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Universidad De Las Fuerzas Armadas

Name: Stalin Guañuna NRC: 3-4 Date: 19/02/2021

Subject: Volunteering for the park's wild animal center

Dear director

I am writing to you regarding that I am interested in volunteering at the park's wild animal
center because I like animals, in addition animals fulfill important functions in
ecosystems, and finally animals are not to blame for humans destroying their home. I
always ask myself some things like: Why do wild animals end up in the zoo? The
animals are in the zoo because they are in danger at home. Is it important to protect
animals? Why?

Yes, because animals serve important functions in ecosystems. Would you like to find a
wild animal in its natural habitat? Yes, animals have to be in their natural habitat for
them to have a healthy life.

Thanks in advance.


Stalin Guañuna

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