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1. Determine the need for resuscitation ( strokes or gently taps the infant and observes for a
response such as movement or noise).

2. If the infant is unresponsive, call for help

3. On a firm, flat surface ,gently tips the head back by lifting the chin one hand and pushing down
on the forehead with other hand.

4. Places ear near infants mouth and cheeks for breathing: Look’s for chest motion, Listens for
breath sounds, and FEEls for breath on the cheek.

5. If the infant is not breathing proceeds to clear the airway.

6. Places the infant face down on one arm with the head lower then trunk ,(using the forearm
supported by the thigh)

7. Uses the heel of free hand to deliver five blows between the infant’s shoulder blades.

8. If airway remains obstructed, flips the infant onto his back ( sandwiched by hand and forearm)

9. Positions and keeps the infant’s head lower than his trunk.

10. Holds the infant’s head firmly with one hand and provides five midsternal chest thrusts using
the middle and ring fingers of the other hand.

11. Look’s in the airway and removes any object SEEN with the fingers.

12. Repeats the sequence until the obstruction is dislodged.

13. Position the infant on a flat ,firm surface.

14. Opens the infant’s airway ( mouth)

15. Takes a breath,slightly seals mouth over the infant’s nose and mouth and delivers two breaths (
two gentle puffs of air).

16. if the chest does not rise,repeat the sequence starting at step 6.

17. Assess the infant pulse by palpating the brachial artery

18. If pulse is greater than 60 bpm: continues rescue breathing( one breath every 3 seconds)

19. If pulse is less than 60 bpm or absent: initial compression.

20.Properly locates area of compression

21. Places middle and ring fingers one finger breath below the nipple line.

22. Begin compression by depressing the sternum ½ to 1 inch

23. Supplies 2 breath after every 30 compressions ( compression-ventilation ratio of 30-2)

24. Continues compression and ventilation until pulse is 60 bpm or until help arrives.

25. Documents all events of resuscitation ( names of individuals present,where the arrest
occurred,time CPR began,length of procedure outcomes,any complications and actions taken to
correct them)

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