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Alamat : Jl. Lintas Desa Air Kelinsar Kec. Ulu Musi Kabupaten Empat Lawang, Kode Pos. 31594


Satuan Pendidikan : SMP Negeri 3 Ulu Musi

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : VIII / 1 (Satu)
Waktu :

I. Choose either a ,b, c, or d for the correct answer !

1. Teacher : . . . . Are we all ready to learn English?
Students : Yes, Ma’am
a. Do you understand c. I think so
b. What do you think d. Attention, please
2. ......................, may I have your attention, please?
a. Anyone b.Everybody c.Students d. a and c are correct
3. Molly : Do you understand of what she said?
George: Yes, she ......that we should speak English in our English class.
a. say b. Saying c. says d. Said
1. Teacher : What do you think if we use English in our English class?
Students : ......................................
a. I agree with him c. That is a good idea
b. I have no idea d. I don’t think so
2. Teacher : Dayu, please look at me! Would you stop doing that please?
Are you ............ to learn?
a. all b. ready c. happy d. feel
3. Teacher : Edo, ................English easy or difficult ?
a. am b. is c. are d. may
4. Teacher : You can wash your hand at the back yard of the school
Studens : Mom what is wash in Bahasa?
Teacher : Oh, it is ............... in Indonesian
a. bersih b. mencuci c. membersihkan d. mengepel
5. Mr. Adnan says: “It is not easy to read a story to your friends loudly and correctly. But,
I’m happy that many of you can do it well. Adi for example he still makes some
mistakes, but he can write quickly, read the story loudly, he also can remember many
According to Mr. Adnan, Adi can do lots of things except
a. read story c. able to remember many words
b. Write very fast d. can speak English fluently
6. Irsad : Can you understand of what our teacher ask you to do?
What is the meaning of ask in the statement above?
a. Meminta b. Menanyakan c. mengharapkan d. a dan b benar
7. Gita : Will You attend the OSIS meeting tomorrow?
Rahmat : I probably a bit late but I promise to come to the ocasion.
In the statement above Rahmat ........come to the OSIS meeting.
a. will not come b. cannot come c. will come d. won’t come
8. Usman : can you play the guitar
Joni : Sorry, ................. . I need to learn how to play it.
a. Yes, I can b. Yes, I think so c. May be d. I can’t
9. Arman : can you come to my party?
John : ......... It’s fun.
a. sorry b. It’s up to you c. No I can d. certainly
10. Teacher : Can you clean the whiteboard please?
Student : ...........(13 )
a. sorry b. Yes, thank c. Yes, Ma’am d. No thanks
11. Maura : Will you join us to the library?
Maya : Ok, but wait a minute.
How do you say wait a minute in bahasa ?
a. Tunggu sebentar b. ya nanti c. Boleh sebentar d. tunggu semenit
12. Student : knock.. knock ...knock .. Excuse me, Sir.
Teacher : Oh, somebody is knocking the door. Would you come in, please!
Student : ...................(14)
a. please b. Thank you c. Sorry d. You are welcome
13. Ahmad : Would you Please accompany me to see the principal
George : Sorry, I’m a bit shy to see him.
What is the meaning of to see the principal in the sentence above
a. Untuk meminta kepala sekolah c. Untuk bertemu ketua kelas
b. Untuk melihat kepala sekolah d. Untuk berjumpa dengan kepala sekolah
14. What is the synonym of Principal
a. teachers b. A teacher c. The chairman of the class d. the headmaster
15. Lina : “May I use your pen?”
Dayu : “Sure. ..............................”Don’t use the red one. There’s no ink in it.”
a. take the green one c. is this your pen
b. buy me a pen d. that is mine
16. Merry : Do you see myjacket?
John : Is it .................?
Merry : No, It’s Edo’s jacket. Our ackets are similar but the sizes are
a. mine b. yours c. theirs d. ours
17. William : I forgot to bring a pair of scissors. May I use yours.
Umar : Yes, certainly, You can use mine
William : Great, thank you. You are .............
a. very good b. very well c. very kind very rich
1. Udin : “Is this seat taken? Can I sit here?”
Edo : “No, the chair’s leg is loose. Don’t sit on it.”
“Please take the seat near the window.”
The statement “please take the seat near the window.” What Is a kind of.................?

To : Beni
You are invited!
Please come to my 14thbirthday party.
Which will be held on Saturday, November 8th 2013. 3-5 P.m
At : Mentari Residence Jl. Serma Muchtar no. 97
RS.V.P, please contact 0769879 (john)
Love Lina
2. Based on the invitation card above Who is invited to the party?
3. Who celebrate the birthday?
4. When will the party begin?
5. Acording to the invitation card above How old is Lina ?

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