. A village is devastated by orcs, which are driven back later by
Arnorian forces.

225 Rumours of new cults in Harad and Umbar reach Gondor. Death of Eldarion. Isilwen
Telcontar rules in Gondor, her son Eldacar in Arnor. Eldacar sends for the palantiri.

226 War between Gondor and Umbar. Umbar burns most Gondorian navy in Pelargir.
Rhudaurim (Carangul’s agents) attack and destroy Amon Sul. Death of Isilwen. Eldacar is the
king of Arnor and Gondor. Dwarves gather two armies to enter Moria from West and East.

227 Trouble in Dunland (clan feuds) Aelindur finishes forging the New Three in march. She
then travels to Tharbad, Umbar and Mordor. Carangul makes a pact with Rhudaur. Eldacar
sends for the palantiri again and heads south with the aim of marrying a Rohir princess and
then attacking Umbar by land.

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