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Name: ___________________________________________________ Score: _________

Gr. Lvl & Section: ___________________________________________ Date: _________


Direction: Answer the following questions. Write only the letter of your correct answer in the space provided.

__________ 1. It is described as relating or affecting the human spirit or soul which is one’s personal integrative

a. Polytheism b. theism c. monotheism

__________ 2. Which religion, belief in the existence of one God viewed as the creative source of the human race
and the world?

a. Monism b. theology c. monotheism

__________ 3. Where does the word spirituality derive from?

a. Latin word spiritualities b. Greek word urika c. divine reality

__________ 4. It is described as a branch of philosophy and not a branch of theology.

a. Philosophy of religion b. Spanish philosophy c. Philosophy of Spirituality

__________ 5. What group of people discovered elements of religious beliefs practiced by Homo Sapiens?

a. Botanist b. Scientist c. Archaeologist

__________ 6. Which religion is considered monotheistic?

a. Judaism b. ancient religion of Egypt c. ancient religion of Rome

__________ 7. Who is the Anglican priest, who discovered that the Melanesian people believe in a mysterious force
that inhabited all of nature?

a. Robert Henry Codrington b. Edward Burnet Tylor c. Parrinder

__________ 8. Who are the Hindu god of water and celestial oceans?

a. Dharma b. Varuna c. Neanderthals

__________ 9. What type of Buddhism developed in Japan?

a. Dao b. Zen c. Yen

__________ 10. During the time of Confucius, what became the basis of government officials?

a. Meritocracy b. Bureaucracy c. Democracy

__________ 11. Where did Moses receive the Ten Commandments?

a. Mount Ararat b. Mount Tabor c. Mount Sinai

__________ 12. It is considered the site of the transfiguration of Jesus Christ.

a. Mount Tabor b. Mount Ararat c. Mount Sinai

__________ 13. Where is the traditional landing place of Noah’s ark as narrated in the book of Genesis?

a. Mount Tabor b. Mount Ararat c. Mount Sinai

__________ 14. Where did Abraham sacrifice his son Isaac as an offering to God?

a. Mount Moriah b. Temple Mount c. Mount Tabor

__________ 15. Which one does not belong to the negative effects of religion?

a. Promotes social harmony

b. Impedes scientific success and development
c. Promote discrimination

__________ 16. Which one does not belong to the positive effect of religion?

a. Provide social change

b. Reduces fear of the unknown
c. Triggers conflicts and fights

___________ 17. What theory claims that the Earth is the center of the solar system?

a. Gregorian Theory
b. Ptolemaic Theory
c. Theory of atom

__________ 18. Who is the scientist that proved that the sun is the center of the solar system and all other planets
move around it?

a. Nicolas Copernicus
b. William Gilbert
c. James Watt

__________ 19. What does the term “HALAKHA” mean for Jewish people’s set of rules and practices that govern
their everyday living?

a. The path that one walks

b. Jewish communities
c. Synonym for the word zion

__________ 20. Which does not belong to the common beliefs shared by the Abrahamic religion?

a. Believe in one God, heaven, and hell

b. Believe in prophets and angel
c. There is no life after death

__________ 21. Where did Jacob and his family were forced to settle during famine struck in Canaan?

a. Palestine b. Egypt c. Israel

__________ 22. What does the Greek term “HOLOCAUST” mean?

a. Sacrifice by fire
b. Discrimination against Jewish people
c. Holy of Holies

__________ 23. Who is the high-ranking official and chief planner of the Nazis to wipe out the Jews in Europe?

a. Reinhard Heydrich b. Lion Pinsker c. Heinrich Himmler

__________ 24. What is called the eight-day festival that originally marked the beginning of the barley harvest?


__________ 25. What is called the nine-day festival of Israelites’ stay in the desert of wilderness subsisting solely in
the bounty of God?

__________ 26. What are the three major sects of Christianity?

a. Protestanism, Born Again, INC

b. Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox Church, Protestanism
c. All of the above

__________ 27. Who was considered a founder of Christianity?

a. Jesus b. Muhammad c. Allah

__________ 28. The catholic church follows a certain hierarchy based on the common law of the catholic church, at
the top of the hierarchy who is considered Peter’s successors?

a. Pope b. Cardinals c. Archbishops

__________ 29. What it is being described as a sacred scripture of Christianity, a collection of songs, poetry, letters,
history, as well as literature?

a. New Testament b. Bible c. Old Testament

__________ 30. Why is it the first five books (Genesis to Deuteronomy) are considered “The Law or TORAH” which
may refer to guidance or instruction?

a. It names after introducing the first five books

b. The Jews wanted a law
c. They serve as guidelines on how people should live their everyday lives.

__________ 31. What is the name given to the second part of the Old Testament?

a. Pentateuch b. The Gospels c. The Prophets

__________ 32. What is being described as the last book of the New Testament?

a. Act b. Revelation c. Genesis

__________ 33. Which one is not considered the most important Christian observance?

a. Divorce b. Advent c. Lent

__________ 34. In Arabic, the word “ALLAH” is a compound of as (the definite article, the) and ilah (God or deity).
Joined together, the words signify what?

a. God b. follows c. kingdom

__________ 35. What do you call for the Muslims who follow Muhammad in his journey?

a. Muhajirun b. Islam c. Christian

__________ 36. Who was considered by the Muslims as the messenger and the last prophet sent by God to

a. Khadija b. Muhammad c. Moses

__________ 37. Quoran literally in English means what?

a. Recitation of reading
b. Memorizing
c. Studying

__________ 38. It is described bigger community than the tribe during the time of Muhammad.

a. Ummah or one single community b. Muhajiran c. Muslim

__________ 39. It is described as the collection of the deeds and sayings of Muhammad and his follower.

a. Shahada b. salat c. Hadih

__________ 40. What is called/name of a tall structure or thin tower that is used to call the Muslim people to

a. Minaret b. Musalla c. Muezzin

“Strive for your own success, ask God for help.”


EIM Teacher 1

1. C
2. C
3. A
4. A
5. C
6. A
7. A
8. B
9. B
10. A
11. C
12. A
13. B
14. A
15. C
16. C
17. B
18. A
19. A
20. C
21. C
22. B
23. A
24. A
25. C
26. A
27. A
28. A
29. B
30. C
31. C
32. B
33. A
34. A
35. A
36. B
37. A
38. A
39. C
40. A

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