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Basic Information
- Age Range
*20 - 30
*31 - 40
*41 - 50
*51 - 60
*61 above

- Gender

Primary target audience (the disables)

- What kind of disabilities do you occur? Can you describe more about this?

- Do you have any income currently


- Do you have any jobs currently


- Usually, how do you find a job? (ex. From which website or street poster)

- If currently, you do not have any income, how do you maintain your daily expenses

- What job are you currently working on

- Where do you currently work at

- How much average salary u get for this job per month
*no income
*below Rm1500
*Rm1500 - 2000
*Rm2000 - 2500
*Rm2500 - 3000
*Rm3000 above

- How long it takes you to find this job

- Would u find it hard to get a job for yourself? Why?

- Do you feel it’s important to have a job for maintaining your daily expenses?

- Do you ever met any companies that would hire disabilities? Which company?

- Is the environment and facilities of the company convenient for you?

- If there is a platform that can help you to find a job, would you give it a try? Do you think it’s
more convenient for you to find a job?

Secondary target audience (the company who willing to provide jobs for disables)
- Does your company always lack of human resources?

- What position in your company that always need a vacancy?

- Have you ever met any disable who come for an interview for a job

- Have you ever think of hiring a disable and provides them with a suitable position?

- Is there any disable around you /have u ever met any disable?

- What is your relationship between you & him/her ?

- Do u ever worry /think about his/her future planning


- Have you met/seen any disable working


- Where is the place you've seen disable working

- What work are he/she doing the time when you saw them working

- If your company do hire disabled, does your company provide some extra facilities for their
convenience? What is the facilities? (ex. Blind ppl facilities)
Disables ques:
站在disables 立场to think ques

Company ques:
What company willing to join
Facilities for these kind of ppl (parking, toilet, ex: blind ppl facilities)

Primary target aud (find more info)

Secondary target aud
Goggle local organisation for disable ppl/ ngo
(for reflective journal)

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