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Cultural foods related to French & Spanish

The French believe food is better enjoyed in the company of others, and that means a long
dinner and many choices for restaurants. Like most of us, French food culture has three meals a
day. Breakfast, is usually some type of bread and coffee, with hot chocolate for children. › academy › lesson › French-food-culture.

French food culture, according to UNESCO, is important for 'bringing people together to enjoy
the art of good eating and drinking' and the power to create 'togetherness, the pleasure of
taste, and the balance between human beings and the products of nature. ›
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Equality and unity are important to the French. The French also value style and sophistication,
and they take pride in the beauty and artistry of their country. Family is also highly valued
in French culture. Mealtimes are often shared with family, and extended-family gatherings and
meals are common over the weekend. › blog › French-culture-traditions

French cuisine. Food and wine are central to life at all socioeconomic levels, and much socializing is
done around lengthy dinners.

Spanish cuisine  consists of the cooking traditions and practices from  Spain.  Olive oil  (of which Spain is
the world's largest producer) is heavily used in the Spanish cuisine,[1]  and it is the base of many
vegetable sauces.  Hallmark herbs include  parsley,  oregano,  rosemary  and  thyme.[3]  The use
of  garlic  has been noted as "common to all Spanish cooking”. Most common meats
include  chicken,  pork,  lamb  and  veal. Fish and seafood are also consumed on a regular basis.

In the view of  Charles Perry, Spanish cuisine is "an existential sort of cuisine with a tough, dogged, living-
on-the-edge character". › wiki › Spanish. Web results Spanish cuisine – Wikipedia

The  cuisine of the Community of Madrid  is an amalgamation of the cuisines of various regions
of Spain developed, in part, by mass migration to the capital city starting during the reign
of King Felipe II. As the city grew, it incorporated the culinary traditions of
the municipalities it absorbed into the area now known as the Community of Madrid. › wiki › Cuisine of the Community of Madrid – Wikipedia

Food Culture  incorporates our ethnicity,  cultural  heritage and provides a mechanism of communication
with others both externally and within our families and communities. Food  is the linchpin of society and
it creates a connection between our beliefs, our ethnicity, our individual  cultures  and
our  cultural  heritage.

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