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Name :

Class :


There is only ONE word mistake in the three bold typed words in each sentence. Please
find and correct it

1. Which will (would) you prefer for your breakfast?

2. I prefer soup than (to) vegetables
3. What do you like better, tea and (or) coffee?
4. I like a picnic better going to the movie (tanpa having dan to)
5. I’ll (I'd) order a bottle of milk to you
6. Please let (have) me to see (look) the menu today
7. I’d rather have pizza if you aren’t (don't) mind
8. Have you ever taste (tasted) Indonesian cuisine (Food) ?
9. I like it. As a matter of fact I enjoy it very many (Much)
10. Thank you for serve me so nicely (Nice)


Please perform each of the arranged situations with your partners. If you haven’t got
one(s), just IMAGINE his (their) presence with you at the moment.

Situation 1

You are treating one of your colleagues to have lunch in a restaurant. You are
not quite sure which he prefers between two specials offers at the moment; mutton
curry or grilled fish. You ask him his preference in a formal way. He says he prefers
grilled fish while you choose mutton curry.

Situation 2

You want to buy some novels at the a book store. You come to the shop
attendant and ask her the shelf on which novels are provided. She asks you the shorts
of novel you prefer. You tell her that you prefer detective stories. She shows you the
way to the shelf. This is a formal situation

Answer :

Dialog 1
Me : Which would you prefer for your dinner, fish or meat ?

Mr.Toni : I'd prefer grilled fish

Me : What would you rather have to drink ?

Mr.Toni : I'd reather have cold orange juice.

Dialog 2

Shopkeeper : Good morning, can i help you ?

Me : Good morning, I'm want to find the novel

Shopkeeper : Which do you prefer, Romance or detective stories ?

Me : I'd prefer detective stories

Shopkeeper : The shelf novel detectives there are over there.


All-round : Serba bisa

Allegedly : Kata orang
Among other things : Diantara lain, Diantaranya
Appointed : Yang di tetapkan (At the Appointed time)
Approximately : Kira - kira ( Approximately how much is ?)
As for : Kalau
As is : Sebagaimana adanya (you're going to by Hp as is)
As one : Serentak
As of : Sampai (As of yesterday)
Ask around : Bertanya tanya (kemana - kemana)
Blow-by-blow : Langkah demi langkah, bagian demi bagian
Out of the blue : Secara tiba tiba
Bluff : Gertak sambal (i see his trought his bluff)
Bluntly ; Blak blakan, Berterus terang
At first blush : Sepintas lalu, selayang pandang
In the same boat : Bernasib sama (we are in the same boat)
Body and soul : Jiwa raga
Bingo : Persis
By the book : Menurut peraturan
Bookworm : Kutu buku
Bread-and-butter : Mata pencarian
Bread winner : Pencari nafkah
Broke : Tidak punya uang (bokek)
Broad daylight : Siang bolong (In the board day light)
In bulk : Dalam jumlah besar (Borongan)
Bull session ; Perdebatan sengit (slank)
Bundle off : Menyuruh cepat cepat (My mother bundle me of go to school)
By and by : Segera ( I hope to go by the by)
By the by : Oh ya (by the by, what is your job?)
By product : Hasil sambilan (Sampingan)
Call the roll : Mengabsen
Call off : Membatalkan
Canard : Omong kosong, Desas desus
In case of : Andai kata (in case of rain, the meeting will be posponed)
In most cases : Pada umumnya, pada banyak kejadian
Cash advance : Uang panjer (Uang muka)
Casually : Begitu saya ( I know her casually)
Catcall : Ejekan
Catchword : Semboyan
Catchy : Mudah ingat
Categorically : Secara mentah -mentah (He cattegorically rejected the over)
By chance : Secara kebetulan (I saw her by chance )


Please perform the blank parts in the following set of dialogue

Mr. Daniel : “Which would do you prefer for your dinner, meet or sea food ?”

Marilyn : “I’d prefer sea food”

Mr. Daniel : “What would you rather have to drink?”

Marilyn : “I’d rather have cold orange juice”

Mr. Budi : “Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?”

Mr. Andrew : “I'd prefer coffe”

Mr. Budi : “Would you like it cold?”

Mr. Andrew : “ Yes, I'd like it cold please"

Husband : “What do you like better travelling by ship or by plane?”

Wife : “I like travelling by ship better than by plane”

Husband : “Why by ship ?”

Wife : “I feel it is the safest. I’m scared on the plane crash”

Shanti : “Do you prefer Rock to Jazz”

Basri : “Of course I prefer rock, i like very much”

Shanti : “What makes you so crazy about Rock?”

Basri : “It sound enjoy in my ears"

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