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Fiverr Gigs

101 Ways You Can Start Making Money Online With


Matthew Lucas

101 Fiverr Gigs: Copyright © 2015 by LFI Publishing All rights reserved. No
part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing
from the author. Reviewers may quote brief passages in reviews.


While all attempts have been made to verify the information provided in this
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There is no inherent guarantee of income made. Users of this guide are advised
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Web Design
Social Media
Graphic Design
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Get Creative
Virtual Assistant
Digital Information Products
Final Thoughts...


Hi my name is Matt,
I want to thank you for downloading the book.
I'm so glad you decided to make this purchase, and I hope you come away with
some great ideas and information. If I can help people get ahead online it keeps
me wanting to produce good quality content.
After having my own issues getting traction Fiverr I was finally able to figure
out what worked and what didn't. I created this book in order to provide people
with a platform to start earning on Fiverr if they've also been struggling to earn
an income on Fiverr or money online in general. The first thing you need to do
is figure out what Gigs you can sell and which ones are actually in demand and
can make you a decent income. I've compiled this list of 101 ways you can get
started today. Many of them don't require a large investment and lots of them
you can do for free. This list is a beginning and will hopefully open your eyes to
the amazing variety of Gigs you can offer on Fiverr. With your own expertise in
life and business you may be able to run with many of these ideas and do
fantastically on Fiverr.
Fiverr lets you create up to 20 Gigs on your account. I've personally seen that
most of the people on Fiverr simply don't use up all these Gigs and they're
literally letting money walk away from them. It can really make a difference to
your possible earnings and if you want to make it big with Fiverr you should be
filling out all 20 of those Gigs as soon as you can.
What you'll find in the following pages are a huge variety of Gigs you can get
started on Fiverr. There are a variety of different categories with multiple Gig
ideas in each category.
You may not know how to do all of the following things, but you can pick and
chose Gig ideas based on your own personal strengths. Also, I've included ways
to learn and places to find information for many of these offerings. You'll be
amazed how much you can do and learn in a short amount of time and you'll be
off to the races.
In this book I'm providing you with awesome ideas you can use to create Gigs
and also how you can start selling them. This isn't a book about Fiverr Gig
creation or optimization though, for that you'll want to grab my book "Fiverr
Money Secrets." In that book you'll find how you can use Fiverr to generate a
full time income with simple $5 Gigs by optimizing your selling system.
Lets get into the meat and potatoes of this book, 101 Ways to Make Money with

Web Development

If you're handy with web-design or even can do some simple things like
installing Wordpress there are lots of in demand Gigs in this niche. If you're
good with Wordpress then there are a lot more than even these you can get into.
Just make sure you're not trading too much time for the money.
1. Install WordPress Securely
This is something I started offering almost right away on Fiverr. Even though
it's quite easy with most web hosts to 1 click install Wordpress, many people
don't know this. So you get them to sign up for their own hosting, or you can
add that as an extra, and then you go in and setup their site and install a plugin
like Wordfence to secure it.
2. WordPress Migration
Transferring someone's Wordpress installation from one host to another may
seem complicated but it's actually quite easy. Using a plugin on Wordpress
called WP Clone you can have it done in no time. Just install Wordpress on the
new host, install the plugin, then copy the link from the old host into the plugin.
Done. And you'll be saving a lot of people from a big headache.
3. Customize Wordpress Theme
I know this irked me the first time I bought a premium Wordpress theme; it
didn't look like the demo version did! There are some simple ways you can help
people get their site looking right. Or if you're great with Wordpress then offer
to customize someone's theme for them. Upsell with Gig extras and even offer
customized orders if you're up for it.

Social Media

Many people come to Fiverr in search of social media Gigs. It may seem
saturated but there is always room for more offers. Help people gain followers,
get views, likes, or even repins. The best part is that you can even flip cheaper
gigs from places like SEO Clerks and pocket $3 every time (slightly less but it
adds up over time). Help people get the edge in their social media with the
following Gigs.
4. Twitter Followers
You can find a number of gigs for a buck on SEO Clerks to buy Twitter
followers. Simply create a Gig with similar wording and sell away. When you
get an order, just pop over to SEO Clerks, buy the appropriate gig and deliver
the news to your buyer when it's complete. Nothing says you have to be doing
the work, as long as the work is getting done.
5. Shout-Outs on Twitter
If you've already got a large following in social media, such as on Twitter, you
can offer to Tweet people's messages or ads to your followers. You can also
create a new Twitter account and purchase followers for it, then offer this type of
Gig. You can buy followers from SEO Clerks or even from Fiverr.
6. Social Sharing
Find a gig on SEO clerks where someone is selling Facebook or Google shares.
Easily flip one of these gigs on Fiverr and pocket the difference. When you do a
search on SEO clerks you'll want to sort the suggestions by price, then the $1
gigs will pop up at the top.
7. Instagram Followers
Instagram is the new baby in town when it comes to social media. It's just
starting to get it's revenue stream setup and it's going to be more popular than
ever with advertisers and marketers; not to mention people that just like having a
lot of followers and "social fame." You can find follow/likes on SEO clerks and
flip them on Fiverr.
8. Facebook Likes
Facebook has come into its own but it is a behemoth for marketers and the
socially inclined. Getting social proof on facebook is easy if you just purchase a
bunch of likes/shares on Fiverr. You can find these gigs on SEO Clerks easily.
9. YouTube Views/Subscriptions/Likes
People want to generate traffic for their YouTube channels and SEO Clerks has
you covered here. You can find $1 gigs to convert into $5 Gigs.
10. Vine Followers
Vine is growing everyday and people always want more followers. This one is
in demand and you can find these types of purchases on SEO Clerks and resell
11. Facebook Fanpages
It's amazing how many people and businesses have no idea how to make a
facebook page. If you don't, don't worry, you can find out how to do this easily
with a quick search. Even though that's the case, people still pay for things like
this on Fiverr.
12. Social Media Setup
Despite the fact that social media has taken the world by storm, there are still
people that don't know where or how to start. Help them by create a whole set of
social media pages; Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook etc. Offer it as a
complete package with their name/brand.
13. Setup and Build Out Pinterest
Pinterest has a lot of traffic and many people are just starting to get on board.
Offer a Gig where you'll get someone set up on Pinterest with new boards and
pins. Or do this for businesses that want to have a presence on Pinterest.
14. Automate Social Media
If you're good with social media you can offer to manage someone/company's
social media presence for a day. This doesn't have to be something you spend all
day on, but you can make it look like they'll be getting a full days worth of
media. You can even upsell this with monthly packaged Gig extras.
15. Social Media Link Promotion
Ask your client for their message/affiliate link/link and tell them how many
people are going to be seeing the message. Make sure to specify what types of
content you're willing to talk about and what's not appropriate. If you already
have a great social media presence online then you can easily use this to your
advantage. If not, you can create a bunch of accounts and get them filled up and
then start using them to do this or you can find other's that have this already
setup on SEO Clerks. You could try charging $5 for 3 tweets in a day for
instance. Go from there.
16. Create And Sell Accounts
You can create accounts for social media websites and sell them on Fiverr. You
may need to use proxies and create email addresses for each account. You may
need to phone verify accounts as well.


Whether you're a gifted writer or not, there are a great many Gigs you can create
in this niche. Spinning, authoring, publishing and much more.
17. Article Writing
If you have some writing skills and feel you can produce articles from scratch,
this can be a very profitable Gig. Try selling 100 words for $5. There are also
some excellent software and online programs that can spin articles. You may
want to offer more words for spun articles than originals. Also, if you want to
make sure your word spinner passes copyrighted content checkers, just use
18. Edit Articles
Try providing a service where you’ll edit articles straight onto WordPress or
other blogging platform. Some webmasters will even buy bulk amounts of this
Gig if they have lots of content they are posting on their sites. This one can be
lucrative if you're good and fast at editing.
19. Listing/Directory Reviews
Doing reviews for Trip Advisor, Yelp, Foursquare etc. can be a great place to get
started. Many business owners have no reviews and need some to get customers
in the door. This can be an excellent and fast way to make some money on
20. Book Reviews
One of my first offers on Fiverr was doing book reviews for Kindle. It also got
me a Gig client almost instantly. I'd recommend this to anyone; if you have
other sites like kobo, nook or Apple that you can do then you can offer those as
well. Make sure the review is verified (purchase it or get it for free on promo).
Also, add a Gig extra that lets them cover the cost of the ebook up to $3.99.
21. App Reviews
If you've got an iPhone or better yet an Android, then hop on the app review
bandwagon. As with the book reviews you'll want to cover the cost of the app if
it's not free; throw it in a Gig extra. You can also find emulators for Android if
you don't have an Android device.
22. Writing and Syndication
Search for press release templates online and you'll find some great ones. Have
your Gig client send you the necessary details and throw it together.
If the client wants the add/press release distributed to media outlets you can find
many online for free. You can also use a system such as to
syndicate the press release or one that they give you to easily distribute your
content to numerous social media platforms, news platforms, and other media
23. Sales Copy Writing
If you've got some copywriting skill, this can be a great place to start with on
Fiverr. Offer any of the above for $5.
24. Write “Privacy Policy” or “Terms and Conditions”
You can find a variety of templates online for creating a privacy policy or terms
and conditions. You can quickly create one of these for a business or website.
25. Comments On Social Media/Youtube Videos
Have you got some experience with using proxies and multiple social media
accounts? You can add comments to people's channels on Youtube or Vimeo,
Facebook pages etc. to help them gain rankings and social clout.
26. Crowd Sourced Funding
Contributing $1 to Fiverr user’s Indiegogo or Kickstarter campaign can help
them get it off the ground. You'll find that these are more in demand than you
might think. You can also include social media sharing and leave
comments/tweets. Or add that as an extra.
27. Audio/Video Transcription
Transcription services are always in demand. Try charging $5 for 30 seconds
and add Gig extras for more - $10 for 2 minutes extra.
28. Create Blog Posts/Pages
With some basic information on the person or business you can do a write-up for
their About Us page or any number of other pages they need generated for their
site. Take a look on Google and you'll find some good templates.
29. Cover Letter and Resume/CV Creation
In your Gig request area ask people for their bio and work experience. If they
want a cover letter, check what job they're applying for. You can throw all of
this into some great pre-designed templates. Add Gig extras for extra fast
30. Critique Resume
There is some easily obtainable information on the web to show you how to
critique a resume. Even though people can do things themselves, they often
come to Fiverr to get a second opinion.
31. Article Submission
Manual article submission is always in demand. Let people know you'll be
submitting to a variety of high page rank (PR) sites. You can find lists online
with a simple search "high page rank article submission sites."
32. Translation Services
Perhaps you are multi-lingual, this can be a great avenue and a high demand Gig.
If you feel you've got a handle on some of the free transcription software out
there you could also go this route. Choose a reasonable amount of words to start
at $5 and then go up from there with extras.

Graphic Design

Book Cover Design

33. Logo Design

Logos are a very high demand Gig on Fiverr, the market may seem saturated but
there's always room for more. Don't worry if you're not a top designer or even
own Photoshop or Illustrator. There are awesome free logo design websites you
can use for free to quickly and easily make up a great design.
34. CD Cover Mockup
Lots of indie music artists, DJs etc. are looking for a Gig to see what their album
could possibly look like. They want to be able to showcase their CD/Album on
a variety of sites and so this can be an excellent way to quickly produce some
35. 3D Book Mockup
Lots of people including marketers, advertisers and authors are looking for
quality book mockups. You can pick anything from softcover and hardcover
and a variety of other possibilities. Don't worry if you're not an amazing
Photoshop user or graphic designer it's totally possible to find good quality
templates on the web for a small investment and even a lot for free. Just do a
search for "3d book mockup" and you'll see what I'm talking about.
36. Product or Package Mockup
Marketers, businesses, and developers are often looking for other products that
they want a mockup for. This could include multi pack DVDs, Software
packing, game boxes, mugs, pens, you name it. There are a number of paid
template services out there or you can search for places like and
get them for free.
37. Website Mockup
Along with products and books, many buyers want a website mockup to display
on a iPad, iPhone or laptop. Web Designers may want to create a mockup
showing their clients how their website may appear on laptops or iPads and this
can easily been done with a Photoshop template. Always make sure to check the
license usage rights when you do any of these design templates.
38. App Mockup
App developers often like to use mockups to show what their app is going to
look like on a smartphone or tablet. This can then be used in an advertisement
on iTunes or Google Play. Some excellent mockup templates can be found
online for this Gig but you can also find some freebies with a quick search.

39. T-Shirt Mockup

Along with the book mockups, many people that want to see what their logo or
picture would look like on a t-shirt or hoodie. Doing a search for templates for
those items will bring up some quality mockups you can start using today. They
literally just take a copy and paste in Photoshop and you're on your way.
40. App Icon
Not everyone is a graphic designer and many app developers want to outsource
things such as icon design. Those nice icon pics on your smartphone come from
somewhere and that somewhere can be you. Take a look online for some icon
generators and templates for Photoshop.
41. Facebook Cover Photos
Another highly sought after Gig is Facebook Timeline Covers. There are some
easy and free tools online can do this for you.
42. Ad Banners
There are a variety of general dimensions for ad banners. Just take a look online
and you'll find some guidelines and templates you can use to make awesome
banners for your Gig clients.
43. Favicons
That tiny icon on your browser tab is a Favicon. There are plenty of free
generators online you can use to turn your client's logo or pic into a favicon.
This one is so easy and plenty of people are looking for favicons.
44. Word Cloud
Many blogs/websites are using word clouds to show off their top keywords or
common phrases. Have your client send you a list of their words/phrases and
then you can use an auto generator online. Try searching for "word cloud
generator" or go to a site like
45. Photo Touch-up
Even if you're not super skilled with Photoshop there are some great guides
online that will show you how to touch-up a photo or remove redeye. There are
also some tools online you can use for free.
46. Cartoons
If you’re good at creating cartoons of people’s pictures, then it’s time to cash in
on your abilities. It's very in demand niche that although not as high-profile as
logos and banner is definitely worth doing. If you're not personally gifted with
cartoons you can find some great cartoon generators online or even with
Photoshop. Famous cartoon characters from TV shows and movies are also
something people are looking to have their own face pasted on. Try it out.
47. Edit Graphics/Photos
I'm often amazed with what people are willing to pay for on Fiverr. Even if
you're not the best graphic designer in the world you can quickly learn the basics
and be able to do simple jobs for people. In their mind it's only $5 and you can
take some work off their hands. If you're good with graphics then this is a slam
48. Turn Photos Into Digital Paintings
Photoshop can easily turn people's images into paintings and more. If you've got
the software then give this one a whirl. Also check online for tools if you don't
have photoshop.
49. Photo Collage is just one of many places you can go to create a photo collage.
Their system is really easy to use and the results are great. Just have your client
send you a selection of photos/drawings and away you go. Add a Gig extra for
extra fast delivery.
50. Create a Photo Mosaic
You can use a system like or and create a photo
mosaic for you client. There are free software programs available as well, try
51. Business Card Design
Let software do the heavy lifting and design people's business cards. There are
several options out there that let you take a back seat in the design process.
52. Custom Avatar from Photo

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The neverending world of SEO is a hot commodity on Fiverr. People always

want to rise to the top and you can help them get there. Some of these Gigs you
can do on your own and some of them you can do some arbitraging with by
leveraging cheaper and similar sites to Fiverr.
53. Keyword Analysis
I started using Market Samurai when it first came out but there are some other
great tools available now such as Long Tail Pro. You can easily create excel
reports from programs like these and help your clients find the best keywords for
their site/product. Google's free keyword planner tool is also available.
54. Niche Research
Niche research is similar to keyword analysis in that it help people find out how
often a term is searched for. Use Market Samurai or Long Tail Pro to get this
done or use Google's keyword tool.
55. Domain Research
Programs like Long Tail Pro and Market Samurai can quickly help people find
great domains for their product. You can also use free sites like
to find out what's available for certain keywords.
56. Backlinks
Even with the changes Google is always making to their algorithm people still
want backlinks to their blogs and sites. Go to SEO Clerks and find $1 gigs and
flip them for $5. Just make sure to test out a couple first and give yourself
enough time in the Gig notes.
57. Website Optimization
Even if you don't have a lot of SEO experience, you can find some guides online
to help you with optimizing a person or business's blog or site. Give them a
review and critique of how they could increase their search engine rank and send
it in PDF form.
58. Business Directory Submission
I'm always amazed just how few businesses don't have a good web presence yet.
Help them out by submitting their information to sites like Google or Bing


There are a variety of things you can do with video, either online or with your
phone/video camera. Some of these can be accomplished in minutes.
59. Intro Video Creation
Go to a sight like: and sign up for their free intro
videos. You can make some amazing short videos on here completely free.
There are a number of other tools available out there including other free sites.
You can simply pop your Gig client's info into the pre-made templates and away
you go.
60. Capture Video from YouTube/Vimeo
Maybe you've seen a video on YouTube you really want to save offline for later.
This is a really simple thing you can do in less than 10 minutes. Just go to a site
like and away you go. Pop the video URL into the site and you're
done. Then you can upload the video to Dropbox or directly, depending on the
size and send them a link.
61. Video Testimonials
This highly in demand Gig is one of the best ones you can do and never ceases
to roll in the Gig requests. If you're just starting out, you really should consider
making this. Do a search on Fiverr for "Video Testimonial" and start from there.
There are so many ways you can switch this up to get your own unique video
system in place. Hold signs, make it funny, sexy, etc. Try starting with 2
minutes for $5. Do a Gig extra for quick delivery.
62. Product Testimonials
Have your Gig client send you an actual product, game, website or app; or have
them gift you the product on Amazon (let them know wait times etc. for this
Gig). What you'll need to do then is record yourself with their product and
63. Video Product Review
Rather than writing a review for someone's product, app or site, you can simply
record yourself doing one. People often purchase based on reviews and a video
review can be even more powerful. Do a quick review on camera and send it
off, done!
64. Whiteboard Animations
You see these videos all over the net, whiteboard animations. It's a super high
demand Gig and you can do it much more easily than you think. You can easily
make these using a site like or Sparkol. You can start by
offering 15 seconds of animation for $5.
65. Video Editing
I'm a big fan of Apple's iMovie on the Mac but there are also equivalents for the
PC. You’ve just got to add royalty free music, make the video more smooth, cut
and edit so it plays better etc. Try 30 secs for $5 and go from there.
66. Video/Audio Conversion
Grab Handbrake (available for PC and Mac) and transcode video from one
format to another. You can set it and forget it. There are other options online
for ripping audio from video which you can also use.
67. Infographic videos
Infographic videos are in high demand and are seriously easy to create. You can
find software to do this for you on places such as Warrior Forum. In just a few
minutes you can turn your Gig client's information into a 30 second video and
charge $5 or more for every 30 seconds on top with bonus Gigs.

Get Creative

The Following Gigs come from a variety of places and all of them can make you
money on Fiverr. If you don't find something in this list it still might ignite your
imagination with other ways you can get creative on Fiverr.
68. Funny videos
This works really well if you're an attractive female or a zany guy. If those
words describe you then this might be the perfect Gig. Try making a funny
video where you hold up a sign for $5 or do something crazy for $5 or do a sexy
dance, get creative!
69. Voiceovers
Take someone's video and just record yourself over top. Many people, including
people that don't speak English fluently are looking to have this done. If you've
got a mic or even a set of earbuds with a mic, you can do this. Look for free
apps for iPhone/Android and you can record right into your phone and send the
client an MP3. If you have special talents like comedy, or you have a certain
accent, be sure to include that in your writeup.
70. Cute Pet Pictures/Videos
We all know that cats and dogs are huge on social media. If you've got a pet that
you don't mind hocking to the masses then there are a ton of things you can do.
Pictures, Videos, with signs/logos etc. People love this kind of thing.
71. Creative Logo Advertising
There is a high demand for this type of Gig especially if you've got some talent.
Get creative and draw someone's logo on your body or hand etc. You can even
try putting it on your car. Test your imagination and you'll find people that are
wanting to pay you for it.
72. Spell Out Name with Fridge Magnets
Ask your client for the name of the business or person they want spelled out and
do it up. Take a photo of it and you're finished. This one is easy and doesn't
require a lot of time or effort on your part. There are tons of different mediums
you can use to spell things, cut out your own color letters, macaroni, alphaghetti
- you get the picture.
73. Crafts
If you're a crafty person and have something you can quickly and inexpensively
make, then this is the Gig for you. People do buy physical products on Fiverr
and they've made it easy create and share this type of Gig. If you can pocket $3
after costs and do it en masse then get started.
74. Happy Birthday Songs
If you type this into Fiverr you'll see some of the crazy ways people are doing
this Gig. I won't even begin to talk about the guy in the thong… I'm not the best
singer in the world but I would still give this one a shot. Having a bad singing
voice might even be a good selling point for this type of Gig. Add props,
costumes etc. and have fun with it.
75. Be someone's Facebook Friend
This might sound a little strange but people will actually pay to have you like
and be their friend on Facebook. I found the following Gig below:
"I will like and comment on your Facebook status,pictures and fan pages.i will
be available anytime to talk and listen to you.give advice if you need it and cheer
you up if you are sad after all thats what a FRIEND is for."
If you're comfortable doing this then by all means hop on it.

Virtual Assistant

If you've got some skills behind the desk then this section is for you. There are a
variety of small jobs you can do from your home computer and sell on Fiverr.
76. Research
People like to outsource all kinds of things on Fiverr and research is one of those
things. If your search skills are top notch and you can find things out really
quickly then try this out. Tell them you'll be doing a specified amount of time
for $5 but get it done in minutes. Always charge for extra quick service as well.
77. Consulting
There are all kinds of ways to monetize yourself on Fiverr and consulting is one
them. If you have any special skillsets or your particular vocation is transferable
to the $5 medium then this is perfect for you. Tell people exactly what you're
offering in the Gig and how much time they will be getting. I've seen Lawyers,
accountants, counsellors and more offering their services on Fiverr.
78. eBook Keyword Research
Similar to keyword research for specific niches, you can do research for people
who publish books on Kindle or Nook. Keyword research can be done with
Google's keyword tool or the above mentioned Market Samurai or Long Tail
Pro. This is an excellent Gig to offer.
79. Conversational Language Instruction
Are you a multi or bi lingual? Lots of people want to learn to speak English or
other languages too. Offer a few minutes of instruction for $5 and then create
Gig extras for longer sessions. You can either teach someone via Skype or you
can even turn this into a video product (more on those later).
80. App/Game Beta Testing
There are app and game developers out there that always need beta testers for
their software. Offer yourself as a "guinea pig" in the app world and test for
bugs. Give them some honest feedback and grab your $5. Make sure to cover
your costs with Gig extras if the app/game isn't free.
81. Virus/Malware Removal
Using software like Google Remote Desktop, you can access a persons computer
remotely and do a quick virus scan/removal. You can easily find information
online that will help you fix a myriad of problems. It may be easy but people are
still happy to pay for this kind of help.
82. Virtual Computer Tech
Similarly to the above, get the client to install the software with a link you send
them. You can then access their system and do remote repairs, install, cleaning
etc. There are lots of tutorials online that will help you with this. Add on Gig
extras for all the different problems you can fix. The sky's the limit with this
83. Kijiji/Craigslist/Used Sites
I've posted dozens and dozens of ads to Craigslist and so I know how in-demand
this type of Gig can be. You can take the weight off someone's shoulders and
post for them. Submit an ad to multiple sites for $5.
84. Kindle Promo Submission
This is a service I personally like to use on top of being able to do it myself.
Many author/publishers need to get the word out about their book. If they're
doing promotions this is especially true. There are some great free resources for
submitting to directories, Twitter and Facebook groups. Google KDP Select
submission or ebook submission sites.

Digital Information Products

This final set of ideas can be an persons entire 20 Gigs. In fact, you can pretty
much automate this altogether with the right tools (such as Fiverr Automatic
Seller). If you really want to start making fast money on Fiverr then you'll want
to get into selling digital products that you can quickly deliver. What you'll want
to do is find Gigs that people want, including some of the ones listed above, that
you can turn into tutorials. For instance, you could teach people how to install
Wordpress. This means that you're selling a product that you've already made
and then you can upload it to them ultra fast. Then you'll want to either make
PDF reports or Videos, or a combination of both. You can then simply simply
sell the tutorial on Fiverr as a Gig and when the order comes in, you just hit the
upload button and you're done.
Because this Gig can be so many things, I have written an entire in-depth book
on this way of selling on Fiverr. Get started with these ideas above and if you're
getting into the groove of Fiverr selling you may want to start removing your
time from the equation a little more. You can find my book Fiverr Autopilot on
85. PLR Articles
There are large quantities of PLR articles available online. Some of them are for
sale and others you can find completely for free. People like to use them to spin
out new articles. You can offer small bundles for $5 or larger ones to add value.
Or add Gig extras for more articles.
86. Graphics Bundle
If you've got a graphic design background, try throwing together a bundle of
logo and templates for buyers. If that's not your thing you can find PLR graphics
all over the web.
87. Software
There is actually private label software available for resale online. Take a look
around and package it up.
88. Proxy Lists
"I will Deliver 1000 proxy lists," is Gig you can find on Fiverr. There are some
great tools available to grab proxies that won't require you doing a ton of work
while providing value to customers looking for such things.
89. PLR Books
As with the above PLR articles, you can find whole books online for resale. Try
packaging a few books in one genre together for $5. Add Gig extras to earn
90. Report/Book Publishing
Just like Amazon, Fiverr can be a good place to sell your own book. You can
actually make slightly more per book depending on the price range. This is also
an excellent way to get your own works out to more people. Try converting
your writing into PDFs or even epubs for people.
91. Meal/Diet Plans
There are some great sites out there that people don't know about like Using their software you can customize a diet plan to your
clients needs and wants. Find out exactly what type of diet they want to follow
and what their goals are. Enter the data into the system and out spits a perfect
meal plan for them to follow. Try offering a week's worth of meals for $5.
92. Exercise Plans
Just as diet plans are super popular on Fiverr, so are exercise plans. These
"evergreen" niches never seem to fail. If you're a personal trainer or have
experience in the fitness world this might be a great Gig for you. You can also
find plan generators online such as
93. Recipes
Everyone's hungry for good recipes and Fiverr is no exception. If you have a
bunch of personal recipe use those or gather together PLR recipes to resell. If
you want to take it a step further, make a whole recipe book.
94. Keynote/Powerpoint Templates
Create some templates for either the PC or Mac and package them up. Or if
that's not your thing, find some copyright free templates online and bundle them
95. Repair Guides
If you're a "Mr. Fixit" already then this one should be easy. If you're not, then
just find some videos on YouTube or other repair ideas and create your own
version. People come to Fiverr for a huge variety of reasons, including getting
their PC fixed or repairing the screen on their iPhone.
96. Sell Leads
Do you know how to access email lists or have some from your own personal
blogging? If your list is niche specific it may be worth quite a lot to people.
97. Business Ideas
Help people brainstorm business ideas by have niche and keyword specific plans
available in an easy to use format. Lots of people are looking for their next
business idea and need some help in the imagination ring. Get creative and use
some of the software tools from earlier to generate great niche ideas.
98. Resume/CV Templates
This one is easy as there are lots of resources for cover letter and resume
templates online. People are looking for jobs and ways to get a step up in front
of the competition. Help them out by offering this type of Gig.
99. Website Critique
Critiquing their website as though you are an average visitor can be a big help to
them. Let them know about what works and what doesn't. Suggest corrections
and possible design changes. If you need to brush up on this just do a quick
search for "top website mistakes."
100. Convert Files To PDF
It's something that you may take for granted but many people want to have their
documents turned into PDFs. If you have Adobe Acrobat Pro then this is a slam
dunk. Otherwise you can find some tools online that will do this quickly and for
101. How to Guides
These can turn into best selling Gigs on Fiverr. Become the person with the
plans. Create PDF and Video guides that help people do things like get Twitter
followers or set up their first blog from scratch. There are so many ways you
can create this type of Gig. If you don't know how to do something, simply
Google it and put it into a package that someone can easily digest. People want
simple answers and they aren't always looking on Google themselves. Offer
some value and they'll be back for more.
There we go! 101 hot selling ways you can actually start making money with

Final Thoughts...
As you can see, there are a plethora of ways you can make money on
with Gigs. This list isn't even exhaustive. If you're serious about trying to make
a full time income or even some extra cash every month then you should start
today. Select a handful of Gig ideas you can feel good about creating and run
with them. When you can add more Gigs, do. Pretty soon you'll have your
hands full of orders. I'll leave you with some final advice on Gigs that will
hopefully help you make even more money with Fiverr.

I've included below a little bonus section on how you can get your Gigs to the
top of the list and featured on Fiverr's homepage.

1. Appeal to The Masses

Fiverr's homepage is only so big but they like to showcase the wide range of
offers they have. When someone first lands on they get their first
glimpse of the massive variety. You want to offer something that appeals to the
widest variety of people.
2. Offer Great Value for $5
Gigs that offer great value to people are what's necessary to complete the rest of
this list.
3. Convert
Fiverr's algorithm watches Gig conversion rates over a 30 day period. The
higher percentage of people viewing an offer in that period the better. And if
your Gigs are converting well then Fiverr stands to make more money. So they
make sure you also make more money by putting you in front of more buyers.
4. Get the Most for the Least
Use your Gig Extras as much as possible. You want to add value to every Gig
and get the most money for each order.
5. Positive Feedback
You really want to make sure you're getting excellent feedback the whole time.
Deliver quality Gigs and ask for reviews from your buyers. Keep that bar as
close to 100% as you can. When you've had a multitude of good reviews you'll
be more likely to end up on the homepage.
One last thing, anyone lower than a Level 2 isn't likely to get featured on the
homepage. Once you hit Level 2 it means you had 50 orders over a 60 day
period. So advertise yourself, sell your Gigs and keep those orders coming.
Last but not least, if you've found some of these ideas to be perfect for you but
you don't know where to start with Fiverr Gig creation, just do a search on Fiverr
itself. You'll find that all of these Gigs exist in some form or another and they
can be great templates themselves. Don't copy people's Gigs exactly (it's against
Fiverr's TOS) but use them to get your Gig started.
Fiverr can be an awesome way to make some extra cash or start your online
money making "career." So get out there, get creative and start today.
Here's to your success!

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Other Books by Matthew Lucas

Fiverr Autopilot: How to Make Money on Fiverr the Smart Way

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