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Fandema international nursery and primary school


Student name:

studies test grade 1&2

1) Where do you live.

a) Town b ) village

2) What do we use school for ?

a) Praying b) eating c) learning

d) Playing football

3) What is the church made of ?

a) Clay b) Sweet c) Block

d) Paper

4) Festival is the time when we celebrate something special.


5) Name any two festivals you know.

6) Who are the people who celebrate Tobaski ?

a) Sheeps b) Muslims c)
Christians d) Animals

7) Where do christians pray during christmas ?

a) Schools b) Church c) Market

d) Hospital

8) Christmas is celebrated by te muslims.


9) Who lead the muslim during prayers ?

a) Alkalo b) Imam

10) Tobaski is celebrated by muslims.


Good luck !

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