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Program Studi S1 Keperawatan
Skripsi, Agustus 2020
Devy Arum Sari
Nim : 010116A021

HubunganKecanduan Game Online Dengan KecerdasanEmosiPadaRemajaSmp Negeri

3 Ungaran :Tinjauan Dari BeberapaArtikelPenelitian


Kecanduanbermaingame online
didefinisikansebagaisikapberlebihandalampenggunaankomputerdanvideo game sehingga para
pemainnyatidakbisamengendalikansikap yang berlebihantersebut, yang
arankecanduan game online dengankecerdasanemosipadaremaja,
PenelitianinimenggunakandesainDeskriptifKorelasi, denganpendekatan meta analisis.
Sampeldalampenelitianiniberjumlah 3617 respondenberdasarkan 6
artikeldanmenggunakanteknikproportional random sampling. Instrumen yang
digunakanyakni 4 artikelnasionaldan 2 artikelinternasional. Ujistatistik yang
digunakanyakniujikorelasikendall tau.
ame onlinedengankecerdasan emosipadaremaja. Dari
ndirimerekadalambermaingame onlinesehinggatidakberdampakpadakecerdasanemosional.

Kata Kunci : KecanduanGame Online, KecerdasanEmosi, Remaja

Kepustakaan : 47 (2009-2020)
Universitas Ngudi Waluyo
Faculty of Nursing
S1 Nursing Study Program
Final Project, August 2020
Devy Arum Sari

The Correlation between Online Game Addiction and Emotional Intelligence of Junior
High School 3 Ungaran Students: Review of Some Research Articles


Online games addiction is defined as excessive use of computers and video games
in which the players cannot control the excessive attitude affecting on social and emotional
problems. The objective of this study is to get description of online game addiction and
emotional intelligence in adolescents, through the analysis of related research results.
This research used descriptive correlation design, with meta-analysis approach. The
samples in this study were 3617 respondents based on 6 articles and used a proportional
random sampling technique. The instruments used were 4 national articles and 2 international
articles. The statistical test used was the Kendall tau correlation test.
The results of the analysis of several journals can be concluded that there is a
correlation between online game addiction and emotional intelligence in adolescents. From
these results, it is found that the higher the addiction or intensity of playing online games in
adolescents, the lower their levels of emotional intelligence.
Based on this research, it is hoped that adolescents can manage their time and can
control themselves in playing online games, so that they do not have an impact on emotional

Keywords : Online Game Addiction, Emotional Intelligence, Adolescents

Bibliographies : 47 (2009-2020)

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