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Suba, Joemari T.

PSY111P – Sec 1

Video Essay

Legal Issues

1. Payroll issue/Late Pay

Payroll issues are major triggers for employee dissatisfaction. These can take the form of late
processing and or inaccurate salary computation.

A company must make sure that their HR Department are proactive and extra careful in order
for the other employees to not experience any problems in receiving their wages. Because, if not, this
will result in employees becoming unhappy with the HR and subsequently the management. Imagine the
frustration of employees when they fail to receive their salary on time and they already made
reservation for a long holiday or a weekend trip.

Late pay or payroll issues most of the time happens when companies rely on Outsourced Payroll
Services. Outsourced payroll services give companies the times saved from keeping up to date on tax
laws and regulations, and the amount of time manually processing payroll takes. Although there are
some advantages on relying on outsourced payroll services, the problem is fully relying on accounting
firms to handle payrolls you must also consider that top accounting firms have other clientele which may
result in them doing the payroll of those top business first. And, if you rely on other accounting firms’
they might be incapable of handling several accounts and answering your employees’ payroll disputes in
a timely manner.

Adverse impact of Late Pay

Late Pay may cause a domino effect against the company, this more often than not result to
employee dissatisfaction, employees becoming worried about the company’s financial stability.
Budgeting for both the company and the employees’ finance. And, Employees perceiving that you don’t
value them which in turn results to employees giving low effort to their work resulting to low motivation
and possibly to high rates of employees leaving which will of course result to the reputation of the
company tanking.


First, how would a company know that such an event is happening inside their company?
obviously, employees file complaints. This can be resolved through a grievance system or if even with
the knowledge of such events the company still hasn’t done anything an Arbitration might ensue to
resolve the matter.

Another, is having an in-house payroll team. Advantages of having an in-house payroll team is
that the payrolls can be processed in advance and can also be updated continuously throughout the
working days. This can also help with the communication inside the company, the management and the
employees will know what is happening with the payroll and they can be quickly informed if delays
might happen and the reason for the delays.

Lastly, is using updated payroll solutions. Organizations need to put in place proper time-
tracking software or systems to ensure HR is aware of overtime hours being reported. Organizations,
Suba, Joemari T.
PSY111P – Sec 1

even small businesses, should also consider investing in payroll software to ensure the proper
calculation of overtime rates and accurate record keeping

2. Discrimination/Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment according to R.A. 7877 known as the “The Anti-Sexual Harassment
act of 1995” is “an act or a series of acts involving any unwelcome sexual advance, request or
demand for a sexual favor, or other verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature, committed
by a government employee or official in a work-related, training- or education-related
environment.” A policy against sexual harassment, provides that it “will not be tolerated as it
violates the dignity and human rights of a person.”
The SWS survey says that 70% of sexual harassment incidents come from complete
strangers. Though both males and females can either be the victim or offender men largely
dominate the offender side, and, according to the survey, commit sexual harassment regardless
of their educational background or employment status. Anyone can experience sexual
harassment, also anyone can be the offender. Harassment is a manifestation of societal
discrimination such as sexism, homophobia, classism, racism, and wherever else an oppressor
and an abuse of power exists. It is why harassment is usually a form of power play. There are
two forms of sexual harassment (1) quid pro quo, the involvement of a reward or benefit given
by a superior to his/her subordinate in exchange for sexual favors, this one is the most obvious.
(2) Hostile environment, involves factors that create an unsafe and offensive environment for
the subordinate, such as sexual jokes, display of obscene or inappropriate materials, and
unwanted pervasive interactions. Such as asking for dates persistently, asking for one’s phone
number, asking where a person lives and a lot more.
Adverse Impact
Because of the difficulty to document sexual harassment incidents, offenders often think
they can easily get away with them, and so victims usually don’t report the harassment at all,
and simply brush it off. Especially, if the person doing it is a person of power. Men, Women and
the LGBTQ+ community all have the possibility of both experiencing sexual harassment and
being the offender. Although, it is the women who are most likely to be the one oppressed and
men most likely to be the oppressor.

According to Atty. Amparita Sta. Maria of the Urduja Women’s Rights Desk. There is a
greater tendency for those with limited employment opportunities to sit sexual harassment
out. “Hayaan mo na lang, itawa mo na lang, hanggang ma-rationalize mo sa sarili mo na, I
should not make a fuss about it, because it’s really nothing.” The impact of this on a company,
organization or group, is that the individuals that experience these acts will constantly have the
fear towards their oppressor and it might also affect their relationship with other co-workers.
They might start thinking “What if they are all in the act and I’m the odd one out.” Basically, it
will affect their perception of safety in their own organization which is one thing that every
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PSY111P – Sec 1

organization must promise their employees. The safety to work and develop inside their


Combatting sexual harassment is and should be a constant battle for as long as disrespect for
another occurs harassment will follow suit.

First, this may be the most important is adopting a clear sexual harassment policy. Clearly
defining what sexual harassment is for a company in all of its aspect, in all possible angles is very
important. In one case G.R. No. 155831, February 18, 2008 Ma. Lourdes T. Domingo, petitioner Vs.
Rogelio I, Rayala, respondent. Rayala, through the course of the case constantly tried to question the
definition sexual harassment in terms of what it is in the law, but was always immediately silence.
Therefore, the definition of the act is crucially important in order for justice to be given.

Second, Train employees, supervisors and managers. This is to constantly remind them of what
sexual harassment is, explain to the employees that they a right to a workplace free of sexual
harassment. For the supervisors and managers for them to be reminded of their responsibilities, and
how to deal with such cases.

Thirds, immediately report the act. Do not turn a blinds eye or look away from it confront it.
Help the person being harassed even if it the perpetrator is a person of power. Immediately report it, in
order for action to be swiftly given. Often the reason for such acts not being solved is it was never

Lastly, A zero tolerance policy.

Suba, Joemari T.
PSY111P – Sec 1

3. Underemployment

First, who are the underemployed? underemployment is better understood if it is divided into
three common categories. (1) Skilled workers in low-income jobs. (2) Skilled workers in jobs that don’t
fully utilize their skills. (3) Part-time workers who would rather work full-time. Next, the types of
underemployment. (1) Visible, these are employees who work fewer hours than what is considered
normal in their field or industry. They possess the skills to be given a full-time position but are unable to
find regular employment. (2) Invisible, these are the individuals that work jobs that don’t utilize their
skills. According to the CFI or Corporate Finance Institute “This type of underemployment is very difficult
to measure and requires extensive research and surveys.” (3) The marginally attached to the labor force,
this type includes people who have looked for employment in the past, who would like to work, and
have given up looking for employment altogether because of their prolonged inability to find work. The
so called “working poor” or the people that have jobs, but are still under the poverty line can be
considered underemployed.

Adverse Impact

According to the Philippines Statistics Authority, underemployment rate is down to 17.3% in July
2020 compared to the estimate of 18.9% in April 2020. However, the underemployment rate is still
worse than the estimate in July 2019 at 13.6%. In terms of count, about 7.1 million were underemployed
as July 2020, given the varying working arrangements and reduced working hours being implemented by
companies/establishments. In July 2019 and April 2020, about 5.8 million and 6.4 million Filipinos,
respectively, were underemployed.

Even with the somewhat decrease in the rate of underemployment millions are still
underemployed. We are all too aware of some if not a lot of companies in the Philippines demanding
more qualification to seemingly menial tasks. This might be because of an ever-growing and competitive
economy or companies wanting to hire already competent individuals for them to spend less money on
training and pay these competent individuals with less pay than their pay grade.

Underemployment can result in many social problems that affect job growth, business growth,
poverty levels, and the emotional and psychological health of underemployed. First, when a person is
forced to take a job that does not match their skills, they typically receive an income that is below their
pay grade. Second, workers who no longer work in the fields that they have chosen, lack the ability to
update their skills with on-the-job training. This might result in some acquiring new skill sets or dropping
out of the workforce. This is the phenomenon known as structural unemployment. Lastly, this can cause
poor mental health. The stress coupled with the thought of not making ends meet, will result in a sense
of inadequacy. Relationships can be damaged and seriously affect an individual’s mental and emotional

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PSY111P – Sec 1

First, Training in the workplace. Employers should train entry-level employees, allowing them to
gain experience and climb the career ladder. But, today. Employers favour outside hires with ready-to-
go experience. This has hurt young job-seekers.

Second, Developing entrepreneurship. This is linked to training inexperienced employees or

beginners. Young entrepreneurs need coaching and networks to build job-creating businesses. Those
that are already business leaders need to foster a culture of mentorship.

Lastly, Skill Bridging Programs. In Cambodia, the Directorate of Technical and Vocational
Education and Training has started skills bridging program where school leavers go through a curriculum
of Math, Science and Language to meet the requirements for entry into the TVET certificate programs.
The Asian development Bank, through its Japan fund for Poverty Reduction, assisted the program. Over
three (3) years, about 700 graduated and of these, 63% enrolled in certificate programs while the others
found better employment. Because the Provincial Training Centers in Cambodia go to the rural area, this
program serves mostly the rural youth population. Which nonetheless, shows that by investing in the
development of skills through training can help foster better employees.

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