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Meeting - 9

Vital Sign Exercise


NIM : 1130017023 / 7A

1. Match these vital sign 1-4 with correct defiition a-d
1) Blood pressure : d) the force with which blood travels round the body
2) Pulse : c) how many times the heart beats per minute
3) Rate of respiration : a) how many times a person breathes per minute
4) Temperature : b) how hot the body is
2. Write sentence
a. Digital blood pressure monitor
Digital blood pressure monitor is a tensimeter that is operated automatically
anddisplays the measurement result digitally
b. Pulse
Pulse is blood vessels expand and contract in response to the heartbeat
c. Oximeter
A oximeter is used to measure detects the level of oxygen in the blood
d. Sphygmomanometer
A sphygmomanometer is used to measure blood preassure that works
manually when pumping or reducing pressure on the cuff
e. Stethoscope
A stethoscope is used to measure listen to the sound in the body
f. Thermometer
A thermometer is used to measure body temperature
a. Digital blood pressure monitor
b. Thermometer
c. Oximeter
d. Stethoscope
e. Sphygmomanometer
 Blood pressure → BP
 Pulse →P
 Respiration rate → RR
 Temperature →T
 Weight → WT
 Oxigen saturation → O₂ Sats
a. BP stands for / means Blood Pressure
We use a sphygmomanometer to measure / record this
b. P stands for / means Pulse
We use a wristwatch / watch to measure / record this
c. RR stands for / means Respiration Rate
We use a wristwatch / watch to measure / record this
d. T stand for / means Temperature
We use a thermometer to measure / record this
e. Wt stand for / means Weight
We use balance to measure / record this
f. O₂ Sats stands for / means Oxygen Saturation
We use a oximeter to measure / record this
Complete the summary with the words in the box
Nurses usually take the patient’s vital sign several times a day. We record the
information on the monitor and sign it. Medical staff then use this information
to observation chart the patien. If there are any changes, a hight temperature
(fever), for example, or a low blood pressure count, we have to inform the
Senior Staff Nurse immediately.
Instruksi / Petunjuk
1. Bisakah kamu membuka mulutmu untukku ?
2. Bisakah kamu memiringkan kepala ?
3. Bisakah kamu menyisingkan lengan bajumu untukku ?
4. Bisakah kamu memberikan tangan kanan anda ?
5. Bisakah kamu rileks/santai dan bernapas dengan normal untuk saya ?
6. Bisakah anda mengulurkan tangan ?
Hasil Pengukuran Tanda Vital
7. Tekanan darah anda 140/90 mmHg. Anda mengalami hipertensi
8. Suhu tubuh anda 39°C. Anda demam
9. Suhu tubuh anda diatas angka normal
10. Laju pernapasan anda 14x/menit. Itu normal
11. Denyut nadi anda 90x/menit. Anda memiliki denyut nadi normal

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