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Homework on a draft Pilot Project proposal on a national Network and LEADER-kind initiative for Rural

Development in Serbia

Building network capacity to support rural development in Serbia and support LEADER approach to rural

The consequence of the development of industry and urban communities, is a large gap between living
conditions in the countryside and the city, which is ultimately one of the main factors that led to migration
from village to town and a drastic decrease in the number of inhabitants in the villages. Preservation of
rural communities is a new challenge to contemporary society.

Agricultural policy and rural development in EU

Support the development of agriculture dating from the fifties of last century when there was a
adoption of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The main goal was providing enough food for the
population after World War II. In the beginning of the realization of the program, the funds were directed
to farmers in terms of subsidies and incentive of guaranteed prices. Also were provided funds to
encourage the restructuring of agriculture in the area of investment, mechanical equipment parks,
increasing holdings in order to adapt the farmers then economic and social conditions. CAP proved to be
a very successful system, so that the EU succesed in the eighties to establish agricultural production,
whose scope was to meet their own needs of member countries. The establishment of stable production
of the EU, found itself in a situation that forced the constant struggle with the most important commodity
surpluses of agricultural products (mainly subsidies) and to stores within the EU. Basic settings of CAP
had to be changed and it was done during the eighties and early nineties. Grants are limited to reduce
commodity surpluses and introduced quotas and also placed emphasis on environmental protection as a
priority. Adoption''Agenda 2000''marked the beginning of a new common agricultural policy in the EU.
Agenda 2000 envisaged the training of European agriculture to market competition and brought with them
a new aspect - the development policy of rural landscapes, to countless initiatives of farmers in
restructuring and diversification and improving market performance effectively supported. Farmers are not
only paid more to produce food. CAP is now oriented towards the demand. Were taken into account the
demands of consumers and taxpayers but also given temporary freedom and choice to farmers to
produce in accordance with market demand. Previously, the principle is: Who makes a lot of products a
recived lot (more) money.From now on the most farmers provide support regardless of their production.
According to the new regulations, farmers continue to receive funds through direct payments for the
stabilization of income, but no longer associated with the production. Farmers must meet appropriate
standards of environmental protection, food safety and animal protection.

European agricultural sector stands in the service of rural landscapes. It not only ensures the
production of necessary foodstuffs, but also contributes to maintain the rural landscape as a place to
work, live and vacation. Almost 60% of the population of EU member countries live in rural areas, what’s
making rural development so important. Agricultural and forestry are the main form of land utilization in
rural areas, have an important role in the rural communities and form the basis for social and economic
sustainability of rural communities
Outside the focus of the public, pararel with the successful implementation of CAP,diferent
processes taking place at the regional level from which will emerge later, one of the major program of
rural development LEADER - Liaison entre actions de développement rural. The first ideas came from the
aspirations of the mountain regions of Austria, on the end of the seventies towards alternative
development of the region, themselves from themselves in accordance with the state regional policy. The
basis was the will of the citizens to realize their own ideas and fuller use of regional resources. Another
impuls came through the state planning in the eighties, as former instruments, first regional plan, they
could not respond to the challenges of restructuring and increasing competition, so that powered the
various initiatives at national and European level in order to strengthen regional initiatives. It is also
important the influence of the sustainable development component in the regional development
concepts in the 90 years.

Germany accelerate in the steps to connect creativity and regulations between the holder of the
decision (government) and affected (citizens) with decisions, through the regional development concepts.
But there was not a instance that these concepts would be translated - said - implemented. Local
authorities themselves are insufficient, inadequate or limited, regional centers for planning lacks of
management rights - powers. In all this there are differences in purpose and tasks of regional planning,
which operates more conceptual and regional management, which lays more on implementation and
cooperation. Shared commitment to them, however, is coordination. Should complement rather than
exclude, substitute.

The LEADER story

... from the pilot initiatives to the mainstream concept ...

The official launch LEADER initiative in 1991. year and then he was presented as the ''community
initiative'', financed by EU structural funds. There were three generations:

LEADER I (1991-1993)

LEADER II (1994-1999)

LEADER + (2000 to 2006)

The characteristic of this period is that member countries had independent LEADER programs with
independent funding allocated from the EU level. Since 2007. The Leader approach will be integrated
within the overall EU policies for rural development, which means that the Leader will be involved in
national and regional general rural development programs, supported by the EU within the other axis of
rural development. Financing Leader Axis since 2007. year will be done within the overall financial
resources of each Member State, from the new European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
Seven key feature of the LEADER

During the implementation of the LEADER program to justify its existence and over the years, the number
of LAG's are constantly increasing:

Leader initiatives / Number of local action area covered with EU funds

funding period groups measures
Leader I 217 367.000 km2 EUR 442 milions
Leader II 906 1 375 144 km2 EUR 1 755 milions
Leader + 893 1 577386 km2 EUR 2 105.1 milions

At the end of the third programming period and fifteen years of existence, the Leader stopt to exist as a
standalone program, but is included in the program EAFRD in the fourth pillar. Legacy Leader influence
is reflected in many policies the EU and its member states (EQUAL, URBAN, AID, Regionen activ),
transfer philosophy Leader approach to the development of the territory outside the framework of the EU
and of particular importance is the experience in networking both at the local level within the partner in
LAG, also at the regional, national and transnational level. Networking is a very important component in
the activities in the field of rural development, particularly developed during the implementation of Leader
+ in which transnational networks successfully built and maintained. In the programming of rural
development in the period 2007-2013, especially the EAFRD defined (Resolution EC 1698/2005, articl 68)
the obligation for EU member states in establishing national networks for rural development, with clearly
defined tasks, which developed networking between LAG's transferred to a higher level with the broader
context of the existing network is reorganizing Leader in NRN, which ensured the continuation and
preservation of the continuity of the former Leader Network. At the European level is established 1999th
The Elard - European Leader Association for Rural Development, which includes membership in the
European network for rural development, after its founding.

Agricultural policy and rural development in Serbia

Agricultural policy in Serbia in the period from 1945 to the beginning of the nineties is characterized
by a number of agrari reforms in which came to the transformation of ownership of agricultural land and
support agriculture consisted in supporting the public sector (cooperatives, agricultural companies and
combine) through grants and favorable loans. Support from the private sector through cooperation by
supplying the necessary resources (seed, fuel, fertilizer, pesticides and herbicides, etc.). And occasionally
through organizing and training for farmers. In the eighties improves the situation for individual producers,
allow the soft loans for the purchase of mechanization and launches subsidized credit line''Green''plan
aimed at improving livestock production in terms of building and equipping facilities for cattle. The general
characteristic is that agriculture was not a market-oriented and are not guaranteed protection measures
built price. At the beginning of the nineties came to return the country and the restructuring of agricultural
production. Once the powerful agricultural cooperatives and agricultural enterprises disappeared. Small
farmers are without an appropriate machinery for the processing of land. Over the next decade,
agricultural production is put in the function of preserving social peace, on the national level is no
strategy for development of agriculture, villages economically weakened, the infrastructure is not renewed
and rural areas become less aktractiv as a place to live.

After 2000 started the strategic planning in agriculture and restoration of commodity production. In the
first plan is to establish a stable production in order to meet their own needs in food at the national level.
Rural development in this period remains in the background. After a stabilization in commodity production
in the 2004th and 2005. started preparing of measures to support rural development. Except for
measures of subsidizing activities in the rural communities during 2007 was launched two important
activities resulting from the Rural Development Program in Serbia:

- On the territory Autonomous Province of Vojvodina accessed the formation of five local action groups,
as a pilot program implementing the Leader approach to rural development
- Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of Republic of Serbia in 2007 created a
‘’National network to support rural development ‘’with the aim to support rural development program in
Serbia in the period 2007-2013.



on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural
Development (EAFRD)

Article 6


1. EAFRD assistance shall be implemented through close consultations (hereinafter partnership) between
the Commission and the Member State and with the authorities and bodies designated by the Member
State under national rules and practices, including:
(a) the competent regional, local authorities and other public authorities;

(b) the economic and social partners;

(c) any other appropriate body representing civil society, non-governmental organisations,
including environmental organisations, and bodies responsible for promoting equality
between men and women.

The Member State shall designate the most representative partners at national, regional and local level
and in the economic, social, environmental or other sphere (hereinafter partners). It shall create the
conditions for a broad and effective involvement of all appropriate bodies, in accordance with national
rules and practices, taking into account the need to promote equality between men and women and
sustainable development through integration of environmental protection and improvement requirements.

2. The partnership shall be conducted with due regard to the respective institutional, legal and financial
responsibilities of each category of partner as defined under paragraph 1.

3. The partnership shall be involved in the preparation and monitoring of the national strategy plan and in
the preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the rural development programmes.
Member States shall involve all appropriate partners at the various programming stages, due regard
being had to the time limit set for each step.

Article 67

European Network for Rural Development

A European Network for Rural Development for the networking of national networks, organisations and
administrations active in the field of rural development at Community level shall be put in place in
accordance with Article 66(1).

The aims of the Network shall be to:

(a) collect, analyse and disseminate information on Community rural development measures;

(b) collect, disseminate and consolidate at Community level good rural development practice;

(c) provide information on developments in the Community’s rural areas and in third countries;

(d) organise meetings and seminars at Community level for those actively involved in rural

(e) set up and run expert networks with a view to facilitating an exchange of expertise and
supporting implementation and evaluation of the rural development policy;

(f) support the national networks and transnational cooperation initiatives.

Article 68

National rural network

1. Each Member State shall establish a national rural network, which groups the organisations and
administrations involved in rural development.

2. The amount referred to in Article 66(3) first subparagraph shall be used:

(a) for the structures needed to run the network;

(b) for an action plan containing at least the identification and analysis of good transferable
practices and the provision of information about them, network management, the organisation
of exchanges of experience and know-how, the preparation of training programmes for local
action groups in the process of formation and technical assistance for inter-territorial and
transnational cooperation.
The EU Rural Development policy and IPA 2007.2013

Objectives and governance

The objectives of the EU Rural Development Policy - also known as the second pillar of the Common
Agricultural Policy (CAP) – focus on the enhancement of the social and economic cohesion, on the
improvement of competitiveness in farming and forestry sectors, and on the amelioration of the
environment aiming at landscape conservation and sustainable development.

The European Union action in favour of the rural world is governed by Council Regulation no. 1698/2005
and combines national policies implemented by each Member State, in a framework of subsidiarity,
additionality of resources, partnership and participation of the various stakeholders.

European approach

Regarding the programming period 2007-2013, the European Union has adopted a so-called "multi-level"
approach, including: Community Strategic Guidelines, National Strategy Plan and Rural Development

The Community Strategic Guidelines (CSG)

define the community strategic priorities

The National Strategy Plan (NSP)

sets the strategic priorities of the Member State

The Rural Development Programme (RDP)

is the operational Programme designed to implement NSP and CSG.

National approach

Since 2007, EU actions in favour of the pre-accession countries are channelled through a single, unified
instrument designed to deliver focussed support to both candidate and potential candidate countries. The
legal basis for this assistance is Council Regulation 1085/2006 , adopted on 17 July 2006. More
detailed implementing rules are laid down in Commission Regulation 718/2007 of 12 June 2007.

In order to achieve each country's objectives in the most efficient way, IPA consists of the following five

1. Transition Assistance and Institution Building

2. Cross-Border Co-operation (with EU Member States and other countries eligible for IPA)

3. Regional Development (transport, environment and economic development)

4. Human Resources Development (strengthening human capital and combating exclusion)

5. Rural Development

Components I and II are open to all beneficiary countries.

Component I involves institution building measures and associated investment, as well as transition and
stabilisation measures still necessary in the Western Balkans. It is delivered through annual national and
multi-beneficiary programmes.

Component II supports cross-border cooperation at borders between candidate/potential candidate

countries and between them and the EU countries.

Components III, IV and V are open to candidate countries only, and are designed to mirror structural,
cohesion and rural development funds in preparation for the management of such funds upon accession.
They therefore require the relevant management structures to be in place (see decentralisation).

Potential candidate countries and candidate countries that have not been accredited to manage IPA
funds in a decentralised manner are eligible, under the Transition Assistance and Institution Building
Component, for measures and actions of a similar nature to those which will be available under the
Regional Development Component, the Human Resources Development Component and the Rural
Development Component.


The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management (MAFWM) has developed a National Rural
Development Strategy Plan (NRDSP) that is the outcome of consultations, partnerships and
negotiations with the major institutional, economic and social actors. It identifies three strategic priorities
in line with the IPA’s 5th Rural Development Component objectives:

(a) improving market efficiency and implementation of Community standards;

(b) preparatory actions for implementation of the agrienvironmental measures and local rural
development strategies;

(c) development of the rural economy.

The strategy as defined by the NRDSP shall be carried out through 11 Rural Development Programmes
(RDP), managed by each Regional Office, and through the National Rural Network Programme, which is
under MAFWM direct management. Each RDP will consist of 3 Axes, corresponding to the strategic
priorities set in the NRDSP. The total available resources amount to Euro 16,687 million, of which 8,292
million are funded by the EU through the IPA.


Unlike the EU member states whose national networks for rural development are the backbone of
the experience of implementing programs and Lader LAG's network that is formed on this occasion, a
national network of Serbia has no support in previous experiences as examples of good practice at the
national level. The examples of networking in the EU member states can be taken only partly with
reservations, mostly because of the specificity of Serbia and the fact that Serbia is at the moment only a
potential candidate for accession to the EU which it is largely restricted access to EU funds. Despite the
fact that the AP of Vojvodina started the initiative in the formation of LAG's and implementing LEADER
approach,''bottom-up''and territorial approach to rural development, and the principle of horizontal and
inter-sectoral partnerships is not sufficiently implemented, thus the experience of LAG - and the Leader of
Serbia can not be use as a support for strengthening the capacity and sustainability of the rural network.
Analyzing the existing national network for rural development and LAG's in Serbia we come to the
conclusion that the measures to strengthen the capacity of the network for rural development and the
Leader approach to rural development must be defined in two priorities (or two tracks):

- Support capacity building of the National Network for Rural Development

- Support initiatives based on the Leader approach

Despite the existence of two priorities and needs for various activities during the program implementation
is necessary to intertwine activities in order to create a partnership between NNRD and LAG's and
created a strong synergy between NNRD and the Leader approach in the rural development .

National Rural Network of Serbia

The Programme was prepared by the Rural Development Department of the Ministry of Agriculture,
Forestry and Water Management, based on the needs defined through its network of 11 regional and 126
local offices, in cooperation with the RD Unit of UNDP Serbia, ICDT,... to support the implementation of
rural development policies in Serbia for the period 2010-2013.

The National Rural Network of Serbia (NRNS) - managed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and
Water Management – provides for a set of mandatory actions, in line with Community legislation (Article
68 of EC Council Regulation no. 1698/05), together with other measures designed to overcome
fragmentation and isolation of rural development policies. The so-called mandatory actions include:
identification and analysis of good transferable practices, organisation of exchanges of experience and
know-how, preparation of training programmes for Local Action Groups (LAGs) and technical assistance
for inter-territorial and trans-national cooperation.

The other actions covered by the Programme play a significant role as they combine the national strategy,
worked out in the National RDP, with the common objectives envisaged by the Community Strategic
Guidelines and the European Rural Network.

Main reasons for establishing the Network

1) Participation: In order to overcome the sectoral isolation of the rural development policy, thus
encouraging a more participatory approach ("bottom-up") that allows the involvement of actors
operating in the rural world as well as of other individuals from different sectors, either national or

2) Knowledge: In order to promote on a large scale the knowledge of rural development policies
being implemented in Serbia. That brings out the positive impact RDPs may have on the
environment and quality of life as well as their significant role in the improvement of agricultural
holdings' competitiveness, in the encouragement of agricultural activities diversification and in the
enhancement of culture and rural traditions;
3) Strengthening: In order to overdraw the effects and strengthen the performance of measures
being co-financed by the European Union through the above-mentioned Rural Development

Main beneficiaries

All organizations and administrations, acting - directly or indirectly - in the field of rural development at
international, national, regional and local levels, can become effective members of the Network.

At national level: it refers to institutional, economic and social actors, including Non-Governmental
Organizations (NGOs).

At international level: it regards the international partners of the Network and, in particular, the European
Rural Network's members; cooperation relations and exchanges of experiences with such members could
be established in order to achieve the Programme’s objectives.

The Role of the Network

According to the specific Serbian organizational and institutional structure, Municipalities and APV are in
charge of the local/rural development planning and management, while the Ministry is to provide for
guidance and coordination in agricultural, forestry and water management policies.

Coordinating: The National Rural Network of Serbia enables the coordination and support of the local
administrations through its 11 regional Rural Development offices.

Sharing: The Network aims at strengthening their impact on the territory as well as enhancing the trans-
national and inter-territorial vocation of rural development policies, encouraging cooperation, exchange of
good practices, and sharing of innovation.

Supporting: Therefore the National Rural Network of Serbia plays a major role in emphasizing the
strengths of Serbian rural areas and in highlighting any weakness of rural development management, in
order to guarantee a timely intervention and proper solutions.

The Strategy

The strategic approach of the National Rural Network of Serbia, expressed by the title "NRNS: a Network
of networks for Rural Development", promotes the creation of a new model of rural development that is
increasingly integrated, participatory and innovating.

The evaluation of national weaknesses and the analysis of required interventions led to identify three
global objectives that the Network intends to pursue:

2. 3.
Strengthening of the managerial Diffusion of good practices
Improvement of governance
and planning capacities and knowledge

The above objectives correspond to the three NRN sets of measures, combined with a fourth one that
covers Network management.
The Activities

The Programme consists of nine actions to support the following steps:

planning: the Network's definition process has been completed in quite a short period of time and has
been the first Italian programme to be approved by EU. Its well-timed implementation allows to help
Regions and Autonomous Provinces in the arrangement of their rural development programme for the
2007-2013 period;

implementation: the Network provides also support to implementation of National and IPA 2009-2013
actions in favour of rural areas through the promotion of good practices exchanges and the enhancement
of qualitative performance of interventions, encouraging monitoring and evaluation measures;

training: training requirement is a pre-requisite for the growth of any sector of economy, hence also for
rural development. Rural development is characterized by the presence of public and private actors that,
particularly in the last few years, had to deal with a series of changes regarding key issues (such as
environment, animal welfare, food safety) and the implementation of national and EU policies ("bottom-
up" approach, integration among funds, and so on);

information: the Network has a central role in promoting funding possibilities for the rural development
sector, in supporting access to services for business and rural communities, in diffusing results achieved
by the agricultural and forestry policies so as to establish a new communication approach to the public

cooperation: relying on the contacts with its own members, with the European Rural Network and also
with the other EU and neighbour States, the Serbian National Rural Network stands as a privileged tool to
help inter-territorial and trans-national cooperation projects - as well as any cooperation project among
different Institutions - that aim at the growth of the Serbian rural areas

ors and
external 3
subcomitee TG
Leader 2

Committee P
The current organizational structure

of NNRD Serbia

Regional Centers

The proposed structure NNRD Serbia

Strengths Weaknesses
• Territorial coverage-more than 15 regional • Activities limited with financial resources
and 150 branch offices covered the entire • Coordinators insufficiently trained in project
territory of Serbia management
• Good coordination and communication • Core areas of activity is the development of
between regional centers and MAFWM primary agricultural production, rural
• Technical equipment of the office development included insufficient
• Quality human resources • Number of personnel engaged in work due to
• Co-ordinators who are trained and insufficient network covering a large territory
certified for production of PLA studies that • Insufficient cooperation among the regional
serve to create a detailed plan for rural centers with the territories of different regional
development centers
• citizens' confidence in the work of the office • The structure of the network is incomplete
•''top down''principle in the establishment of
• Good cooperation with the Office of networks
municipalities and local development • lack of public information about the activities
partners of the network
• Detailed database • There are no publications dealing with the
• motivation of staff involved in the network issue of network activities
• Local governments support the work of the • web site does not meet the standards of other
network national networks
• Established web site of the NNRD • Local governments do not participate
sufficiently in supporting the activities of the

Opportunities Threats
• Establish quality structures modeled on • Cooperation between the Ministry and NNRD
other national networks not formalized and regulated in the long run
• Establishing long-term partnership • Local governments are not interested in a
between MAFWM and NNRD to support partnership and does not want to participate in
the sustainability of the network in terms of financing the costs of activities
financing activities • The consequences of the global economic
• Strengthening of cooperation with local crisis disable network and financing activities
governments in the area of regional offices to of rural development funds from national level
establish formal cooperation and • stoppage or interruption of the process of EU
participation in the activities accession
• Building cooperation with NGOs, local • Lack of cooperation and partnership among
governments, cooperatives, associations and stakeholders in rural development
other networks involved in rural • delay or interruption of the process of
development at all levels from local through decentralization
regional to national, to help transmission of
information and collecting the necessary
• Admission to the EU network for rural
Leader approach and establishment of local action groups

The first initiative in starting activities on the implementation of Leader approach was implemented
November 2007. year by the Secretariat of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of AP Vojvodina,
initiating a pilot project of forming local action groups in the five municipalities of Vojvodina, with the task
of implementation of Leader approach in rural development and preparation of local action plans.

The main frame in implementing the Leader approach is a strategy for rural development programming
period 2009 - 2013. Measures foreseen in the implementation of the strategy were defined in three axes
of which the second axis defined area of Leader approach

Priority axis 2: Preparatory actions for implementation / application agroecological

measures and local rural development strategies

(a) Activities to improve the environment and villages;

(b) Preparation and implementation of local rural development strategies

Axis 2 of the strategie will be applied only in the period 2011-2013, due to inability to use the funds
IPARD Fund, intended for implementation of these activities, however MAFWM foresees the possibility of
establishing a local action group, based on a small number of pilot experiences, which can provide
tangible results in terms of providing lessons learned for future implementation wider Leader approach.

Article 3.4. Strategy MAFW gives an explanation of the activities could be implemented in the preparation

Part of preparing for the future implementation of these measures will be implemented using three forms

a) technical assistance measures IPARD will partially support the participation

future and existing interest groups and relevant state authorities in the activities
European Network for Rural Development in order to learn from the experience of the EU Leader Group;
b) support capacity building at local level will be supported from the first component
IPA, which provides assistance in the transition process and institution building (which Serbia can
c) the current intervention in order to provide diversification of rural economy
priority criteria for joint projects that include various activities on the
local level within the options offered by the four selected sub-measures. In this way,
activation towards local integration approaches can begin to be used in a
simplified way, without explicit costs, spreading the relevant knowledge about this approach
and allowing small experiment in the measure of diversification.

Strengths Weaknesses
• Decision makers (MAFWM, APVSAFWM) • decentralization process slow and inefficient
aware of the needs of the implementation of • Local governments and cities have resistance
Leader approach in rural development policy to the formation of micro-regions or LAG's
because them look as obstructionist of their
• The APVSAFWM initiated the process of
forming a pilot program in five municipalities
LAG • Delay in the implementation process of
• Rural Development Strategy for the Leader approach in the rural development
programming period 2009-2013 foresees the • Emigration of educated personnel to urban
implementation of Leader approach and areas
possible formalizing the establishment of • A small number of businesses active in rural
pilot activities LAG's communities
• National Network for Rural Development • Insufficient number of civil society
was established in part project task has an
organizations with regional capacity located in
obligation to support the LAG's
• Local communities interested in the rural areas
principles of the Leader • Human capacities in local communities,
• Existence of local initiative in organizing a undeveloped and incompetent for the
LAG by''bottom up''principle implementation of Leader approach
• The existence of awareness of the need for • LAG are viewed as a source of funding
developing strategic plans for rural outside the context of Leader approach and
development of local communities and areas basic assumptions of this program.
of LAG's • Strategies and action plans are made by
outside experts engaged local communities
included in the strategy, and without their
participation in creating
• There is no built in direct dialogue between
decision-makers at the provincial and republic
level with local communities

Opportunities Threats
• Establishing a quality structure on the model of • Cooperation between NNRD and LAG's is not
other national Leader programs
based on partnership is already a net over the
• Establishing partnerships with the National
Network for Rural Development region and Leader LAG's
• Strengthening of cooperation with local • Local governments are not interested in a
governments in the area of LAG in order to partnership and does not want to participate in
establish formal cooperation and participation in
financing of the activities
financing the costs of activities
• Building cooperation with NGOs, local • The consequences of the global economic
governments, cooperatives, associations and crisis cause impossibility of financing the
other networks involved in rural development. activities of the pilot LAG's in pre-accession
• Admission to the EU Leader Network
• Access IPA funds in the financing of certain
activities of LAG-A • stoppage or interruption of the process of EU
• Adoption of regulations regarding the accession
formalization LAG's in the national strategy on • Lack of cooperation and partnership among
rural development
• Capacity building and support established LAG's
stakeholders in rural development
• delay or interruption of the process of
• Transfer best practices from these pilot-LAG decentralization
• Establishment of LAG's opposite principles
Leader (bottom up)
Measures objectives and activities

In accordance with project and task analysis, logically be the need to define three main measures:

1. Strengthening the capacity of the national network to support rural development

2. Implementation of the Leader approach to rural development through support to pilot programs LAG.
3. Promotion NNRD, Leader, LAG's activities and examples of good practice

Activities that are conducted within the framework of measures are given in the tables:

Table I: Strengthening the capacity of the national network to support rural development
Table II: Implementation of the Leader approach to rural development
Table III: Internal Communications and Promotion of the Network (web site, electronic and print

Please note that despite the activities divided into the three measures, their implementation is largely
interwoven and are mutually dependent, both in terms of implementation and results of activities by
creating a high degree of synergy and cohesion among the measures and resulting in effective
implementation project task – NNDR with appropriate capacities, organized by EU standards, ready to
implement the tasks in the field of rural development and implementing the of philosophy of Leader
approach in practice.
Homework on a draft Pilot Project proposal on a national Network and LEADER-kind initiative for Rural Development in Serbia

Table I 1st Measure Capacity Building of the National Network for Rural Development

Specific Activity holders act. Description target group benefiti indicators / indicators /
objectives onaries status results
1.1 Strengthen 1.1.1 Defining MAFWM Workshops at the MAFWM MAFWM Structure Make proposals
ing control national, regional NNRD not for the
manageme structures and APVSAFWM and local level APVSAFWM enough built establishment
nt capacity working and of management
NMRR bodies NNRD NNRD NNRD unspecified structures and
working bodies

1.1.2 Preparation MAFWM Based on the results MAFWM MAFWM Management Adopted a
and adoption of workshops structure is document on
of documents APVSAFWM composed a APVSAFWM APVSAF not clearly the structure
on document and WM defined and formed a
management NNRD adopted at the NNRD network
and working plenary session NNRD management
bodies of the and working
1.2 Sustainabili 1.2.1 Defining long- MAFWM Analysis of the MAFWM MAFWM NNRD formed Defined long-
ty NNRD term financing capabilities by TG through term funding
NNRD and APVSAFWM (thematic groups) NNRD competition, opportunities
determination and CC which is and sources of
of funding NNRD (Coordinating updated funding for
sources Committee). every year financing the
LAG national
Workshops at the
national, regional program, local
TG and local level communities)
1.2.2 Formalizing MAFWM Formally organizing MAFWM MAFWM NMRR not NNRD formally
and defining APVSAFWM NNRD Defining its formally defined and
relations NNRD role in the registered, signed a
between LAG programming period NNRD NNRD there is not contract with
MAFWM and 2009 - 2013 and the right MAFWM on
NNRD form a network of partnership cooperation in
cooperation with with MAFWM the
MAFWM programming
period 2009-
1.3 Strengthen 1.3.1 Training of Expert on trainings and RC and PC NNRD Skills, NNRD
ing the regional contract seminars on topics: of the NNDR knowledge Management
capacity of management and successfully
human and regional -community- management completed the
resources centers mobilization skills are not training module
NNRD enough built
-Project in the NNRD

- Leader-approach

-media and public


1.3.2 Specialized TG NNRD workshops and TG NNRD MAFWM inexperience members
training by training for in the work of trained to work
thematic MAFWM members of the TG APVSAF TG in thematic
groups WM groups
1.3.3 Study tours NNRD Study tours in the MAFWM MAFWM Insufficient MAFWM, NNRD
country and abroad NNRD practical gained new
(examples of good APVSAFWM experience in knowledge from
practice) Serbia practice
1.3.4 Expert MAFWM One representative MAFWM MAFWM Transfer of Acquired new
exchange from MAFWM and knowledge knowledge and
NNRD NNRD engaged in NNRD NNRD and experience
an exchange with experience is implemented in
one of the countries insufficient the work of the
with built networks NNRD
for rural
development, in a
period of three

Selection of
representatives on
the basis of internal
competition within
the NNRD and
1.3.5 Development NNRD Internal competition NNRD MAFWM Members of People engaged
of competitive for the best RC, PC, the network in the work of
spirit and the best example of NNRD are not the NNRD well
motivation innovation and good equally motivated to
practice motivated in work
of the
1.4 Mobilizing 1.4.1 ''Micro''Forum NNRD Organize regular NNRD MAFWM Citizens Increased
Communiti for Rural meetings in local insufficiently information of
es Development communities with NNRD familiar with the local
local authorities, the work of community,
NGOs, citizens NNRD, provided two-
insufficient way flow of
information information
1.4.2 promotion NNRD Workshops at the Local MAFWM The local Increased
of''bottom community level on Community community is interest of local
up''approach measures MAFWM not used the people for rural
in the field of rural opportunity development
development, to engage in programs
provide an the policy of
opportunity for local rural
actors give development
suggestions and
comments, which
are forwarded to the
1.4.3 Day of the MAFWM Organization of Local MAFWM Numerous Local products,
rural events''Day of the communitie events services and
communities APVSAFWM rural communities s included in local related to the initiatives
‘’in order to the NNRD commun rural areas presented in
NNRD dissemination of ities are local or one place,
good practice regional type, promoted
examples and build there is no examples of
LAG regional cooperation event at the good practice
in Serbia national level and established
Collaboration of
1.4.4 Strengthening RC NNRD Organizing training all sectors of commun Insufficient Local
local in project the ity and training in communities
development management, community LAG local are ready to
capacities . strategic planning, included communities engage in
community NNRD and and LAG planning and
mobilization LAG implementing
1.5 Networkin 1.5.1 Regional level RC NNRD At the regional level RC Cooperation Established
g through the RC representati NNRD with local Cooperation
centers contact with ves of all communities with all sectors
the larger number sectors in MAFWM is insufficient, of the RC area
of local the region there are not and formed
governments, partnerships partnerships
NGOs, institutions
and public
companies involved
in rural
development and
achieve a
partnership with RC
1.5.2 National level NNRD At the national level Representat MAFWM NNRD have Established
to achieve ives of the not built a cooperation
cooperation with the sector at the NNRD partnerships with
reference of NGOs, national with other organizations
public enterprises level, other networks and and networks of
and institutions to NNRD, organizations reference
achieve cooperation
with other NNRD
and EU NRD
1.5.3 Leader areas NNRD Making high-quality Council MAFWM insufficient realized the
and NNRD communication NNRD communicatio communication
Leader between the Leader APVSAF n between between LAG's
subcommitt area with RC NNRD Leader WM Leader LAG- and NNRD
ee covering the Subcommitt area and
territory of the ee NNRD NNRD
LAG's and at the
national level RC and LAG LAG
between the Leader
subcommittee with
the Council NNRD
Table II MEASURES Implementation of the Leader approach to rural development
Specific Activities holders of Opis Description target group benefiti indicators / indicators /
objectives the onaries status results
2.1 Defining 2.1.1 Preparation Council with Despite the clearly MAFWM MAFWM There is no Prepared
characteris of proposals working expressed desire to clearly proposal and
tics and for MAFWM bodies implement the APVSAFWM APVSAF defined initiative for the
the Leader approach, is procedure of regulation of
necessary still poorly establishing this area
preconditio LAG implemented in NNRD WM and defining
ns for practice and there is Leader LAG
the''Leader Representa no clearly defined LAG NNRD area
'' areas tives rules about
MAFWM determining the
area and pilot LAG
established Leader initiatives
necessary to bring
the unique rules at
the national level,
adjusted to the
conditions of Serbia.
2.2 Support 2.2.1 Preparation NNRD One of the foreseen pilot pilot Education so Completed
pilot and activities and LAG far included training of all
activities in implementatio obligations NNRD is LAG's only structures of
the n of training organizing training local managers of the LAG's
establishm for existing for the LAG. The commun the pilot's
ent of the pilot LAG training is organized ity LAG
LAG in the form of
seminars, trainings
and workshops in
accordance with the
actual needs of the
2.2.2 Establishment NNRD Supporting the LAG ''TRI'' ' MAFWM Local LAG TRI
of a pilot MAFWM initiative LAG''TRI- initiatives on institutionally
LAG''TRI''base APVSAFWM Tamis development APVSAF the supported as a
d on bottom initiatives'' as a pilot WM establishment pilot program
up approach program based on of LAG TRI is
bottom up principle LAG TRI not
2.2.3 Formation of NNRD Leader Participants NNRD Contact place Enabled
the Leader MAFWM subcommittee is a involved in MAFWM to exchange communication
subcommittee APVSAFWM permanent working the APVSAF experiences and information
with the body responsible for implementat WM of the Leader exchange
participation coordination ion of the does not exist through
of the pilo LAG between the LAG's Leader LAG Subcommittee
LAG ‘s and NNRD approach

2.2.4 Distribution of NNRD After preparation of LAG NNRD Existing pilot Micro funds
small grants MAFWM local action plans in local MAFWM LAG's are not provided for
to LAG's APVSAFWM the second year of community APVSAF able to financing soft
project WM implement projects of the
Leader implementation, local action pilot LAG's
subcommitt should be prepared LAG plans
ee funds to finance a because
project by LAG’s in there are no
accordance with the funds that
principles of the support their
Leader. work
2.3 Implement 2.3.1 analysis of NNRD workshop on the LAG NNRD Leader in Pilot LAG's have
ation the success of MAFWM implementation of MAFWM Serbia is not successfully
Leader at the pilot LAG APVSAFWM Leader approach in Leader APVSAF present and implemented
the the pilot's LAG subcommitt WM there are no the first pilot
national Leader ee activities that action plan and
level subcommitt could serve pilot projects
ee NNRD as a subject are
of analysis implemented
and make the
basis for
Leader in
2.3.2 Preparation of NNRD After defining the LAG NNRD Prt of the Defined
tender MAFWM necessary MAFWM territory of conditions for
documents for APVSAFWM preconditions for Leader APVSAF Vojvodina, the formation of
the first public the formation of subcommitt WM covered by LAG's and
call for the Leader Leader LAG-areas ee LAG's were created the
formation of subcommitt based partially on defined possibility of
LAG ee the experience of conditions expanding the
the first pilot LAG's, and way of pilot program
prepare the forming LAG LAG's the whole
conditions for the NNRD territory of
establishment of a Serbia
pilot LAG's on the local
whole territory community
2.3.3 Calling a NNRD Experiences of pilot LAG NNRD The first pilot Established
public call for MAFWM LAG's spread to the MAFWM LAG's formed conditions for
the pilot of APVSAFWM entire territory of Leader APVSAF without public the formation of
the LAG - Serbia subcommitt WM call the LAG’s on
Leader ee the bottom up
subcommitt principle

2.3.4 The choice of NNRD In accordance with LAG NNRD Serbian The entire
the new pilot MAFWM the public call, MAFWM Leader territory of
LAG's APVSAFWM LAG’s are selected Leader APVSAF coverage Serbia covered
subcommitt WM area only on by Leader LAG's
Leader In each region of ee the territory by regional
subcommitt Serbia formed LAG of AP principle
ee NNRD Vojvodina


Table III MEASURES 3rd Communication within the network, Web presentation and promotion
activities through publications

3.1 Internal 3.1.1 Establish NNRD Making a web-forum LAG NNRD Unsatisfactor Standardized
communic regular MAFWM MAFWM y level of communication
ation communicatio APVSAFWM - Circular e-mails of Leader APVSAF communicatio system meets
within the n between the news distribution subcommitt WM n and non- the needs of
network actors LAG on a monthly basis ee standard network
involved in in the
rural Regularly send NNRD communicatio
development n
news from RC and
LAG in order to
update the web site
3.1.2 Regular NNRD Labor-management NNRD NNRD NNRD have After forming
meetings of MAFWM meetings within the MAFWM MAFWM not defined the structure
management APVSAFWM defined structure of APVSAFWM APVSAF structure and NMRR
at the regional network WM quality of established
and national LAG management communicatio quality of
level (thematic groups, n communication
subcommittee , the
contact point, the
Council network,
3.2 Promotion 3.2.1 Making a NNRD -WEB site NNRD NNRD web site is web site is in
NNRD and quality web MAFWM not in accordance
activities of site in - post forum APVSAF compliance with EU
the accordance WM with EU standards
network with - The establishment standards NMRR,
applicable of standardized interactive and
standards forms of reporting gives users a
from stakeholders lot of
to web master information
about activities
of the NNRD
- Regularly update and rural
presentation development in
general in the
-setting up links to EU and Serbia
relevant sites in Web site
order to promote produced in
the presentation English and
3.2.2 Publications in NNRD Specialized NNRD NNRD There is a . Specialized
electronic and publications MAFWM sufficient publications
printed form intended for rural APVSAF number of launched by the
development actors WM publications model of other
in Serbia. on rural national
development networks.
examples of
good practice
3.2.3 Promotion NNRD Making short video LAG NNRD Not enough Increased
activities in presentation of MAFWM used the interest of
the field of activities and best Leader APVSAF opportunity young people
rural practices suitable subcommitt WM oto address for the
development for distribution via ee young people participation in
through the the Internet service via the the activities of
Internet provider (you tube) NNRD Internet rural
and social sites development
meas activ. month of implementation (from the beginning of the project)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
II 2.1.1
II 3.2.1

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