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Golden kids academy Name :_____________

Fareme paper 1
2nd term

1.Which religion believes that the dead have a role to play in family

A) Christianity B) Indigenous Religion C) Judaism D) Islam

2. Which religion believes that the strongest group of the related

people is a family?

A)Christianity only B) Indigenous Religion only

C) Judaism only D) All religions

3. Judaism believes in the worship of only _______________ God.

A) one B) two C) five D) many

4. Indigenous religion believes in ______________________.

A) holy books B) worshipping God through prophets

C) worship of God through ancestors D) no one

5. The special place in the African kitchen is ____________.

A) chikuva B) banya C) hozi D) choto

6. ____________ is a sign of authority in Indigenous Religion.

A) Tswanda B) Winnowing basket C) Tsvimbo D) An axe

7. Which one is not a religious artefact for Indigenous Religion?

A) cross B) traditional gourd

C) knobkerrie D) snuff container

8. ________________ is regarded as a water spirit.

A) Zimbabwean bird B) A snake C)Mudzimu D) mermaid

9. Who is the founder of Judaism?

A) Jesus Christ B) Abraham C) Elders D)Muhammad

10. The founder of Christianity is____________________.

A) Abraham B) Muhammad C) Jesus Christ D) Prophets

11. All religions believe in __________________________.

A) life after death B) Jesus Christ

C) Muhammad D) Abraham

12. The most important Christian holiday is _______________.

A) Sundays B) Easter C) Pentecost D) independence

13. The symbol of the Christianity is the ______________.

A) the axe B) the cross C) the star D) the moon

14. Muslims worship in a _____________________.

A) a temple B) a mosque C) the Harp D) the church

15. A sacred place is a ______________________.

A)ceremony B) were people stay

C)important place of worship D) holy day

16. The Christian bible is divided into two parts which are the
__________________ and _____________ testament.

A)first and second B) one and two

C) old and new D) young and old

17. The name of God in Islam is _______________________.

A) Ebenezer B) Mwari C) Elyon D) Allah

18. Muslim pray in a ______________________.

A) mosque B) church C) temple D) synagogue

19. The Muslim holy book is the __________________.

A) Koran B) Bible C) Torah D) dictionary

20. A _____________ in a mosque shows the direction of Mecca.

A) Koran B)Mihrab C) dome D) cross

21. Muslims pray ________ times a day.

A) four B) five C) six D) seven

22. The Ndebele name for God is ____________________.

A) Sibanda B) Umlimu C) Mudzimu D) Mwari

23. What is the symbol for Judaism?

A) Torah B)star of David C) synagogue D) Tanakh

24. Judaism based its belief on the first __________ books of the bible.

A) three B) four C)five D) ten

25. Who received the 10 commandments from God?

A) Abraham B) Moses C) Jesus Christ D) Allah

Good luck

Paper 2

Zimbabwe is a multi cultural society. It has people who's

culture vary from one tribe to another. The country has
wide range of people of different acceptable religions.
The Zimbabwean constitution allows that people live in
peace and harmony. This is because no one is said to be
more important than the other.

1a) How many cultures are in Zimbabwe.

b)How many religion are allowed in Zimbabwe.

c) Zimbabweans live in ________________.

d) Which religion is better than other religions?

e) Which law allows people to have freedom of worship?

2a) Name 3 religious reference books?

b) __________ wrote the bible.

c) How are religious teachings passed from one generation to another?

d) Name two sacred places in indigenous religion?

e) Which rituals are performed at the Njelele Shrine?

3a) Why are totems important?

b) What is the difference between monogamous and polyamorous family?

c) Which religion believes in the dead taking part in the living?

d) How do communities help the needy?

e) Name one example of need people in your community?

4a) Draw the symbol of each religion.

i) christianity

ii) indigenous religion

iii) Judaism

b) Why are religious symbols important?

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