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BY :

I MADE ARI PUTRA / 183212869 / A12 B


Om Swastyastu
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen. My dear friends and my respected lecturers.

First of all, let us pray and praise gratitude to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa / God Almighty,
because for his blessings and mercy, we can gather here in a healthy state, in health education

Before I proceed to explain more about our topic this morning, allow me to introduce myself
first. My name is I Made Ari Putra, all of my colleagues can call me Ari. Here I come from
the STIKes Wira Medika Bali institution.

On this occasion, I will provide counseling about Kidney Stone Disease. Previously, did
colleagues know what kidney stone disease was?

Kidney Stone Disease or the medical term called nephrolithiasis is a condition when a
hard, stone-like material forms in the kidneys. This material comes from the rest of the waste
substances in the blood which are filtered by the kidneys, which then settle and crystallize
over time. In most cases, kidney stone disease affects people aged 30-60 years. It is estimated
that 10 percent of women and 15 percent of men have experienced this condition in their
lifetime. Stone deposits in the kidneys can be caused by food or other underlying health
problems. Based on the type, kidney stones are divided into four, namely calcium stones, uric
acid stones, struvite stones, and cystine stones.
Symptoms due to kidney stones usually will not be felt by the sufferer if the kidney
stones are so small that they can pass out of the body naturally through the ureters easily. The
ureter is the tube that connects the kidney to the bladder.
Symptoms due to kidney stones can only be felt if the stone is larger than the diameter of
the ureteral tract. A large stone will rub against the lining of the ureter, causing irritation and
even injury. Therefore, urine can sometimes contain blood. In addition to irritating the ureter,
kidney stones can also get stuck in the ureter or urethra (the end drainage of urine), causing
accumulation of bacteria and can cause swelling due to infection. Symptoms of kidney stones
that can appear when the stone rubs against the ureter include pain in the back, lower
abdomen or side, and groin which can be accompanied by nausea.
While the symptoms that can be felt if a person with kidney stones has a kidney infection,
including urine that looks cloudy and smells bad, body weakness, chills, and high fever.
If the patient has been diagnosed with Kidney Stone Disease, the patient will be given
treatment or what is commonly called management in medical terms. The basic goals of
medical management of kidney stones are to remove stones, determine the type of stone,
prevent damage to the nephrons, control infection and reduce obstruction. Here are some
medical management of stones found in the kidneys, namely:
1. Medical
This medical therapy is aimed at smaller stones with a diameter of less than 5 mm,
because it is hoped that the stones can pass without medical intervention. By maintaining a
dilution of urine and a diet of certain foods which can be the main stone-forming
ingredients (eg calcium) which are effective at preventing stone formation or further
increasing the size of existing stones. Every patient with urinary tract stones should drink
at least 8 glasses of water a day.
2. Selective Medical Treatment with Drugs
Analgesics can be given to relieve pain and allow the stone to pass spontaneously.
Opioids such as morphine sulfate injection ie petidine hydrochloride or nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs such as ketorolac and naproxen may be given depending on the
intensity of the pain. Propantelin can be used to treat ureteral spasm. Administration of
antibiotics if there is a urinary tract infection or stone removal to prevent secondary
infection. After the stone has been removed, urinary tract stones can be analyzed for
composition and certain medications can be prescribed to prevent or inhibit subsequent
stone formation.
3. ESWL (Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy)
A non-invasive and non-anesthetic procedure, it uses an external shock wave that travels
through the body to break down the stone. The ESWL device is a stone breaker that
Caussy first introduced in 1980. This tool can break down kidney stones, proximal
ureteral stones, or into small fragments so that they are easily excreted through the
urinary tract. ESWL can reduce the need to perform invasive procedures and has been
shown to reduce length of stay in the hospital.
4. Endourology
Endourological procedure is a minimally invasive procedure to remove urinary tract
stones which consists of breaking down the stone, and then removing it from the urinary
tract through a device that is inserted directly into the urinary tract. The instrument is
inserted through the urethra or through a small incision in the skin (percutaneous).
5. Operating Measures
Surgery is performed if the stone does not respond to other forms of treatment. There are
several types of surgery, the name of the surgery depends on the location where the stone
is located, namely:
a. Nephrolithotomy is an open surgery to remove stones inside the kidney
b. Ureterolithotomy is an open surgery to remove stones in the ureter
c. Vesicolitomy is an open operation to remove stones in the bladder or bladder
d. Uretrolithotomy is an open surgery to remove stones in the urethra

Distinguished guests, from now on, let us always take care of our own health in order to stay
healthy and avoid unwanted diseases. By maintaining a diet and keeping it balanced with
exercise is the beginning of us maintaining our own health.

That is the counseling that I can convey, hopefully after this counseling ends, colleagues will
know more about Kidney Stone Disease, Signs and Symptoms, and management that can be
done in dealing with this Kidney Stone Disease. I thank you for the attention of all attendees, I
apologize if in delivering the material earlier, there was a mistake that I did, whether
intentional or not. Finally, I say Good Morning

Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhi Om

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

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