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English Activity

English Activity

Luzmary Angarita Moisés.

Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Sociales y Humanas, Fundación Universitaria Católica Del



Prof. Diana Elizabeth Cuadros

13 de febrero de 2021
English Activity

Entrepreneurship in Colombia
By :Luzmary Angarita Moisés
The world is constantly changing. Some of these changes subtly occurring, while others
occurring in a grand scale. No matter how big they are, all changes force us to reinvent
ourselves and innovate.
This is the meaning and the origin of the concept: entrepreneurship. To be an entrepreneur
is to" seek and create something to solve a problem. (...) in the business world, is to
undertake the creation of a company to develop products or services that can solve a
problem or satisfy a need." (Lázaro Esteban, J. ,2014, p.26).
For McCLelland (Leite 2000) every individual has basic motives or needs. And these
motives or needs represent a behavioral potential that influence individuals when
stimulated. Whether these motives are catalyzed or not, depends on the situation or the
environment perceived by the individual. Changes in the perceived environment produce
changes in the stimulated motivational pattern. (...) Each kind of motivation is directed to
satisfy a different kind of need. (J. Caldera, F. Rodriguez, J. Moreno,2013, p.4)
The Covid-19 pandemic represented a greater change in the global environment. Countries
had to adapt to virtual models in their educational institutions and their companies, in order
to meet the needs brought by the contingency.
In Colombia, entrepreneurship has been the key to amplified economical dynamics. It has
been a source of income for families who were left without jobs, due to social and
economic changes brought by the pandemic. Changes we are still adapting to.
A good entrepreneur can see difficulties as opportunities to create something new. This
capacity, along with creativity, good planning, and effective communication, represent for
me, the characteristics of entrepreneurs. And I dare to say that these characteristics are also
part of Colombian people’s character, whom throughout history have demonstrated tenacity
in overcoming difficulties.
English Activity

Lázaro Esteban, J. (2014). Vive tu sueño, emprende. Editorial UOC.
J. Caldera, F. Rodríguez, J. Moreno. (2013). Manual guía para agentes en estímulo y
desarrollo de capacidades emprendedoras. Editorial UNIVERSIDAD METROPOLITANA.

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