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Reacter Note 2 Signature:

Name/Class: ________________/___
Grade 3
Theme 3/Semester 2/2020 - 2021 Day/Date : _____________________

Walking in Love.
Unselfish Love. (John 15:9-17)

Jesus is always with ___________ and that He wants them to stay close to Him. When believers obey
Jesus and grow in their _____________ with Him, their love for Him will motivate them to act in godly
ways toward others.

Jesus willingly died on the cross He was thinking

about people and their need to have their sins
forgiven. Jesus was selfless, which is defined in
the Glossary as having concern for others, not
for oneself. The less people think about
themself, the more selfless they become, and
the better their relationships with others can be.

Jesus showed the greatest example of being ___________ by dying on the cross. He was sinless, yet He
paid the price for everyone else’s sins. Jesus did not ask His followers to die on a real cross, but He gave
_______________ other examples of selflessness to follow.

Love usually motivates a person to act selflessly. In everything Jesus did, He demonstrated selfless love.
His example should motivate His followers to ______ and ______ others. Jesus chose to love everyone,
but He calls only the people who live for Him His friends.

In John 15:17 contains Jesus’ command to love one other.

1. What was the greatest example of a selfless action that ever took place?
2. What does Jesus call people who follow His commands and live for Him?
3. What should motivate believers to love others?
4. Write God’s command found in John 15:17.

Memory verse 1

John 15:12 – My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.

The Fruit of Love. (Matthew 7:17-20, Galatians 5:22-23)

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When believers stay close to God through ___________, reading the Bible, and living His way, His love
flows to them just as the ____________ in the vine flow to the branches. Because of His love in them,
they then bear the fruit of love.

Believers are to follow the example of Jesus and show ______ to others in their relationships and even to
people they do not ______. Jesus showed examples of _______________ love and ___________ love.
Loving actions are the fruit of being like Jesus. More good fruit will grow as a believer’s relationship with
God grows and that others will see the ________.

Believers do not produce good fruit in their own power but through the _____________’s power. God
sent the Holy Spirit to help after Jesus returned to heaven.

Everything believers say and do should look like what Jesus would say and do, and Jesus did everything
out of love.

In 1 Corinthians 16:14, all we do or everything should be done in love.

Serving others is a ________________ way to show love. Even though Jesus is God and is God’s Son, He served
His followers in many ways.

Memory verse 2

1 Corinthians 13 : 8 – Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues,
they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

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