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Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: It's Murder in the First Degree

Writer : Autumn Buzzell


Active euthanasia is extremely wrong, because is not natural and is extremely


Reason :

1. Often times, the effects of painful diseases or severe depression are the cause of
suicidal thoughts that result in euthanasia
2. In closing, an unnatural death is unethical and should not be permitted. It is the
poisoning of a body and may be performed by a licensed doctor.

Backings :

1. In fact, "medical killing of sick persons would create far more distress, suffering and
pain, directly and indirectly, than it would relieve."
2. The number one rule of medicine is that "doctors shall not kill”
3. One recent study showed that out of the people seeking physician-assisted suicide, "75
percent cited fear of 'being a burden', while only 35 percent gave 'experiencing severe
pain" as a reason."
4. The doctor's job is to heal, to try as hard as they can to save the lives of those who are
presented before them. Doctors and nurses cannot be gods.
5. Take for instance, Dr. Bry Benjamin. Benjamin once gave out a lethal dose of medicine
to an older couple suffering from cancer. For years, he had to "wrestle with this ethical
dilemma" and ". . .his conscience. . . alone." (Mattos and Sachs, 96) He will never forget
the death sentence that he gave that elderly couple.
6. The fact is that family members are often supportive only if they choose euthanasia or
assisted suicide.

Opossing :

1. Those in support of euthanasia fight for the right to "die with dignity". They argue that
a lethal injection is natural.
2. Financial considerations, added to the concern about 'being a burden,' could serve as
powerful forces that would lead a person to 'choose' euthanasia or assisted suicide."
3. Those who are for euthanasia argue that the psychiatric evaluations given to patients
who are suspected to not be of sound mind, solve the problem of whether or not they
are able to choose the "right to die". They also argue that family members of those who
are prepared to be euthanize are very supportive
4. Financial considerations, added to the concern about 'being a burden,' could serve as
powerful forces that would lead a person to 'choose' euthanasia or assisted suicide."
Therefore, it is proven that family members and doctors often have persuasive powers
over the person in question.

Refutation :

1. Injecting a foreign chemical into the body for the sole purpose of harming the body is
not natural. Euthanasia is, in fact, "intentionally making someone die, rather than
allowing that person to die naturally"
2. It is often found that those who argue for the right to "die with dignity" are often the
ones who are not terminally ill or in the older generation.
3. This fact was proven in a Harvard study that read, "79 percent of those ages 18 to 34
believe a physician should be allowed to give lethal injections to the terminally ill, but
only 53 percent of the older Americans agree."
4. When in fact, not all psychiatric evaluations are complete or true, and not all patients
are given an evaluation
5. If the choice of euthanasia is considered as good as a decision to receive care, many
people will feel guilty for not choosing death.

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