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JCloze Multiple Choice Dropdown

with Virtual pagination and Glosses

What this modification does

This modification enables chunking the content of Multiple Choice dropdown exercises through virtual
pages and offers glossing of words and phrases with images and text.

The instructions are divided into three sections:

Section 1 - Creating Multiple Choice dropdown exercises © Michel Rottmeier March 2004
Section 2 - Creating virtual pages © Stan Bogdanov December 2012
Section 3 – Making glosses © 2012 Stan Bogdanov December 2012

Unzip the add-on in the source folder of HotPotatoes. This is usually,
on Windows C:\Program Files\HotPotatoes6\, and on Mac \Applications\javahotpot\.
A new folder JClozeDropdown_VPG_v1 will be created.

Section 1 - Creating Multiple Choice Cloze Dropdown exercises

 Open JCloze and input all your data as usually. You can include a clue for each gap but you
cannot input alternative solutions for a gap.
 Each exercise can have a „Show Answers“ button which will show all the correct answers
when pressed; if you like then click the box „Include Hint button“ and label the button.

 You can create 2 types of exercise:

- Type 1: each dropdown menu consists of all correct solution
- Type 2: each gap has its own dropdown menu consisting of different possibilities

Creating exercise Type 1:

All the categories in the Configuration screen can be configured as usually with the following
exception in the tab “Other”:
Creating exercise Type 2:

All the tabs in the configuration screen can be configured as usual with the following exception in the
tab “Other”:
Section 2 - Creating Virtual pages
You can create the virtual pages in two places:
 in the Reading text filed
 in the main exercise

3. Adding the virtual pages. When entering the text, put each chunk between
<div class="virtualpage"> and </div>
 You may put not only text but also images, flash audio, flash video, or HTML5 audio and video.
 There must be no carriage returns between the virtual pages, because they get converted to
<br /> tags and break the code, so your exercise will not function properly. The code must run
as a single line.

4. Inserting Headings for the chunks in the select menu

Go to Configuration -> Custom and in the User-defined strings text filed enter the list of
headings for the chunks in the order they should appear.

Each heading is enclosed in single quotes and headings are separated by a comma:

‘Heading 1’, ‘Heading 2’, ‘Heading 3’etc.

Section 3 – Making glosses
Glosses can be placed anywhere: in the text of the exercise, in the reading text field, in the
instructions, in the titles.
You can make two kinds of glosses:
- Glosses with text
- Glosses with an image (and text)

 Making glosses with text

For each word or phrase you want to gloss, Copy-Paste the following code:

<a href="#" onmouseover="ddrivetip('Gloss\’s description')"

onmouseout="hideddrivetip()">glossed word</a>
Apostrophes and quotes must have a backslash, like this: Stan\’s site

 Making glosses with images (and text)

For each word or phrase you want to gloss, Copy-Paste the following code:

<a href="#" onmouseover="ddrivetip('&lt;img src=image.jpg /&gt;','','250')"

onmouseout="hideddrivetip()">glossed word</a>
Change image.jpg to your own file names. Change 250 to your preferred gloss width. You must escape
the < and > like this:
< becomes &alt;
> becomes &gt;
Apostrophes and quotes must have a backslash like this: Stan\’s site.

In the above code the width of the gloss in pixels is set to 250.

Other Gloss Configuration options

 You cannot gloss gapped words.
 The colour of the gloss links can be chosen from
Configuration -> Appearance tab -> Link colour

 The colour of the thick, left border of the gloss can be chosen from
Configuration -> Appearance tab -> Visited link colour

Full configuration of the gloss

<a href="#" onmouseover="ddrivetip('Gloss description','optional background

colour','optional gloss width')" onmouseout="hideddrivetip()">glossed word</a>
Exporting to a web page
Click on Options and select
Set source file location (or press CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+S simultaneously)

Choose JClozeDropdown_VPG_v1.4_Headings; then click the OK button. Save and export to web.
Don’t forget to upload any image files in the same folder as the exercise to your web server!

After exporting the exercise to the web, to return to the default settings, select Clear source file
location (or press CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+T simultaneously).

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