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1-HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATED...................................................................................................3
2-THE CAUSES OF EARLY AND FORCED MARRIAGE..........................................................3
3-THE CONSEQUENCES OF EARLY AND FORCED MARRIAGE.........................................4
4-SOME SOLUTIONS TO TRY TO SOLVE THIS PROBLEM...................................................4

Forced marriages if the union qualifies to agree by patner obligation caused in the one.
Someone distinguish so the forced marriage of arranged well union initiated, wo by free two
patners picking forbidding a forced marriage is not without a hazard it the spouse ventures to
exhaustive rejection of it’s family where in its community, an award watches even a crime.
Every year, more than 12 million girls are forcibly married before the age of 18. These girls
see their right to childhood and education stolen, and their prospects for future and evolution
limited. Child Marriages keep young girls in conditions of poverty and powerlessness, from
generation to generation.

A forced union impairs when it is trod in numerous human rights. Forced carried to other the
domestic violence. Is often the brand of a different right. misdemeanor ensuring bodily
integrite and the psychology. The woman and married lass standing of the brisk debouches
occasionally on a breach thimble of education and work.


worldwide, 1 in 5 girls are forcibly married before they turn 18. around the world, 650 million
women today live by being married as children. this phenomenon is explained by :

* gender inequality - in child marriage societies, girls and women have a lower status than
men. girls are married young because they are considered a burden to the family and their
well-being is not a priority.

* poverty-in developing countries, a girl is often seen as a burden. her marriage allows parents
to have one less mouth to feed, to enrich themselves and to create strategic alliances with
another family.

* some traditional practices - in many countries, the honor of a family is through female
virginity. parents marry their daughters long before they are ready to have sex in order to
prevent them from becoming pregnant and unable to be married again.

* lack of birth certificate-230 million children have not been registered at birth worldwide.
girls with no legal identity can not provide evidence of their young age, which would prove
the illegality of an early marriage.

* lawlessness - even when early marriage is prohibited, many families ignore it and / or break
the law. in some countries, this violation is so widespread and standardized that sanctions are

* emergency situations-precarious situations (conflicts, natural disasters, humanitarian crises)

increase the economic pressure on households, causing families who would never have
considered marrying their daughters too young.


early and forced marriage has serious consequences for a girl's life, but also for her
community and her entire country :

* violence and sexual abuse - child marriages often result in sexual violence and abuse on the
part of the husband, and sexual relations are often forced.

• health risks - these include risks related to early pregnancy, the leading cause of death
among 15 to 19-year-olds, but also to hive because, although a girl has been lucky enough to
receive sex education, she is rarely able to negotiate safe sex.

* out of school - once married, a girl is considered an adult and is taken care of by her
husband. so she has no interest in going to school. Household chores and raising children in
any case do not leave them time. Yet girls ' education is the best tool to combat poverty. an
educated girl gives birth to fewer children and, with awareness of the importance of
education, she ensures that her children have a quality education and thus fights against early

* perpetuation of women's lower status and poverty-early marriages keep girls in their lower
status than men and prevent them from rising out of poverty. this is an unfair situation and a
huge lost potential for the development of communities and countries.


for this international plan :

* raises awareness among parents and local authorities about the dangers of early marriage
and the rights of girls ;

* conducts awareness-raising activities with children and young people to inform them of
their rights and teach them to defend them ;

* conducts advocacy with governments to enact laws against early marriage or strengthen
existing laws ;

* combating barriers to education to keep girls in school (access to school, tuition fees, safety
at school, installation of safe drinking water and sanitation facilities, combating child labour,
etc ) ;

* helps families increase their income through the creation of savings groups and income-
generating activities to prevent parents from marrying their daughters and having the means to
send them to school ;

* accompanies girls in their struggle to obtain a birth certificate that proves their age ;

* intervenes to stop an ongoing forced and early marriage, reintegrate girls into school and
offer scholarships to girls ;
* supports young girls and boys who are campaigning in their communities against child

Retain us in conclusion that forced marriage be marries a person against his volition. It acted
counter to itself in an arrange union where the family marks a child’s union. These marriage
touches largely girls of cause of the tradition and economic interests for that we wrestling
against these practices.

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